Enchantments in Minecraft imbue your weapons and tools with useful buffs, making them much more powerful than before. In this guide, I'll show you how to make an enchanting room in Minecraft.
How to create an Enchanting Room in Minecraft
To make an enchanting room, you’ll need an enchanting table surrounded by at least 15 bookshelves in a particular configuration. Enchanting tables draw power from the bookshelves at a rate of two enchantment levels per bookshelf block.
A full enchanting room will bring your enchantments to level 30. Keep in mind that enchanting tables and bookshelves need to have one empty block space between them.
Making an Enchanting Room
First, gather the required materials. For example, an enchanting table requires two diamonds, four obsidian, and a single book. Diamonds are rare, so knowing the best Y-level for diamonds is recommended.

Next, you'll need the bookshelves. A single bookshelf requires 3 books and 6 wood of any kind. The total amount of materials for 15 bookshelves is 45 books and 90 wood.

To build your enchanting room, surround your enchanting table with the bookshelf blocks, leaving a single block of space between them. Even a torch between the enchanting table and the bookshelves will lower the maximum enchantment level.
Related: What does smite do in Minecraft – How to get the Smite Enchantment?
Enchanting tables draw power from bookshelf blocks one block away in every direction, even diagonally. Additionally, they will be able to draw power from one block above them.
Example of a max-level Enchanting Room

The photo above shows a small and compact configuration of a max-level enchanting room in a 7x8 building block. I opted to fill the sides of a 4x5 area with two bookshelves stacked on each other.
There are 18 total bookshelves powering the enchanting table, more than enough to get to the maximum enchantment level. Enchanting rooms don't have to be "magical", but you can always spice up your design to show it off to your friends.
Once you've built your perfect enchanting room, it's time to check out the Best Minecraft Axe Enchantments on Pro Game Guides
Published: Nov 26, 2023 02:04 pm