Inside the art gallery in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, you need to unlock several doors with codes and numbers. One of the hardest to complete in this challenging puzzle game for me was the keypad in the Exhibition room.
Nome statue puzzle in the exhibition room in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

As you enter the Exhibition area, you'll be confronted with a massive statue of a face. The plaque describes the art piece as a visualization of a human mind coming up with a thought. The nine blocks are either empty or contain the letters: Z-N-O-E-R. These nine blocks match the nine buttons on the keypad to the right of the statue, keeping the door there locked. In order to get into the next room, you'll need to figure out the order of the letters to push. If you're just looking for a hint or two and don't want the whole answer spoiled, check out the list below:
- The letters don't form a real word.
- They do, however, form a name you have seen while exploring the Hotel already.
- It is a first name.
- It starts with R, and ends with an O.
The answer to the exhibition door puzzle in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

The letters are the jumbled-up letters of your host's first name: R-E-N-Z-O. To complete the puzzle and open the door, you'll need to hit the buttons on the keypad. Since this puzzle is different in every play-through, I can't tell you exactly what buttons you will have to press, but I thought I would include a sample puzzle for you to see how it works. To spell out Renzo in my playthrough, I needed to press the following buttons in this order to unlock the door: 1-8-3-7-4.
Looking for more Lorelei and the Laser Eyes help? We've got all American Dollar bill locations so you can get all those neat rewards from the machine.
Published: May 17, 2024 01:11 am