If you've played through the Yakuza series, then you probably know just how intense and brutal the battles can be in these experiences. That's why having gear and items can be crucial to your survival.
Gear can help out with defense and resistance during battles, so you stay well-protected and have a better chance of being successful. The more gear items equipped, the better, so here's how to unlock Gear Slots and gear up!
How to increase your Equippable Gear in Like a Dragon Gaiden
To increase the amount of Gear Slots that you have available to you, head to your Upgrade Abilities menu and switch over to the purple orb tab at the top of the screen, where it is titled Shared Abilities. Here, at the very top of the Shared Abilities tab, you'll see the Increase Equippable Gear option.

You will need to progress far enough into the story to obtain the right catalog to unlock this option. Then, you'll be able to purchase upgrades using Yen. There will be several upgrades you can purchase here as you level up and progress, eventually allowing you to equip something into all four slots.
Even when you have all four slots unlocked, you'll need to pick and choose what gear you equip wisely. You'll unlock and be able to purchase better gear items as you progress as well. You'll want to ensure you're well-protected before heading into difficult battles. Having good gear could mean the difference between life and death.

Gear is items like Body Armor or Bracelets with special effects, such as Stun Resistance, overall Defense stats, and more. They can be bought at Shops around the map, specifically Pawn Shops like Benten Pawn.
You can equip Gear through your Gear menu. However, you will only have a limited amount of Gear Slots, so you'll need to choose gear wisely and make sure you continue to increase your Equippable Gear through the Upgrade Abilities menu.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Like a Dragon content? Check out our guides on How to lock on in Like a Dragon Gaiden or All Chapters in Like a Dragon Gaiden – How long does it take to beat?
Published: Nov 9, 2023 09:24 am