Our Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Fish Locations guide features every fish you'll need to catch to complete this quest. We've also got a bunch of tips to make catching these monster fish a whole lot easier.
One of the great parts of Red Dead Redemption 2 is all of the side activities that have you traveling around to unique locations you can do outside of the actual story. Fishing is one of these activities, and while you can just fish for whatever you want in any body of water, one of the great undertaking you can try is to land all of the legendary fish in the game. This quest has you venturing all over the map, and at the end of it all you can get a couple of unique and special items to make it worth your while!
RDR2 Legendary Fishing Tips
- Make sure you are using the correct lure for the specific area you are fishing in. There are three different lures: Lake, River, and Swamp. Pick the correct one based on your location.
- Don't cast your lure out too far or you will be fighting the fish forever. Do kind of a mid-to-short cast, so if you get a hold of the fish you have more of a chance of bringing it in. If you cast it too far, you can lose the fish from the line snapping or getting tangled with some object nearby.
- Once you hook the fish, be sure you are pulling in the opposite direction that it is fighting with you. This will tire the fish out more quickly.
- Don't reel while the fish is fighting or you might lose it due to the line snapping.
- When the fish stops struggling, instead of only reeling inwards, pull the rod up towards you, and then reel in. This will create some slack in the line for you to quickly reel in, and will make bringing in the fish a lot easier.
- When you catch the fish, you need to throw it on the back of your horse and then bring it to the post office. You then mail it to the legendary fisherman to get paid.
RDR2 Legendary Fish Quest
First things first, you will need to get a mission before embarking on your hunt for the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2. If you head north of Flate Iron Lake there's a small dock you can find with a Stranger Quest available to you. Talk to Jeremy Gill, famous fisherman, who will give you a map that shows you the location of all 13 legendary fish locations.

The second step is you purchasing the lures required to catch these big fish. These are special lures made for specifically catching the legendary lunkers you'll find all over the map. There's three in total, and they cost $20.00 each. To find the bait shop, it's right on Lagras Lake, if you're deeper into the game you might have already been here and had an interesting encounter with another type of creature that dwells in the depths.

You are now ready to head out and start catching some of the great monsters of the water!
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RDR2 Legendary Fish Locations List
There's not much to these other than heading to the location and using the correct lure. Just be sure to use the tips above to save yourself some hassle, and make sure you are in the exact area you are supposed to be.
There might be some unintentional spoilers ahead if you haven't gotten through the story mode. These are mostly towards the last few fish, so don't scroll down to those if you don't want some locations to be spoiled.
Steelhead Trout
Way up in the north eastern part of the map you will find the Legendary Steelhead Trout. You'll want to equip your Special River Lure for this one.

To the north west of Van Horn Trading Post you will find Elysian Pool lake and the Legendary Perch. Equip your Special Lake Lure and catch yourself a big Perch.

You'll find the Legendary Muskie just south of the Van Horn Trading Post. Equip your Special River Lure to bring in this monster.

Longnose Gar
You'll find the Legendary Longnose Gar in the southern part of the Lagras Swamp. Yes, this kind of looks like a lake, but it's considered a Swamp and you'll need to break out your Special Swamp Lure for it. This might be one of the first ones you should catch because you get the lures very close to this area.

Bullhead Catfish
The Bullhead Catfish is on the far island to the north east of Saint Denis. This is where the Sisika Penitentiary is located. Use the Special River Lure to bring in the big cat, which actually isn't very big...

Lake Sturgeon
The Lake Sturgeon is south west of Saint Denis right under the bridge. Oddly enough, you'll need to equip the Special River Lure to catch the Lake Sturgeon...

The mighty Bluegill can be found to the west of Rhodes in Flat Iron Lake. Equip the Special Lake Lure and snag yourself this beastly fish.

Chain Pickerel
To the north west of Flatneck station in the Dakota River you'll find the Legendary Chain Pickerel. Equip your Special River Lure to catch it!

Sockeye Salmon
In the very north western portion of the map in the cold mountainous area you'll find Lake Isabella and the Legendary Sockeye Salmon. You need to equip the Special Lake Lure for this one.

Smallmouth Bass
The Smallmouth Bass is to the west of Strawberry in the Owanjila Lake. Grab your Special Lake Lure and catch this big guy.

Rock Bass
The Legendary Rock Bass is to the west of Blackwater and in the Aurora Basin lake. Use your Special Lake Lure to bring in this Bass.

Redfin Pickerel
To the east of Armadillo and at the Stillwater Creek you can find the Legendary Redfin Pickerel. It's technically in a lake, so be sure to equip your Special Lake Lure to catch it.

Largemouth Bass
Finally, the Largemouth Bass can be found in the San Luis River to the south east of Lake Don Julio and Armadillo. Equip the Special River Lure and check this monstrous fish.

That's all of the fish, but there's still more to this whole quest. Don't continue reading if you don't want to be spoiled!
Return to the Post Office
After you've sent in all 13 of the legendary fish, you should return a day later to receive an invitation from Jeremy Gill. The invitation requests that you return to his fishing cabin on the shore between Flatneck Station and Celmens Point. He also includes an autograph that you can cherish from the Legendary Fisherman.
More Adventuring
He wants you to follow him out to capture a photograph of him catching a large Catfish. You'll head way out into the desert where you had been catching some of the other fish towards the end of the list. Things don't go the way the legendary fisherman would've liked, but you can grab the special spinner lure he drops and a nice unique hat!
Published: Nov 7, 2018 03:43 pm