Out of all the boss fights in Immortals of Aveum, the most challenging one is against the final boss, Sandarkk, before the climax cinematics. He is extremely hard to beat due to his erratic movement and quick attacks that are difficult to dodge. Though he may sound powerful, he can be easily defeated if you study his and learn to block his attacks promptly.
How to beat Sandarkk in Immortals of Aveum

As soon as the battle begins, Sandarkk will cover himself with a shield that should be green, blue, or red. Depending on the color, switch your magic type to match the shield's color and shoot down the bubble. Sandarkk will be flying during this phase, so track him properly and hit him with your best spells. You can check the shield's health on top of the original health bar.
Once the bubble shield is down, hit Sandarkk using any ability of choice. I highly suggest using something like Immolate, Breachfire, and Limpets to deal damage. Only get close to him if he has been stunned and immobile. Otherwise, you will get hit by one of his projectiles after waking up.

Now, whenever he starts shooting one of his projectiles, use your shield spell to block his attacks. The shield has a very low cooldown. So, immediately start moving and slide dodging as soon as the power wears off. During the battle, collect Mana Crystals and Health Crystals wherever they spawn. But get greedy if they appear near him, as he will damage you with his projectiles.
Related: How to complete The Immortals Quest in Immortals of Aveum

After you have removed half the health bar, Luna will join you in battle. In this phase, Sandarkk will throw giant spam-type projectiles. When he does this, stand behind Luna and use her shield cover to protect yourself. If you don't get behind her, you will die instantly. So, time your movement and stick close to her.

From here, it's all about standing behind Luna, enabling your shield, and attacking him using all the above tricks. With time, his health will deplete completely, and you will reach the final cinematic.
For more on Immortals of Aveum, check out or How to enter the archives in the Exile quest – Immortals of Aveum Guide on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 24, 2023 06:43 am