The EMF Reader in Phasmophobia is the player's primary equipment for getting evidence from the Ghost. An EMF Reading of five is one of the defining pieces of evidence needed for determining the Ghost type. However, this can be hard to get for many players. Players often write off EMF 5, failing to understand that getting this reading only has a 25% chance. Random EMF readings can also occur, indicating the Ghost has used its power. This is how to use the EMF Reader in Phasmophobia.
How to use the EMF Reader in Phasmophobia

Five lights are attached to the EMF Reader in Phasmophobia, each responding to different things that the Ghost may do. Each light represents:
- 1/Blue - The default state of the EMF/No activity.
- 2/Green - Detecting activity from a Ghost Interaction such as opening a door, turning something on or off, replying to the Ouija Board, consuming the Crucifix, or certain uses of a Ghost's Ability.
- 3/Yellow - Detecting activity from a thrown object.
- 4/Orange - Detecting activity from a Ghost Event, such as the Ghost manifesting or the Smoke/Hiss that the Ghost can randomly do. This can also be read from the Ghost being summoned from the Summoning Circle or Music Box. Any Hunt will also be read as 4 reading.
- 5/Red - This reading is a piece of evidence in determining the Ghost-type and has a 25% chance of occurring instead of either EMF 2 and 3 readings.
Related: All Cursed Item Spawn Locations in Phasmophobia
All Ghost Abilities that produce an EMF Reading in Phasmophobia
An EMF Reading of 2 can be seen from these Ghosts:
- Jinn - This Ghost's Ability can only be used when the power is on and will attempt to drain players' Sanity. Detection of this Ability can be seen by placing the EMF Reader by a fusebox. When the Ghost uses the Ability, the fusebox will remain on and have an EMF reading of 2 or 5.
- Phantom - This Ghost randomly walks to players and, when doing so, will create an EMF reading of 2 or 5 in the location it started walking from.
- Poltergeist - Whenever this Ghost throws multiple items, it will drain the Sanity of players for each item thrown. Although the items themselves will have an EMF reading of 3 when thrown, an EMF 2 or 5 will be detected.
- Wraith - This Ghost can teleport to players, creating an EMF reading of 2 or 5 whenever it does so. The teleport will be towards a random player, making it easier to get this reading by having people go outside the Ghost room and wait for a reading someplace far away.
For more details on one of these Ghosts, check out How to identify a Jinn in Phasmophobia – All Evidence and Tips on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 09:41 pm