Since its launch, Pokémon Go has greatly improved the encounters, balance, and variety of Pokémon it provides. We have seen some Pokémon, particularly rare ones, get buffed up with strong attacks and high CP. In this guide, we will cover information about Lapras and what kind of counters to use against it.
Lapras Weakness & Counters in Pokémon Go
Lapras is a water-type Pokémon, so your instinct might be to always use electric Pokémon against it. While some of the Pokémon on this list are indeed electric, there are others that you might be surprised are very effective against Lapras! Below are facts about Lapras and the ten best Pokémon counters to use against this seafaring Pokémon.
Before you continue, we'd like to note a few essential things.
- Not all of these are listed because they are Lapras's weaknesses, but because they are very resistant to its attacks.
- Second, some of the Pokémon listed might have a weakness to Lapras. Still, if you have the right moveset, the benefits greatly outweigh the costs. For this reason, we have listed the best attacks to assign to each Pokémon.
- Lastly, each Pokémon's effectiveness against Lapras relies somewhat on your technique as a player, so we've listed them alphabetically rather than by effectiveness. Use the best Pokémon you have available that fits your playstyle!
Related: How to Beat Sierra in Pokémon Go | All Sierra Counters
- Type: Water, Ice
- Max CP: 2985
- Attack/Defense/Stamina: 165/174/277
- Boost: Rain and Snow Weather
- Weaknesses: Electric, Fighting, Grass, Rock
- Resistances: Ice, Water
- Conkeldurr
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attack: Counter
- Charge Attack: Dynamic Punch
- Venusaur/Mega Venusaur
- Type: Grass, Poison
- Fast Attack: Vine Whip
- Charge Attack: Frenzy Plant
- Electivire/Shadow Electivire
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charge Attack: Wild Charge
- Lucario
- Type: Fighting, Steel
- Fast Attack: Counter
- Charge Attack: Aura Sphere
- Machamp/Shadow Machamp
- Type: Fighting
- Fast Attack: Counter
- Charge Attack: Dynamic Punch
- Magnezone/Shadow Magnezone
- Type: Electric, Steel
- Fast Attack: Spark
- Charge Attack: Wild Charge
- Raikou/Shadow Raikou
- Type: Electric
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charge Attack: Wild Charge
- Tyranitar/Shadow Tyranitar
- Type: Rock, Dark
- Fast Attack: Smack Down
- Charge Attack: Stone Edge
- Zapdos/Shadow Zapdos
- Type: Electric, Flying
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charge Attack: Thunderbolt
- Zekrom
- Type: Dragon, Electric
- Fast Attack: Charge Beam
- Charge Attack: Wild Charge
Now that you've got the counters, you'll be ready to take on Lapras, whether it's trained or wild! Go out and catch one!
Want to see how to counter Cliff from Team Rocket? Check out our guide for All Cliff Counters in Pokémon Go!
Published: Mar 1, 2021 02:12 pm