It's always wiser to sell an item in the Shop than to discard it in A Dusty Trip. However, carrying every item you find on your journey isn't practical due to the limited inventory and vehicle trunk space. To help you plan your strategy, I've prepared a Dusty Trip Items Trading Value list. This list will ensure you always carry the most valuable items to sell in the pawn shop, maximizing your in-game currency (Caps).
A Dusty Trip - All Items Value List
For your convenience, I've curated two lists. The first features the top 30 most expensive items in the game, while the other is a comprehensive list containing all the items in A Dusty Trip. Remember, all the values mentioned here are based on the in-game currency (Caps).
Top 30 Most Valuable Items in A Dusty Trip
The following is a list of the most valuable items in the game. If you ever come across these items, carry them to the nearest Shop to rake in profits.
Item Name | Sell Value (Caps) |
Ray Gun | 180 |
Balloon Gun | 120 |
Sherk Trophy | 99 |
Fire Potion | 43 |
Monster Mash Dance Potion | 35 |
Devil Duck | 35 |
Top Hat Duck | 34 |
Red/Pink Paintball Gun | 34 |
Radioactive Waste Barrel | 30 |
| |
Firework | 25 |
Dance Potion | 25 |
Rubber Chicken | 25 |
Katana | 16 |
AK-47 | 16 |
Grey Duck | 13 |
Blue Duck | 13 |
Green Vase | 12 |
Computer Keyboard | 13 |
Axe | 11 |
| |
Healing Potion | 10 |
Rubber Duck | 10 |
Green/Yellow/Blue Paintball Guns | 10 |
Shield | 10 |
Shotgun | 10 |
Mac10 | 8 |
Pistol | 7 |
Traffic Cone | 6 |
Backpack with 8 Slots | 3 |
Brick | 2 |
Bowling Ball | 2 |
Backpack with 6 Slots | 2 |
All Items Sell Value in A Dusty Trip
You can find the value of all the items in the game below. Use the search feature above the table to narrow down your item.
Item Name | Sell Value (Caps) |
AK47 (Empty/Loaded) | 1 |
AK47 Golden (Empty/Loaded) | 1 |
AK47 Silver (Empty/Loaded) | 1 |
Ammo Box | 1 |
Apple | 1 |
Axe | 11 |
Backpack (Large) | 8 |
Backpack (Medium) | 2 |
Backpack (Small) | 1 |
Balloon Gun | 120 |
Banana | 1 |
Barrel (Blue) | 1 |
Barrel (Radioactive/Yellow) | 1 |
Barrel (Red) | 1 |
Bell Pepper | 1 |
Black Chair | 1 |
Black Fly Swatter | 1 |
Bloxy Cola | 1 |
Blue Paintball Gun | 1 |
Bottle | 1 |
Bottle Cap | 1 |
Bowling Ball (Any) | 2 |
Bowling Pin | 1 |
Bread | 1 |
Brick | 1 |
Bumper | 1 |
C4 | 1 |
C4 Detonator | 1 |
Car Bonnet Hood | 1 |
Car Carbon Spoiler | 1 |
Car Default Hood/Trunk | 1 |
Car Door | 1 |
Car Door (Exotica) | 1 |
Car Door (Flame Truck) | 1 |
Car Door (Kei) | 1 |
Car Door (Sudan) | 1 |
Car Door (SUV) | 1 |
Car Door (Van) | 1 |
Car Grill | 1 |
Car Hood (Exotica) | 1 |
Car Hood (F1) | 1 |
Car Hood (Flame Trunk) | 1 |
Car Hood (SUV) | 1 |
Car Sliding Door (Van) | 1 |
Car Trunk (Exotica) | 1 |
Car Trunk (Flame Truck) | 1 |
Car Trunk (Kei) | 1 |
Car Trunk (SUV) | 1 |
Cheems Photo Frame (MC Doge) | 1 |
Cheese Burger | 1 |
Cinder Block | 1 |
Computer Keyboard | 13 |
Dance Potion | 25 |
Dark Chocolate Bar | 1 |
Devil Duck | 35 |
Dev Diesel Can | 1 |
Dev Gas Can | 1 |
Dev Oil Can | 1 |
Dev Water Can | 1 |
Diesel Can | 1 |
Duck | 1 |
Duck (Blue) | 1 |
Duck (Devil) | 1 |
Duck (Grey) | 1 |
Duck (Top Hat) | 1 |
Engine (ATV) | 1 |
Engine (Basic) | 1 |
Engine (Carbureted V8) | 1 |
Engine (Upgraded/Carbureted) | 1 |
Engine (V8) | 1 |
Engine (Vampire) | 1 |
Fan | 1 |
Firepotion | 43 |
Firework | 25 |
Firework Launcher | 1 |
Flashlight | 1 |
Gameboy | 1 |
Garlic | 1 |
Gas Can (Empty/Full/Any Size) | 1 |
Gatling Minigun | 1 |
Gear (Large) | 1 |
Gear (Small) | 1 |
Golden Engine | 1 |
Green Paintball Gun | 1 |
Grey Duck | 13 |
Headlight (Default Small) | 1 |
Headlight (Default) | 1 |
Headlight (Small Upgraded/Bright) | 1 |
Headlight (Upgraded/Bright) | 1 |
Healing Potion | 10 |
House Radiator | 1 |
Iron Bar Window | 1 |
Iron Beam | 1 |
Ironing Board | 1 |
Katana | 16 |
Knight Helmet | 1 |
Ladder | 1 |
Large Pot | 1 |
Long plank | 1 |
Mac10 | 8 |
Metal Beam | 1 |
Metal Board | 1 |
Metal Pipe | 1 |
Metal Sheet | 1 |
Milk Chocolate Bar | 1 |
Monster Mash Dance Potion | 35 |
My Summer Car Magazine | 1 |
Nutty Honey Bar | 1 |
Oil Can | 1 |
Old Spice Can | 1 |
Red/Pink Paintball Gun | 34 |
Green/Yellow/Blue Paintball Guns | 10 |
Paint Brush | 1 |
Painting (Cat) | 1 |
Painting (MJ) | 1 |
Pallet | 1 |
Phone | 1 |
Pickle Soap | 1 |
Pipe Valve | 1 |
Pistol | 7 |
Pizza | 1 |
Player | 1 |
Pot | 1 |
Radioactive Waste Barrel | 30 |
Radiator (ATV) | 1 |
Radiator (Default) | 1 |
Radiator (Performance Cooler) | 1 |
Radio (Walkie-talkie) | 1 |
Ray Gun | 180 |
Red Paintball Gun | 1 |
Roblox Chips | 1 |
Roblox/Dev Plushie | 1 |
Rubber Chicken | 25 |
Rubber Duck | 10 |
RPG (Empty/Loaded) | 1 |
Rubber Chicken | 1 |
Saw Blade | 1 |
Shield | 10 |
Shotgun | 10 |
Shrek Trophy | 99 |
Skateboard | 1 |
Small Bright Headlight | 1 |
Small Oil Canister | 1 |
Soccer Ball | 1 |
Sponge | 1 |
Spray Paint (Any) | 1 |
Square Plank | 1 |
Squeegee | 1 |
Sunglasses | 1 |
Television | 1 |
TNT | 1 |
Toffee | 1 |
Toilet Paper | 1 |
Toilet Paper Bundle | 1 |
Top Hat Duck | 34 |
Traffic Cone | 6 |
Traffic Cone (Small) | 1 |
Trailer (Default) | 1 |
Transparent Brick | 1 |
Vampire Sword (Dark) | 1 |
Vampire Sword (Normal) | 1 |
Vase (Green) | 1 |
Vase (White & Black) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (ATV) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (Exotica) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (F1) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (Flame Truck) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (Kei) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (Sudan) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (SUV) | 1 |
Vehicle Frame (Van) | 1 |
Water Can | 1 |
Weight | 1 |
Wheel (Bridgestone) | 1 |
Wheel (Default) | 1 |
Wheel (Exotica) | 1 |
Wheel (F1) | 1 |
Wheel (Kei) | 1 |
Wheel (Michelin) | 1 |
Wheel (Monster/Big) | 1 |
Wheel (SUV) | 1 |
Wheel (Yokohama) | 1 |
Wheelbarrow | 1 |
Wood Box | 1 |
Wood Chair (Sheriffs Office) | 1 |
Wood Outhouse Door | 1 |
Wood Spike | 1 |
Yellow Paintball Gun | 1 |
How to sell an item in A Dusty Trip

The only way to sell an item in A Dusty Trip is to visit a Pawn Shop. The building spawns randomly every 300m to 600m, and you can quickly identify one by the prominent Shop symbol at the front of the building. If you find one, go inside the store and place your scavenged loot one by one in the red sell section to sell the items.Â

The Shop also lets you buy essential resources like guns, food, and fuel. However, I recommend you refrain from purchasing anything due to the inflated prices, as you can quickly obtain those items by scavenging for a few minutes from nearby buildings. You can also steal items from the shop in A Dusty Trip, but you won't be able to sell them back.
For more on Roblox, check out A Dusty Trip Discord, Trello, and Social Media Links or What is the ending in A Dusty Trip? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 2, 2024 03:21 am