Project Slayers is a Roblox game inspired by the anime Demon Slayer. The game allows players to join clans that boost their overall stats, although the sheer number of available clans can be intimidating for new players. Come join us as we list every clan in Project Slayers.
Every Clan in Project Slayers
Clans (or last names) in Project Slayers are broken down into different rarity levels. You can reroll your clan at any time, but the chances of getting one of the best clans are very slim. The percentage chance of getting an uncommon or better clan is broken down as follows:
- Supreme: 0.1 percent
- Mythic: 1 percent
- Legendary: 4 percent
- Rare: 12 percent
- Uncommon: 23 percent
- Common: 60 percent

I suggest you make sure you get at least an Uncommon, preferably a Rare clan, as common clans offer no bonuses to stats at all. You'll find all the clans listed below, alphabetically within their rarity level.
Supreme clans
The supreme Agatsuma clan is optimized for players who use Thunder Breathing. Agatsuma members gain God Speed Mode, which increases movement speed, grants the player a dash, and buffs all thunder abilities for 30 seconds. To activate God Speed Mode, the player must have unlocked Thunder Breathing.
Agatsuma members, similar to Kamado members, can use the ability Indomitable Will. This ability debuffs players in close proximity for 20-30 seconds. If an Agatsuma member is in a party with a Kamado member, they gain 30 health.
In addition to these abilities, Agatsuma players receive a 5% increase in movement speed.
As for the flat stat increases, Agatsuma clan members gain:
- +2 Strength
- +1 Sword
- +110 Stamina
- +120 Health
- +1 Block Bar
The supreme Kamado clan is highly esteemed and provides several benefits. Kamado members gain a faster regeneration for their Breathing Bar. They also receive the Pain Resistance ability, which prevents players from being slowed down when their health is low. Kamado clan members can also activate Indomitable Will, which will debuff players in close proximity for 20-30 seconds.
In addition to these abilities, Kamado members receive a 5% increase in movement speed, as well as the ability to see other players' item HP.
As a demon, Kamado members cannot be damaged by sunlight when not wearing a straw hat. They also receive the clan skill Regeneration, which regenerates HP in exchange for a loss of stamina. Demon Kamado members also gain twice the amount of stamina regeneration.
As for the flat stat increases, Kamado clan members gain:
- +3 Sword
- +3 Strength
- +3 Weapon
- +125 Stamina
- +140 Health
- +3 Block Bar
If you’re lucky enough to become part of the supreme Rengoku clan you’ll gain access to the clan's special skill, Heart Ablaze. This gives a 30 percent damage increase buff, plus a 10 percent speed buff for 27.5 seconds, with only a 55-second cooldown.
In addition, you’ll receive the following Perks:
- +3 Strength
- +3 Sword
- +125 Health
- +115 Stamina
- +2 Block
- +2 Weapon
- Pain resistance
- Indomitable Will immunity
- Immune to burn damage
- Does burn damage on Purgatory and Blooming Undulation (For Flame Breathing)
Many consider the Uzui to be the ultimate clan in Project Slayers, and it's easy to see why. You’ll share a special skill, Spatial Awareness, with the Hashibira clan. Once triggered, this gives you the ability to auto-dodge the next 11 attacks aimed your way, or until it wears off.
You also get the following list of Perks:
- +4 Strength
- +125 Stamina
- +150 Health
- +4 Sword
- +2 Weapons
- +3 Block Bar
- Faster Breathing Bar Regeneration
- Pain Resistance
- +1 evade point
- Double Jump
- Indominate Will immunity
- Convert poison damage to heal
- Speed boost
- Indomitable Will
Mythic clans
While much more likely to be rolled, if still very rare, the Hashibira benefit from the Spatial Awareness perk along with the supreme Uzui clan. This allows them to auto-dodge the next 11 attacks, which is a very powerful ability.
Hashibira is considered a good clan for Demons, especially if you want to play more defensively. They also get an impressive list of Perks:
- +115 health
- +135 stamina
- +2 sword
- +2 weapon
- +2 strength
- +2 block point
- Indomitable Will
- Pain Resistance
- Double Jump
- 15% damage reduction
- Enhanced Speed
- Faster breathing regen
- Quicker HP and Stamina regen for demons
Fans of Demon Slayer spinoff Kimetsu Academy will hope to role the Soyama clan, where it featured prominently. As a member of the mythic Soyama clan, you’ll benefit from the Furiosity skill which lets you deal out more damage the more you’ve taken yourself. While tricky to manage, this can be a very powerful skill. You'll also get powerful AOE debuff, roar, and stun ability Indomitable Will.
In terms of other perks, you’ll receive the following:
- +90 Health
- +100 Stamina
- +3 Strength
- +2 Block point
- +2 Weapon
- Pain Resistance
- 0.5x Stamina regen for demons
- Enhanced Speed
- Double Jump
- 50% more mastery on Shockwave BDA and Fist
Mythic clan Tokito benefits from both the Immense Reflexes and Indomitable Will skills, alongside other perks. Immense Reflexes teleports the player to a previous set position when attacked, while AOE power Indomitable Will roars and stuns foes. It also applies a debuff.
The extra clan perks are:
- +2 Strength
- +105 Stamina
- +90 Health
- +3 Sword
- +2 block points
- 1.2x Mastery
- Faster Stamina/Breathing Bar regeneration
The mythic Tomioka clan is quite rare and highly sought after. Tomioka members can activate Indomitable Will, which debuffs players in close proximity for 20-30 seconds. They also gain Pain Resistance, which prevents the player from being slowed down when their health is low.
As for the flat stat increases, Tomioka clan members gain:
- +3 Strength
- +3 Sword
- +90 Stamina
- +100 Health
Legendary clans
The legendary Kocho clan receives several passive abilities, such as Poisonous Body, which kills demons if they attempt to absorb your soul. Kocho members are also granted a 5% discount when buying potions, as well as a 20% increase in currency when selling items or artifacts.
Kocho clan members are immune to poison attacks and also gain a 5% movement speed increase. They can also activate a double jump shortly after their first jump.
As for the flat stat increases, Kocho clan members gain:
- +1 Strength
- +1 Sword
- +90 Health
- +100 Stamina
Legendary clan Kuwajima is a great place to land if you like to live on the edge. Clan skills Furiosity and Last Resort can work well together for a skilled player, as you can trade Health for Stamina while dealing more damage when your Health is low. On the downside, it's quite a slim list of additional perks:
- +2 Sword
- +65 Stamina
- +85 Health
- +2 Strength
- +2 Block Points
A Legendary clan by name only. It is not in the main storylines and is light on cool skills, although the list of perks goes some way toward making up for it:
- +1 Sword
- +2 Strength
- +80 Stamina
- +90 Health
- +2 Block Points
- Enhanced Speed
- Dodge Points automatically regenerate
- Resistance to Slow debuffs
- Double Jump
A Legendary clan with no history in the series, but that is perfect for those who want to focus on breathing abilities. The full perks list is as follows:
- +95 Health
- +85 Stamina
- +2 Sword
- +2 Strength
- +2 Block Points
- Faster Breathing Bar Regen
- 10% more mastery on swords
- Constant Breathing
The legendary Shinazugawa clan is optimized for players who refuse to give demons the upper hand. Shinazugawa members have blood that poisons demons who attempt to drink it, slowing them down for 7 seconds. Shinazugawa blood also removes half of a demon's HP if they attempt to consume or grip your body.
These clan members receive Pain Resistance, which prevents them from being slowed down when low on health. They also gain a .3 buff to Weapon Mastery, as well as a 5% faster Regeneration speed.
If they are in a party with a Himejima or Tokito clan member, they will receive a 5% increase in Stamina Regeneration speed, as well as a 10% Strength buff.
As for the flat stat increases, Shinazugawa clan members gain:
- +1 Sword
- +2 Strength
- +2 Weapon
- +30 Stamina
- +85 Health
- +2 Block Bar
While not part of the main Demon Slayer or Kimetsu Academy storylines, Tamayo is still counted as one of the Legendary clans in Project Slayers. Its main strengths lie in automatically changing many common debuffs that might be laid on you into buffs and heals. The full perk list is as follows:
- +2 Fist
- +2 Block Points
- +80 Health
- +65 Stamina
- Eating Souls heals you
- Convert Poison to health gain
- Convert Indomitable Will debuff to buff
- Convert Speed debuffs into buffs
Rare clans
Haganezuka clan members gain the ability to see the sword and claw HP of others. They also receive a 20% bonus increase in WEN when selling items and artifacts.
As for the flat stat increases, Haganezuka clan members gain:
- +2 Sword
Kanamori clan members gain +30 Weapon Durability on all weapons they use. They also receive a 50% discount on any sword repairs.
The only solitary buff Kanzaki clan members receive is a Breathing buff, granting an increased Breathing speed when they are below 50% of their HP.
If they are in a party with a fellow Kanzaki clan member, they gain a 10% water move damage reduction for strictly the Kanzaki members in the party.
Members of the Ubuyashiki clan revere the Butterfly Mansion, gaining double EXP gain and WEN for training only at the Butterfly Mansion. If they are in a party with another Ubuyashiki clan member, they gain a 0.3 EXP buff.
As for the flat stat increases, Ubuyashiki clan members gain:
- +2 Strength
- +20 Stamina
Urokodaki clan members gain a sight buff when they are wearing a mask, clearing the fog around them. This allows them to see further than non-Urokodaki clan members. Urokodaki members can also track the footprints of enemies, revealing tracks only they can perceive. To buff their stealth capabilities, the footprints and footsteps of Urokodaki members are non-existent.
When Urokodaki clan members are in a party with three or more people, regardless of clan, they and their entire party receive a 0.2 EXP buff.
As for the flat stat increases, Urokodaki clan members gain:
- +2 Strength
- +40 Stamina
Uncommon clans
Kaneki clan members gain +1 Strength and lack a party buff.
Nakahara clan members gain a party buff if they are in a party with a Terauchi and Takada clan member. If this is achieved, the Nakahara member will receive +20 Health and +10 Stamina.
As for the flat stat increases, Nakahara clan members gain:
- +5 Stamina
Takada clan members gain a party buff if they are in a party with a Nakahara and Takada clan member. If this is achieved, the Takada member will receive +15 Health and +10 Stamina.
As for the flat stat increases, Terauchi clan members gain:
- +5 Stamina
Terauchi clan members gain a party buff if they are in a party with a Nakahara and Takada clan member. If this is achieved, the Terauchi member will receive +15 Health and +10 Stamina.
As for the flat stat increases, Terauchi clan members gain:
- +5 Stamina
Related: Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes – Free resets & EXP (July 2022)
Common Clans
Common clans do not provide any buff whatsoever. The common clans include:
- Ando
- Bakugo
- Fukuda
- Fujiwara
- Haruno
- Hashimoto
- Ishida
- Izuku
- Kurosaki
- Mori
- Nishimura
- Onishi
- Saito
- Sakurai
- Suzuki
- Todoroki
- Toka
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Published: Jul 18, 2022 04:31 pm