To make your Pokémon stronger in Scarlet & Violet, they will require Hyper Training and EV training. In this guide, we'll focus on EV training—something you absolutely want if you want to survive something as brutal as the Indigo Disk DLC.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet EV Training Guide
EV training can be a long and difficult task if you don't know what you are doing. We have prepared a guide for EV training, including what items to use, Pokémon to battle, and more.
What is EV Training?
EV in the Pokémon series refers to Effort Value. This will determine the base stats of a Pokémon and the growth of that stat. There is a maximum number of EVs a Pokémon can have, as well as a maximum number of EVs that can be put into a single stat.
The max number of EVs is 510, but a single stat can only have 252 EVs. This means you should cater your Pokémon's EVs to their best stats. For example, Quaquaval, who has a naturally high Attack power, will want EVs on Attack.
There are two main ways to raise your Pokémon's EVs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. You can either use single-use items (Vitamins) to raise the base stat or you can battle specific Pokémon to raise EVs. Each Pokémon, when defeated, will raise your own Pokémon's EV by a value of 2 or 3.
How to check EVs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
To check your Pokémon's EVs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, make sure the Pokémon is in your party. Then, you will want to select Pokémon and check Summary. Go to the second tab, where your stats are displayed, and press L. You will see the yellow lines going to your stats with more EVs, and those that are sparkling will be maxed out.

How to EV train with Power Items in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Beating up wild Pokémon for EVs is the easier training method (also the cheaper one). To do this method, you will need a high-level Pokémon and the appropriate Power Item. Power Items are Held Items that increase the number of EVs gained after defeating a Pokémon.
Here's a list of all power items in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. They can be bought from Delibird Presents stores.
- Power Bracer: Raises number of Attack EVs gained
- Power Belt: Raises number of Defense gained
- Power Lens: Raises number of Special Attack gained
- Power Band: Raises number of Special Defense gained
- Power Weight: Raises number of HP gained
- Power Anklet: Raises number of Speed gained
Related: How to get Gold Bottle Caps in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
You can have multiple Pokémon in your party at once for EV training; just make sure you are training the same EV on all of them. Once you have your party set up, you will need to use your high-level Pokémon in battles and defeat specific Pokémon to give all Pokémon in your party that EV. Auto battles do not count, so you will need around 28 battles to max out an EV.
Best Pokémon to battle for EV Training
- Attack: Yungoos, Shinx,
- Defense: Tarountula, Scatterbug
- Special Attack: Psyduck
- Special Defense: Spoink
- HP: Paldean Wooper, Lechonk, Azurill
- Speed: Rookidee, Fletchling,
You can eat Sandwiches to increase the odds of these Pokémon appearing; just make sure to match up the type of power the Sandwich gives with the Pokémon you are EV training against. For example, if battling Yungoos, you will need a Sandwich that boosts Normal-type Pokémon's appearance rate.
Related: How to get a Pokémon’s Hidden Ability in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Using items to instantly raise EVs
There are several single-use items that raise EVs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This is not the best method to use, as these do not raise EVs very much and can be expensive to purchase or tiresome to grind for.
Still, here are all the EV-raising items in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The Vitamins can be purchased from Chansey Supply Stores.
- HP: HP Up, Health Feather
- Attack: Protein, Muscle Feather
- Defense: Iron, Resist Feather
- Special Attack: Calcium, Genius Feather
- Special Defense: Zinc, Clever Feather
- Speed: Carbos, Swift Feather
How to reset EVs in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Did you want to use a specific Pokémon but already used it in a ton of battles? Its EVs are probably maxed out and can no longer gain more. However, there is a way to reset EVs: berries!
By giving your Pokémon specific berries, you can decrease a certain EV by 10 points. Here’s a list:
- Pomeg Berry: HP
- Kelpsy Berry: Attack
- Hondew Berry: Sp. Atk EVs
- Qualot Berry: Defense EVs
- Grepa Berry: Sp. Def EVs
- Tamato Berry: Speed EVs
These berries are won through Raids, picked up as random items, or bought in bulk at the daily auction at Porto Marinada. You can reset the auction by forwarding the time on your Nintendo Switch.
For more information on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, check out How to check a Pokémon’s IVs in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet and How to get Bottle Caps for Hyper Training in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 01:11 am