Soulflaying is a unique mechanic in Lords of the Fallen that fits right into the general grimdark of a Souls-like. However, it is certainly strange to use, and because it is one of the cornerstone mechanics of the Umbral Lamp, it's super important to know how and when to use it. The in-game tutorials explain it in great detail, but it's far too much for what it actually does. Trust me: you'll be overwhelmed by it. So here's a quick guide on how to use Soulflaying in Lords of the Fallen.
What is Soulflaying in Lords of the Fallen?
Soulflaying is the act of ripping out a target's soul using the Umbral Lamp. In combat, when you rip out a soul, you can attack it to deal Wither to the target. Wither is depicted with a white bar in place of the target's normal red health bar.

The more you attack the soul, the more Wither the enemy receives. Once an enemy is afflicted with Wither, attack the enemy to deal true damage equal to the white bar in health. This is very effective against enemies that would, otherwise, be resistant to your attacks. Outside of combat, Soulflaying can be used to solve environmental puzzles within the Umbra plane.
To balance this, you are limited to how many times you can use Soulflaying in combat. The limited charges are shown as blue orbs just below your mana bar.

Once these blue orbs are depleted, any attempts to soulflay an enemy will fail and you will leave yourself open to attack. For puzzles and non-combat mechanics, you have an unlimited amount of uses. You can restore these charges by using the Umbral Lamp's other mechanic: Siphoning.
What is Siphoning in Lords of the Fallen?
Siphoning is the act of absorbing Umbra material using the Umbral Lamp. It can be used to dispel Umbra shields off enemies as well as absorb souls and Soul Blisters.

Absorbing enemy souls or Soul Blisters will restore your Soulflaying charges. Note absorption of Soul Blisters can only happen while you're in the Umbral plane. Due to the importance of Siphoning, you are always able to use it to recharge your Soulflay charges.
For more helpful guides and useful information, check out Is Lords of the Fallen on Game Pass? right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 12:07 pm