Pirate's Dream, based on the anime and manga One Piece, is a Roblox anime RPG that invites players to sail the open sea and experience life as an adventurous pirate scavenging for treasure, or a loyal marine fighting for justice. Like many other anime RPGs on Roblox, Pirate's Dream has numerous controls that need to be known and understood in order to succeed within the experience. Luckily, we've compiled these controls into the list below for you to come back and access at any time!
Controls list
- WASD or arrow keys - Movement keys
- Q - Dash
- Q + W,A,S,D - Dash forward, left, right, or backward
- WW - Sprint
- CTRL - Wall sprint
- Spacebar - Jump
- Spacebar + Spacebar - Double jump
- H - Carry
- G - Grip
- E- Talk
- F - Block
Related: Roblox Pirate’s Dream Trello, Twitter, YouTube, and Discord Links
- ` - Open hotbar
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Select and use skills from the hotbar
- M1 (Left click) - Light attacks
- R, V, C, X, D, T, Z - Other attacks
- M2 (Right Click) - Adjust camera
- O - Zoom camera out
- I - Zoom camera in
- / - Opens chat
- Tab - Toggle main player list
- M - Open and close game menu
- Tab - Open and close leaderboard
As this experience continues to develop, more controls may be added, or the current controls may be tweaked from their original designations.
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Published: Nov 30, 2022 09:13 am