Pixelmon is a modded version of Minecraft that adds Pokémon to the game. To make your life easier when playing this mod, check out all the Pixelmon commands available below.
Core Commands in Pixelmon
I think there is nothing cuter than Pokémon in Minecraft's unique style, so this is definitely one my favorite Minecraft mods. If you agree and want to play this modded version, then you will need to know all core commands in Pixelmon. You can check the complete list below.
Related: How to Get a Shiny Stone in Pixelmon
Commands | Description |
/battlelog [player] | Provides you with a battle log of the named player. If you don't name a player, then you will get the user's battle log. You need to be in battle to activate this command. |
/breed <player> <slot 1> <slot 2> | Gives the player an egg from the two Pokémon specified in the command. The command will fail if the two Pokémon aren't compatible. |
/catchingcharm <[player] [remove]> | Gives the player a catching charm to increase the chance of a critical catch. It can be taken off the player with the remove argument. |
/checkspawns [specific | type] | Displays occurrences of the Pokémon Spec mentioned in the command in the player's PC. Eggs which contain the specified Pokemon will also be displayed |
/compedit <player> <box> <slot> <Pokémon Spec> | Allows you to edit the specified Pokémon on your PC by using Pokémon Spec. |
/completeallquests <player> | Completes all Quests for the player specified in the command. |
/compsearch <player> <spec> | Displays all Pokémon in the specified box, along with the held item. It doesn't show Eggs but the contents of the eggs instead. |
/compsee <player> <box> | Shows all of the Pokémon in the box of the specified player as well as the held items. |
/comptake <player> <box> <slot> | Gives the specified Pokémon to the mentioned player. |
/comptest <player> <box> <position> <Pokémon Spec> | Checks if the Pokémon in the player's PC matches the Pokemon Spec of the command. |
| |
/dexcheck | Checks the number of caught Pokémon according to the Pokedex. You can't check for other players with this command. |
/disablebattle <player> | Turns off all PvP battles for the mentioned player. |
/dynamaxband <player> | Gives the specified player a Dynamax Band to Dynamax Pokémon (make them giant). |
/eggsteps <player> <slot> | Shows the number of steps you need to reach to hatch an Egg. If you don't specify the player, then it will count the command user's steps. |
/endbattle [player] | Ends the battle for the specified player or for the command user if the player isn't specified. |
/evs <slot> | Checks the Effort Values (EVs) of the Pokémon in the command. |
/expcharm <[player] [remove]> | Gives the player an Exp. Charm which increases the amount of experience the party receives. You can remove it by adding the 'remove' argument. |
/fillcurrydex [player] [rating] [page] [flavor] | It fills the player's Curry Dex, an item that tracks each curry the player has created, along with its quality, flavor, and type. |
/filldex [player] [percentage] | Fills the player's Pokedex up to the percentage mentioned in the command. If there is no percentage, then it will fill up the Pokedex to 100% |
/freeze | Makes all Pokémon freeze in the world. If you use the command again, they will unfreeze. |
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/givemoney <player> <amount> | Gives specified player the specified amount of PokéDollars. Negative values take money from the player. |
/givepixelsprite (player) <Pokémon> | Gives the player a photo of the Pokémon mentioned in the command. |
/hiddenpower <position> | Shows the type and base power of the Hidden Power attack of the Pokémon in the specified party position. It will also show details even if that Pokémon doesn't know Hidden Power yet. |
/ivs <slot> | Checks the Individual Values (IVs) of specified Pokémon. |
/legendaryspawn | Attempts to spawn a legendary Pokémon near the player that ran the command. |
/levelling [player] <slot> <on | off> | Determines whether a Pokémon from the specified player can level up from experience or not. |
/markcharm <[player] [remove]> | Gives the player a Mark Charm, which increases the chance of catching a Pokémon with a mark. |
/megaring <player> | Gives the selected player a Mega Ring to Mega Evolve a Pokémon. |
/npckill <world> <type> | Removes all NPCs of the type mentioned in the command from the world. |
/ovalcharm <[player] [remove]> | Gives the player an Oval Charm to increase the egg production rate in a daycare. |
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/pokebattle <player> <participant2> <participant3> <participant4> | Forces a battle between the specified players, which can be a Player, a specific type Pokémon, a random Pokémon, or an NPC Trainer. |
/pokebattle <player> <participant2> | Forces a double battle so long as the NPC's battle rules are set to double battle. |
/pokefaint <player> | Forces the player's party to faint. If you don't specify the player, it will affect the command user's party. |
/pokegive <player> <Pokémon | random> [arguments] | Puts the specified Pokémon into the specified player's party or PC (if the party is full). If the player is in a battle, the Pokémon is automatically sent to the player's PC. |
/pokeheal [player] | Heals the specified player's Pokémon. If no player is specified, it heals the Pokémon of the person who issued the command. |
/pokesell <player> <position> [-f] | Gives the command user's selected Pokémon to the specified player in the party. |
/pokespawn <Pokémon | random> [arguments] | Spawns the specified Pokémon or a random Pokémon if you use that argument. |
/pokestats <player> | Displays the number of times the specified player has lost or won a battle. |
/redeemfossil [all] | Redeems a fossil you are holding into a Pokémon. |
/resetpokestats <player> | Resets the tracked wins and losses of the mentioned player to zero. |
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/setparty <level> [moves] | Sets the levels of all Pokémon in the party. If you add the 'moves' argument, you will have to choose four moves from the Pokémon pool to set the level for. |
/setraid <Pokémon>:[form] <stars> [x] [y] [z] [world] | Sets the Raid Den of the species to the coordinates mentioned. If you don't add coordinates, then it will be set to the nearest den. It doesn't matter if it's empty or not. |
/setstage <quest> <stage> [player] | Sets player to the stage number of the specified quest. |
/shinycharm <[player] [remove]> | Sets the player to the stage number of the specified quest. |
/spawning [on | off | dignostic] | Used for diagnostic purposes. [diagnostic] gives information about the recent spawning Pokémon. You toggle the spawning with [on | off ] |
/spectate [player] | Spectates the current battle of the player mentioned. If no player is added, then the command user will stop spectating. |
/spectate [PokéSpec] | Tests if the Pokémon Spec in the command matches the Pokémon. You need to be looking at the Pokémon to activate this command. |
/starter [player] | Opens the starter menu so that you can choose your starter Pokémon. |
/tcg help | Displays details about the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) and how to play. |
/tcg help <card | deck | battle> | Shows you how to collect cards, build a deck, and battle in TCG. |
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/tcg endbattle | Ends a TCG battle you are in. |
/tcg give card ribchop BASE1 | Gives you the BASE 1 card. |
/tcg give deck ribchop brushfire | Gives you the brushfire deck. |
/teach <player> [position] <move> | Forces the Pokémon that is specified to attempt and learn this move. This can happen even if the Pokémon can't learn this move. |
/tms <Pokémon> | Shows you which TMs (items that teach Pokémon certain moves) are compatible with the specified Pokémon. |
/tradesim <position> | Forces a trade evolution on the specified Pokémon. |
/transfer <player> <amount> | Transfers the specified amount of PokéDollars from the command user to the specified player. |
/warpplate set <x> <y> <z> | Sets the warp plate to specific coordinates. Does not work if the user is not standing on a warp plate. |
/wiki <Pokémon> <info> | Shows information about the specified Pokémon |
Related: Best Minecraft Pixelmon Servers
Even More Pixelmon Commands
The commands listed below are available in the Pixelmon plugin called Even More Pixelmon Commands.
Commands | Description |
/checkevs <Pokémon name or number> [-c] | Shows a list of the EVs that you would get from defeating the mentioned Pokémon. |
/checkstats OR /cs [target] [slot] [-c] | Shows a party Pokémon's information and stats. |
/checktypes OR /type <Pokémon name or number> [-c] | Shows a list of Pokémon's resistances, weaknesses, immunities, and abilities. |
/evenmorepixelmoncommands OR /empc | Shows accessible commands. |
/fixgenders [target] [-c] | Sets a Pokémon to a specific gender. |
/partyhatch [target] [-c] | Hatches the player's entire party. |
/partyheal [target] [-c] | Heals the player's entire party. |
/randomtm [target] [-a] | Gives the specified target a random TM. |
/resetdex <target> [-c] | Resets specified player's Pokédex to zero entries. |
/resetevs <slot> [-c] | Resets all of a Pokémon's EVs to zero. |
/showstats OR /show <slot> [-c] | Shows the selected Pokémon's stats to the server. |
/spawndex <Pokémon name or number> [-f|-o|-r|-s] [radius] | Spawns specified Pokémon at your mouse cursor. -f argument broadcasts a fake spawning message. -o argument gives the spawn an outline that you can see through walls. -r argument spawns in a random location. -s argument spawns a shiny. |
/switchgender OR /bend <slot> [-c] | Sets Pokémon to the opposite gender. |
/timedhatch [target] <slot> [-c] | Hatches a single Pokémon. |
/timedheal [target] <slot> [-c] | Heals a single Pokémon. |
Those are all the commands currently available in Pixelmon! When new commands are added, we will update this list. So if you regularly play Pixelmon, be sure to check back!
Are you new to Pixelmon? Check out some of our basic guides to get you started like How to craft a healer in Pixelmon on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 25, 2024 10:22 am