You must save Waddle Dees from malevolent forces as you clear the stages of each territory in Kirby and the Forgotten Land and move on to the next one. Out of 49 Waddle Dees to find in Winter Horns, there are 11 you can get to fully complete the area's last second-to-last stage, Windy, Frozen Seas. Clear every mission on the stage to save them all, including the five hidden Waddle Dees.
Where are the five hidden Waddle Dees in Windy, Frozen Seas?
You can inhale the enemies here and move with Kirby's Needle Copy Ability to make the wind and slanted platforms in this area no issue at all. Note that if you've already saved hidden Waddle Dees, they will appear instead as red Star Coins.
Hidden Waddle Dee #1

When you get to the Pipe, roll Pipe Mouth Kirby along the path. Be sure to jump off the edge with good timing to gain the height you need to break through the cracked wall ahead. The first Waddle Dee is waiting for you on the top ledges behind the wall.
Hidden Waddle Dee #2

Related: Where to find all hidden Waddle Dees in Northeast Frost Street – Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Move on to the next area and inhale the ring to be become Ring Mouth Kirby, making your way through the cracked walls in your boat until you jump up and switch the fan on with a big puff of air. The spiked barrier will lower, go get back in the boat and charge through the cracked ice wall to save the second hidden Waddle Dee.
Hidden Waddle Dee #3

The third hidden Waddle Dee can be found in this same area if you progress to the left and touch the sparkly spot in front of the yellow ladder. Block platforms will appear leading around the side to a small compartment blocked with ice. Inhale one of the fire enemies guarding the launch star on the platform above, and melt the ice blocks to save the Waddle Dee.
Hidden Waddle Dee #4

Make sure you still have Kirby's Fire Copy Ability equipped and don't go too fast down the stage in the wind current. Look for the lantern, which you can light on the left, and follow the trail of coins to a sub-surface opening that will appear on the right.
Related: Where to find all hidden Waddle Dees in The Wondaria Dream Parade – Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Hidden Waddle Dee #5

The fifth and final Waddle Dee can also be found in this third area, in the secret room. Find the secret room in another sub-surface opening farther down and to the left of the stage—right off to the side of the big, spinning sandcastle head.
Inhale the scissor lift inside and use it to get up to the top ledge on the left. You need Fire Kirby to light the fuse, and then quickly jump down, become Scissor-Lift Mouth again, and move to the right in time to enter the cannon on the top-right ledge and blast upward to where the last Waddle Dee awaits rescue.

That's all five hidden Waddle Dees! Clearing the stage rescues three Waddle Dees in the first place, finding a cave that's safe from the wind releases another, enjoying three meals at sea will rescue one more Waddle Dee, and jumping into the secret underground room will save the last.
For more on Kirby and the Forgotten Land, keep it here on Pro Game Guides and check out Where to find all hidden Waddle Dees in Metro on Ice – Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Published: Apr 4, 2022 03:05 pm