Dreepy is almost guaranteed to be something many trainers will be scouring Paldea for in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, since it evolves into the vicious Dragapult. Whether it's for competitive or just to beat the game, who doesn't want a blisteringly fast Ghost/Dragon-type with coverage moves galore? Dreepy is tough to catch, though, and it might take lots of searching to actually come across one.
Where to find Dreepy in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Despite being hard to find, Dreepy actually has lots of habitats that it can appear in throughout Paldea. There are plenty of areas in South Province, East Province, North Province, and West Province where Dreepy can actually show up.
The issue is that it has an incredibly low spawn rate. Trainers will likely have to walk around these areas for a while before seeing a Dreepy. We found one in East Province by Zapapico, but this was after a couple of hours of exploring.

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If any trainers are just looking for a good Dragon-type, the best place to look would likely be on top of the mountains in South Province, Area Five. Even if trainers don't see Dreepy here, there are plenty of other Dragons, such as Swablu (which evolves into Altaria), Bagon, and even Axew.
Alternatively, if trainers have the swim function on Koraidon or Miraidon, they can jump off the mountain and search the lake right below. We found two Dreepy after taking a couple of laps around the lake.
Want more Pokémon Scarlet & Violet guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with How to find Ralts early in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Published: Nov 20, 2022 10:18 am