As with many RPG games, inventory space soon becomes an issue in Outcast: A New Beginning, limiting you on everything from ammo to healing items. Read on to find out how to upgrade your inventory space in Outcast.
Outcast A New Beginning - How to upgrade your inventory space

Once you’ve moved through the initial missions you’ll arrive at the town of Emea. There’s a lot of ammo (Green Helium and Red Helium) to be found in the village and around it, as well as many Eluee Plants (used for healing) in and around the area. However, you’re limited to 200 of each Helium type and 10 Eluee Plants in our inventory.
What you need to realize is that these are not hard caps. You’ll need to climb high up into the trees in Emea village to find an NPC called Ahnuz. You can spot him on the map as he has a small white hammer symbol, which you can also see if you walk around the village and are near him. However, he is always in his hut high in the trees.

Talking to Ahnuz will open the opportunity to trade with him. Click the Buy option and you’ll see a list of potential inventory upgrades. You can upgrade both your Green Helium and Red Helium to 300 and your Eluee Plant cap from 10 to 13. This gives you a lot more scope when taking on bigger bases, meaning you shouldn’t need to head out for more ammo or healing if the going gets tough.
You can also raise the amount of Potions, Greater Potions, and Boota that can be carried, as well reducing the time you need to wait between using Talan Beacons. Note that each upgrade will cost you a small amount of Zorkins, but Ahnuz will buy useless items (such as Staues) from you to cover the cost.
To find more on Outcast - A New Beginning here at Pro Game Guides, check out How to turn Module Parts into Full Weapon Modules in Outcast - Finding Mazum!
Published: Mar 19, 2024 04:33 am