Some games transcend time much more easily than others, and Machinarium is certainly one of them. If you’re experiencing its charms for the first time, read on for my full Machinarium walkthrough.
Machinarium Walkthrough - All Puzzle Solutions
As a general rule, talk to all the robots you find. They’ll all want something and will then help you, so these hints are always useful. Also, pay attention to any cut scenes that occur as you arrive on a new screen, as these often give you hints about what to expect or how to proceed. Finally, I suggest you save when you get to each new scene. I've found that several of the puzzles can become bugged if you try to reset them, meaning you have to reload an old game to continue. This is very frustrating if you have to retread old ground.
The scrapyard

As indicated by the tutorial text, click the tub to remove it and reveal your robot’s body. Click your body twice, and it will bounce down to the floor next to your head. Click the head and it will attach itself to your body. Now, we're in business.
Click the scuttling mouse-like robot (a1) and it will show you that it wants the toy mouse above you (a2). Click your head to extend your neck upwards, click the Toy Mouse to pick it up, then select it in your inventory (at the top of the screen) and give it to the robot mouse. It will give you your legs in return.
Walk to the right and take the Magnet (a3) and the Rope (a4). Combine them in your inventory, walk right, extend your head up, and select the top of the pole (a5). This should bend the pole out across the pool. Now you can use the magnet and rope on the end of the pole, fishing out your Arm and completing this area. Walk off the screen to your right.
The Drawbridge

Extend your head up and pull the cable (b1) to ask for the drawbridge to be lowered. You won’t be allowed in. Take a Cone (b2) and then keep clicking the cones, throwing them away until you find some Blue Paint. Add the blue paint to the White Paint (b3), then dip the cone into it to make it blue.
Walk across to the lamppost (b4) and click it to climb up. When you can’t go up anymore, click the Bottom Rung of the Ladder (b5) to take it, then use it in your inventory to add it to the hole above you on the ladder. Do this a second time, then keep climbing up until you’re on the top rung. Now, you can extend your body and reach across, taking the Lightbulb (b6).
Add the lightbulb to the cone in your inventory and then use it from the inventory on yourself to put it on as a hat. You can now talk to the guard once more, and this time, it will allow you across the drawbridge. Watch out for that patch of oil…
The railway tunnel

Walk left, pick up the Hook (c1), and attach it to the top of the handrail (c2). Walk to the bottom of the stairs and click the bottom of the handrail (c3), to see that you now have a way to pull the lever at the top of the stairs from the bottom.
Walk right until you’re next to the tower on stilts, shrink yourself, then click the panel under the tower on the wall (c4). Set the controls to A2, then walk back up the stairs and extend yourself up. You can now jump up and grab the pipe above. Shimmy right and collect the Yellow Lever (c5). Place the yellow lever on the track (c6), then pull the other lever using the handrail (c3). This brings down a mine cart that will crash. Select the cart to remove its wheels, place them on the track, climb onto the wheels, and then activate the handrail switch once more (c3) to get bumped down the tunnel.
The furnace

Click the sign (d1) for instructions on how you can be taken up the platform above. Walk across and take the Key (d2), then press the red button (d3) to open the panel (d4). Walk across and select the panel (d4) for a close-up, and set the three sliders as follows: left down, middle up, and right down.
The next bit takes some good timing. Press the red button on the panel in the close-up (d4), then go back to normal size and walk across to the empty mine cart. Click it to get in before the grabber gets to you. As it lifts you into the air, click above the ledge (d5) to the left (you should see an arrow as you rise). You’ll get placed on the platform (d5).
Use the key on the panel (d6) and click it to open it. Switch the top two sets of wires so they go black, red, black, and red, leaving the bottom ones as they are (red, black, red, black). Click the panel again to close it, then click the mine cart to jump back to ground level.
Walk across and press the red button again. You’ll see some other wires are damaged (d7). Click them for a close-up and tie them both red to black. Press the red button again and get in the mine cart again, but this time, you’re looking for an arrow pointing to the tube on the right (d8). Get it right, and you’ll be out. If not, just try again.
The jail cell

Take the Grass from the pipe (e1) and also take some Toilet Paper (e2). Talk to the other robot to see if it wants a cigarette. Go tall in front of the light (e3) and use it to dry the grass. Now, you combine the two items in your inventory to make a cigarette and give it to the other robot. It’ll thank you by giving you its arm.
Walk to the left of the cell, shrink down, and then use the arm on yourself to extend your arm. Reach into the hole (e4), through the next cell, and into the top hole on the other side (e5). Grab the safe’s leg there and keep jogging it until the Broom (e6) falls. Pick it up. Also, click the Tap a few times (e7) until it falls to the floor and pick that up too. Attach the tap to the broom in your inventory, then use this new device to open the manhole cover (e8). Climb down, then head right and off of the screen.
The jail guard

Open the manhole cover to find yourself under a guard’s table. Reach and grab the chair leg (f1), making the guard fall. While it is on the ground, grab the Shot from the bowl (f2). The guard will get up and go to retrieve the other shot from the target (f3). While it is there, grab the Key from its belt. Next, throw the shot on the floor (f4) and climb out of the hole. If you can’t get it all done in one go, don’t worry. You can simply pull the chair leg and make the guard fall again, then place the shot and climb up while it again retrieves the shot from the target.
Use the key on the locks (f5) to turn them green. Then you’ll climb back into the hole. The other prisoners will escape, and the guard will chase after them. Climb out of the hole again once it has gone, and walk left onto the shot on the floor to be transported right into the cells. You can now go in and out of the cells freely.
The jail cells, part 2

Head back into the room the others escaped from and go through the door at the top of the stairs (f6). Go up the steps and look through the Telescope (g1) for a brief cutscene. Now click the switch by the door (g2) and note the time on the clock (g3) that’s illuminated (4.45). Head back to the cells, go into the middle cell, and extend yourself up to get the Plunger (e9).
Come back out and go to the door on the right, click the panel (see image below), and use the green buttons to enter the code (4-45), then the red button to open the door. Go into the left-side cell. Click the safe (e6) to start a puzzle.

You can’t fail, but it can be pretty annoying. You need the red dots in pairs on the outside, with the six greens in a pyramid in the middle. Unfortunately, if you're struggling to complete this puzzle, I can't give you a step-by-step solution because the starting position is randomized. If you can maneuver the red dots to be next to each other, one set on each of the three circles, then you're pretty much done.
Once complete, you’ll get a Harpoon Gun from the safe. Use it in your inventory with the plunger to create the perfect item to scale a wall with. You can now head back to the room with the telescope and leave through the door at the top (g4) to leave the jail.
The red umbrella

Walk to the right of the red boxes (a1) and push them to the left. When they’re at the far left of the screen, push them once more, and you’ll move across to a new screen. Talk to the red robot (b1) to find out that it will trade its umbrella for the safe return of its robot dog.

Now click the panel here (b2) and press the row of central buttons (see image below) in the following order: 5-3-2-4-6-7-5-3-1-2-4-6-5-3-4. Once done, the mechanism above should start to move (c1) to show it is working. Click the yellow lever on the left (c2) to bring it down and grab the top red box, then again to lift it into the air. If you make any errors, you can click the red button on the right (c3) of the device to reset the buttons.

Now that there’s just one red box push it back to the right to where it was outside the jail (a1). Click the stone (a2) to climb onto it, then do the same with the single red box (a1). Extend yourself up and click the ladder rungs to climb up and into the small hut on the side of the building (a3). This begins another puzzle.

You need to set the dial (d1) so it points to four-o-clock by pressing the small red buttons (d2) and then pressing the green button (d3). This will move the floating oil can into a position in front of the righthand dock (d4). Once it is there, click the red button (d5) to drop some oil and move back down to the ground as quickly as you can. Stand by the dock edge (d6) and use the plunger gun in your inventory on the dog (d7), which should be licking the oil.
This will add the pet dog to your inventory. If you’re too slow and it has moved back behind the barrel, you’ll have to try again. Once you have the dog in your inventory, return it to the red robot (b1), and it will give you the Umbrella. You can now walk left of the red robot and underneath the dripping water (b3). You’ll appear in the back of the scene with the jail. Click the stairs (a4) to go up and into the next area.
The band

Talk to the three musicians to find that their instruments are damaged. Walk into the store (e1), and the barman (f1) will tell you that you’ll need to pay if you want any oil. Sit down at the table (f2), click the seated robot (f3) to find out if he wants to play a game, then click the table (f4) to begin. You need to get five in a row to win. You can keep trying as many times as it takes until you win.

When you do win, the robot will flip the table, and you can collect Five Game Pieces. Once you have them (you’ll need to extend up to get the one on the door), also extend up and take the Fly Paper (f5) and look through the window (f6) to see the villains playing cards in the next room.
Go back outside and give the game pieces to the sax player (e2) to fix his instrument. The lady in the house above will throw a plant at you. Use the fly paper on the gunge (e3) to catch some flies, then go back into the bar and use them on the barman (f1). Quickly drag the oil barrel (f7) out and give it to the drummer (e4). This prompts the lady above to throw her second plant pot, after which you can pick up the Plant from in front of the band.
Walk up the stairs at the back of the scene (e5). You can’t enter the door in the next scene, so keep going up the stairs to the clock tower.
The lamppost puzzle

Speaking to the two robots in the square, you’ll find the one in the wheelchair (g1) wants some oil (click it again to get the oil can), and the one sitting beneath the clock tower (g2) shows the time it is waiting for on the clock. Walk up the stairs on the left (g3).

Climb up the ladder to stand on the robot there and unplug its tool (h1). Quickly go back to ground level and pull the wires (h2). This will prompt the ladder robot to move to the right. Now, walk over to the lamppost and open the panel (h3) to start a slide puzzle. As you try to complete it, a piece will fall out and be grabbed by the owl.
Go and work on the puzzle again, which is much easier with two pieces missing. Once you’ve got it almost complete (see image below), leave the puzzle alone and walk to the left. The owl will follow you as you move. Stand on the bridge (h4) until the owl lands on the wire. Repeatedly extend your head up and down, and the owl will copy you, making the wire swing. After a few goes, the owl will fall as the wire breaks.

It will cough up the Puzzle Piece, which you can now collect. Also, connect the broken wire to the bridge rail by clicking the end of the wire. Add the puzzle piece to its place in the lamppost puzzle (h3), completing the circuit and electrifying the wire and the handrail.
Climb up the ladder robot once more and pull the tail of the cat robot (h5), scaring it onto the electrified fence, stunning it. Jump back down, remove the puzzle piece from the lamppost, and the robot cat will fall. Pick up the stunned robot cat. Return to the band and give the stunned cat to the final musician (e6). The angry lady will throw down her Radio, which you need to pick up.
The clock tower
Go through the passage to the left of the musicians (e7), use the can on the oil spill, and then return to the clocktower screen. Give the full can to the wheelchair robot (g1). It will use it to oil the chair, then suggest it now wants some sunflower oil. Take the can back, take up the manhole cover under the wheelchair, and head into the hole.

Click the Red Tool (i1) to see that you need three of them. Click the tool again in the close-up to collect it, and take the Wire Hook you can also see in the same close-up. Walk right, open the drawer (i2), and click the right-side pages of the book in the close-up until you get to the back. Take your second Red Tool. Click the wrench robot (i3) to find it wants its music back.
Head down for a close-up of the drain (i4) and use the hook to get the third Red Tool. Go back to the pipes close-up and add the wrenches (as pictured below). This will stop the water flowing into the pool by the clock tower, so head back up.

Grab the Key (g4) and then look at the two notes on the wall below the clocktower (g5). The one on the left has an infinity symbol, and the one on the right is a moon, both with three symbols underneath. Put the key in the hole in the wall under the left note and click it again to turn it. Turn the handle until the clock’s black hand is facing up (towards the ~) and the red hand is on the VII. The robot here will then go inside, revealing another note behind where it was sitting.
Looking at this note, you need to set the hands to VI (red) and 6 (black), so do that now. The robot will now leave the tower on the right (g6), giving you access. Go up and take the Speaker (g7), then attach the speaker to your radio in the inventory. Go back underground, put the new radio on the table (i2), click the wrench robot once the music starts, and it will fill the pool (and the bad guy’s card game room) with water.
Finding Berta

Go back to the clocktower screen and climb into the fountain (g8), where you’ll drop down into the tank below (i5). Click the valve to enter the pipe (i6) and appear on a balcony. Climb down onto the elevator, press the red button (k1), and the lift will descend. Click the window once you’re at the bottom (k2) for a cutscene, where you’ll discover Bertha is being held prisoner!

After the cutscene, you will take control of Berta instead of Josef. Open the cupboard (l1) and take the Corn, then pick up the pot (l2) and place it on the floor (l3). Place the corn on the hot stove to pop it, which dislodges a Pipe outside, which Josef picks up. Select the pipe in Josef’s inventory, then click the window (k2) to pass it to Berta.
Get Berta to stand on the pot while it is on the floor, then use the pipe on the frozen unit above (l4). With the cover dislodged, repeat the action with the pipe, and you’ll be able to take the Frozen Filament from inside. Put the pot back on the stove, add the filament to it, and Beta will get a Black Hose. Attach the hose to the sink (l5), and Berta will then run it outside so that Josef can fill the elevator with oil. Pull the cord on the lift (k3), and you’ll find it is now fully operational.
To make the lift go back up, you need to solve a puzzle on the controls (k4). Select them for a close-up and move the switches until the red and black ones have switched places. If you get stuck, simply click the central button to reset. Or, follow this solution:
- Bottom left to top middle
- Bottom right to left middle
- Top left to right middle
- Top right to bottom middle
- Top middle to bottom right
- Middle left to top right
- Middle right to bottom left
- Bottom middle to top left
At this point, you should have the blacks on the left and reds on the right. Repeat the exact same eight moves to complete the puzzle. Once done, a lever should appear at the bottom of the puzzle. Click the up arrow to ascend to the very top of the lift.
The robot on the roof

When you head upwards on the lift, you’ll be faced with a fan vent. Click it, and eyes will appear, along with what looks like a fan puzzle. I answered A (correct), which changed the anger to mixed, then C (correct), making it smile, and then B (correct), at which point the questions ended. But nothing happens.
I’m pretty sure the questions are different each time, though, so don’t presume these are correct. Just go by the visual cues. Also, getting them right isn’t actually the answer. What you actually need to do is keep getting questions wrong. As you do, the robot seems to get angrier, and the fan spins faster. Eventually, the fan mechanism will break, and you can climb into the hole.
The greenhouse

Once you’ve crawled through the pipe, you’ll find yourself in a greenhouse. Click the two Slide Drawers (a1) to add them to your inventory, along with the Stick (a2) in the plant pot. Walk over to the machine in the right corner of the room (a3). This controls the power to the devices here, so you need to get it working.

The light you’re currently working on will be lit yellow (b1), and you need to click a continuous path until all the lights on the panel above are green to make the switch itself go green. For the left light, click the bottom left button (b2), and you’ll have two arrows to choose from: up or right. Click the up arrow, and you’ll only have a single choice from then on. Click the yellow arrow each time until the whole board goes green (after you click the final yellow arrow in the middle). That’s the easy one done…

From now onwards, you need to work around the spaces that are lit red. For the second switch from the left, start by clicking the bottom-right square to the left of the red one (c1) and click to go left (c2). As with the previous one, once you’ve made this initial decision correctly, you’ll only have a single choice of which yellow arrow to click until you’ve completed the puzzle. For the third switch, start below the right-side red button (c3) and click the arrow below it (c4). Once again, you’ll not have any choices to make after getting this first decision correct.
The plant heater
Note the light below the first three (c5) is now flashing. Click it, and the heater (a4) will activate. You can push the heater so that it aims into each plant pot, making each plant flower when you activate the heater (you need to push it into place, then activate the power switch (a3) each time). Once you’ve heated up the plant on the right where you got the stick (a2), walk up the stairs and use the stick on the now open plant here (a5) to prop its mouth open. You can now reach inside and take the Magnifier.
As you stand here, you can see a butterfly. It sometimes moves around the room but always comes back to this spot. Once it has landed here (a8), use the magnifier on it and note the pattern of red dots on its wings (see image below).

Take the plant you got earlier from your inventory and add it to the empty plant pot (a7). Now, use the heater once more to make it grow. Once the sunflower has grown, go back and click it to get some Sunflower Seeds. Once you have them, head back to the power socket (a3) so that you can get power running to the projector (a6).
The projector

To get power to the projector, you essentially need to do the same with the three right switches (a3) as you did with the left. For switch four, click the space between the upper red buttons, then click the down-facing arrow, then the left-facing one (d1), then the up. No choices after that. For the fifth, start on the button one space diagonally in from the top-left corner (d2). From here, click the arrows facing up and then left. When you can choose between up and down, go up past your starting place (d3).
For the final switch, start from the middle button on the second column from the left. Click down and then left, then follow the only path available to complete the puzzle. Finally, click the bottom-right switch (d4) to turn on the projector. Add the magnifier to it, and then put in the slides marked one (I). Click through and you’ll see a slide showing the same dot pattern as the butterfly. Box two (II) gives you hints about the plants, including how to make sunflower oil.

Armed with this information, move across and click the panel on the door (a9). Click the buttons that match the butterfly wing pattern, making them turn red, then click the handle below to open the door (see image above) and head onwards.
The sunflower oil

Place the sunflowers in the machine by the door (e1), place your oilcan on the drain (e2), then pull the handle (e3). I had to physically drag the handle up and down with the left mouse button held down to make it work, but after a few pumps, the can will fill with oil. Go back down and pick up the Can with Sunflower Oil once more.
While you’re here, walk across the bridge and talk to the robot policeman (e4). You’ll see it wants a battery to power its robot dog. There’s a pipe just to the right of the police robot (e5). Click it to slide back down to town, then head up the stairs right to go back to the clock tower.

Give the sunflower oil to the wheelchair robot (f1), and it will give you a Gaming Ticket. Also, pick up the white Bandages dropped on the floor next to the manhole cover (f2). Go up the stairs to the right (f3), over the bridge, and use the ticket in the machine (g1) to open the door. Head inside to the arcade (g2).

The arcade
None of the machines have any power as yet, so walk across to the cycling machine (h1) and get on. Once seated, you’ll see a new circular icon. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse in a circular motion to peddle. Once the meter on the cycling machine (h2) hits the red section, the light on top of machine one (h3) will come on, and you’ll get off the bike seat. Move to machine one and click the controls (h4) to start playing.

Press the middle (fire) button to begin. It’s basically old-school Space Invaders, so you’re moving left and right to avoid bullets while shooting with the middle button. I found it much easier to do this by using left, right, and space on the keyboard. Once you get to 1,000 points, a Token will pop out of the machine (h5). You only have three lives, but you can keep trying until you succeed. Note that the red ships that fly across the top of the screen are worth big points, so always try to take them out.
Once you’re done, change the lever to machine two (h6), cycle again (h1) to get the second machine running (this time anticlockwise), and then select it (h7). Machine Two is a puzzle game with five levels. You control a blue dot, which needs to move boxes off the screen to complete each level. Complete them all, then collect the second Token (h8). If you’re struggling with any of the levels, here are the solutions (there is no time limit, and you can press X at any time to reset a level).
All puzzle machine solutions
First puzzle
- Down, right, up, right, right.
Second puzzle
- Right, down, right, then move the large red to the left.
- Up, right, right, then move the white box to the bottom-right corner.
- Move back into the big red box and move it into the center space.
- Move up, right, and down into the small red box, moving it right into the white box.
- Move the small red and white boxes up together into the top-right corner.
- Move the small red box into the large red one by going left and down.
- The door opens. Move the pair of red boxes out by moving right twice.
Third puzzle
- Move down into the white box, move it right, then go up to push the big red box into the top-right corner.
- Go down and into the small red box, pushing it into the bottom-left corner.
- Move out and up into the top white box and take that into the top left corner. You should now have a box in each corner.
- Move the small red box up one into the middle-left space, then the bottom-right white one into the bottom-middle space.
- Go into the small red, push it up one, then move it and the white box there to the middle-top position.
- Move the small red from center-top to center-bottom, then move the white box there to the right.
- Move up into the large red box with the small one to open the door, then move down and right to exit.
Fourth puzzle

- Push the large red box to the top-left corner.
- Enter the small red box and move it to the bottom-right corner, then move into the white box into the space next to it (see image above).
- Move the large red into the bottom left space, then the white one space to the left to sit in front of it.
- Move the small red box one space left, freeing up the bottom-right corner.
- Move the white into the large red, moving it to the top left corner, then dump the white in the bottom right corner.
- Move the large red into the bottom left corner, and move into it with the small red, which opens the door. Move up and right and exit.
Fifth puzzle

- Go up into the white box, move it to the top-right corner, then go down into the small red and move it to where you started.
- Head into the large red and move it into the bottom-left corner, then move back into the small red box and move that to the bottom-right space.
- Move the white from top right to top left, drop down into the large red, and move it one to the right.
- Go across to the small red and move that one to the left. You should now have red-white-red across the three central lower spaces, with the other white in the top-left spot (see image above).
- Move the large red to the bottom-left corner, going up from there into the white and moving it right one space. Drop into the other white and move it to the top-right corner.
- Move into the left-side white box and take it into the top-left corner, dropping down into the large red and moving it right one space. This should leave the whites in the top corners, with the reds in spaces two and four across the bottom (see image below).
- Move the small red left to next to the large red, then go up into the white on the right and move it to in front of the exit. Get into the small red, move it into the white blocking the exit, and move them both up into the top-right corner.
- Move the small red left and drop into the large red, opening the door. Move right and out.

The third machine is broken, so if you try to cycle and get it working, the bulb above it will break, but nothing else happens. With the two tokens you’ve earned, it’s time to head back to the clock tower.
Buying Batteries

Once you’re back by the clock tower, go to the machine (a1) and spend your tokens on two Batteries. Now, use the bandage on the batteries in your inventory to make a single battery.

Walk down the stairs on the left (a2), climb up the pole next to the door on the next screen, and give the battery to the police robot (b1). The robot will move away from the door, allowing you to go inside by pressing the button (b2).
The Elevator

Click the plant (c1), and you’ll knock some dirt onto the ground. This attracts a mouse robot to come out of a hole (c2) and clean up the mess. While the robot mouse is cleaning, click it to pick it up, and a piece will come loose, falling to the floor. Pick up this LED.

Note the patterns on the wall (c3) that have numbers next to them (the top one being obscured by a leaf). Select the elevator panel (c4) and add the LED to the right-side empty space (see image above). You can now use the elevator by matching the correct pattern to go to the floor you need. You currently need to go to the basement, so click the LEDs in the following order: 8-3-7-1-5-8. When the bell rings, click the front of the screen (c5) to exit the elevator.
The Lobby

Turn on the power by using the socket (d1), then pull the lever (d2) down twice. This moves the cleaning robot (d3) into the bathroom through the right door (d4). Head into the bathroom yourself.

Once inside, climb onto the cleaning robot, extend yourself up, and take the Scissors (e1). You can also look through the toilet (e2) to see that you’re just above the bomb! Head back to the lobby, click the up lever (d2) twice to move the cleaning robot back to its original position, turn the power back off (d1), and then stand on it and cut down the Chandelier (d5).
Climb off the cleaning robot and place the chandelier on it. Turn the power back on (d1), then repeat the process of sending the cleaning robot into the bathroom. Once it is inside, follow the robot in and click the chandelier and then the toilet (e2). Head back to the control panel and click the up switch (d2) once. This calls the robot back into the lobby, destroying the toilet next door. Head back into the bathroom and click the toilet paper dispenser (e3), allowing you to swing down through the new hole.
Disarming the Bomb

Click the bomb, and you’ll start swinging until you grab it, giving you a close-up of a wires puzzle. Be careful, as this puzzle is on a timer. You want to connect the wires as follows: from left to right, D-B-E-A-C. To do so, click each of the fuses (see image above), adding them to your inventory. Once you have them, reinsert them left to right in the order I’ve just described. This will stop the bomb’s timer and you will climb back up into the bathroom.
The Green Dot Puzzles

Head up the stairs (d6) into what seems to be an observatory. Click the central machine (f1) for a cut scene, then move across to the panel on the left (f2) and click it to open it up. This puzzle has two sections, top and bottom, that both work in the same way. You need to move the green dots into the green areas on the boards.
This can be tricky to work out, as moving one dot pulls the others of the same color that are connected to it. If you’re stuck at all, here are the solutions to the two puzzles.
Top puzzle

- Move the top-left yellow up one, then drag the bottom yellow so it faces right instead of left.
- Move the left-side green down one, then drag the top-left grey right down so that the three green spaces are empty.
- Drag the bottom right yellow right one space, then the top yellow right (so that the yellows make a C shape and the green spaces are empty again).
- Drag the bottom green down so they make a line, then the bottom grey down one followed by the top right grey right one, so it is right next to the top green.
- Move the bottom yellow into the bottom right corner, the greens to the right as far as they will go, then make the greys follow into the space the greens just left.
- Move the greens right and then down, the yellows left and up, then move the greens onto the green spaces.
The right padlock should turn green.
Bottom puzzle

- Move purple left from the top right into the green spaces, the greens right up behind them, and then move the yellows into the bottom right corner.
- Move the greens into the bottom left corner and the purples down to in between the greens and yellows (in a U shape). This allows you to move the blues right up into the top left corner.
- Move the purples from the right side up one and then right, making them a straight line across the center. Move the greens across to the right, then up one, hitting the right purple.
- Move the right side of the purple up, then move the purple down from the left into the bottom left corner. This allows you to move the blues back to the middle in a line with the end on the far left, allowing you to move the greens into place.
The Key and the Gun Game
The second padlock will go green and a slide will open, allowing you to take a Plug and Cable. Use the cable on the central robot in this room (f1) and you’ll start another arcade-style min-game. You start on the left of a series of tunnels and rooms. Move with the cursor around the corridors, avoiding shots from the red aliens until you find the key (go right, then down and left to find it).
Use the key in the central room to unlock the door and get the gun, then shoot (using the left mouse button) all the red aliens. If you’re low on health, grab blue health packs, and note the map edges give you clues as to where nearby aliens are. If you fail, simply restart the game by plugging the machine in once more. Once all 40 aliens are dead, you’ve repaired the brain, and it gives you the final LED for the elevator.
Go back downstairs and enter the elevator by pressing the button (d7). Add the final LED to the elevator as you did before. This time, you need to click the following pattern of LEDs (refer to the image above once more): 8-3-6-1-4-7-2-5-8. Again, when you hear the elevator ding, exit.
Saving Berta

Walk over and pick up the Hammer (g1), use it on the glass (g2), then put the hammer back down and take the Key (g2). Head back into the elevator (g3) and use the key to open the cupboard on the right (c5), taking the Freeze Spray from inside.
Back underneath Berta and the bag guys, use the spray on the lock under the baddies (g4), then pick up the hammer again and smash the lock. Goodbye bad guys, hello Berta! You’ll both head upstairs to the observatory. Head out of the door on the right (f3) and walk around the roof to the small machine there (h1). Click it to see the number 7.0:108 printed on it.

Head back into the observatory and select the orange machine (f4). Set the dials to that frequency (7-108) and listen to the tune that plays. You now need to head back outside to play the same tune on the machine’s buttons (h1). If you don’t want or can’t work it out, the order is 1-4-2-3-5-2-3.
This reveals the steps of a ladder, but only for a few seconds, so you have to have Berta select the Cross Lever next to her (h2) as soon as you’ve played it. This keeps the stairs in place. If you’re not quick enough, just play the tune again. Click the steps, and you’ll climb up into the waiting ship and escape together. Congratulations!
Want more adventure game coverage? Check out Best Adventure Games on PC here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 2, 2024 12:17 pm