Indicative of its name, Drag to Combine is a crafting game where the main objective is to mix various elements and make advanced elements. So, if you are new and struggling to create any particular element, here is a list containing all the crafting recipes.
All Element Recipes in Roblox Drag to Combine
Below, I have accumulated all the craftable elements in the game and their recipes.
Target Element | Element 1 | Element 2 |
Water | Unlocked by default | - |
Fire | Unlocked by default | - |
Earth | Unlocked by default | - |
Wind | Unlocked by default | - |
Abundance | Infinite | Monk |
Adrenaline | Explosive | Life |
AI | Technology | Zenith |
Air | Tree | Tree |
Alpha | Alone | Werewolf |
Alien | Moon | Rocket |
| ||
Alone | Depressed | Life |
Amber | Death | Gem |
Angel | God | Time |
Ancient | Past | Sphinx |
Annihilation | Galaxy | Hades |
Apex | Life | Vengeance |
Apollo | God | Star |
Apocalypse | Doom | Doom |
Aquatic | Life | Water |
Ares | God | Knight |
| ||
Aurora Borealis | Space | Spirit |
Awesome | Hyper | Joy |
Balance | Monk | Perfection |
Batman | Bat | Superhero |
Beacon | Starlight | Zenith |
Big Bang | Explosive | Space |
Big Head | Omega | Noob |
Blackout | Darkness | Eternal |
Black Hole | Space | Vortex |
Blizzard | Snow | Storm |
| ||
Blossom | Ninja | Plant |
Boss | Darkness | Power |
Breeze | Air | Calm |
Brokie | Cycle | Wealth |
Bubbles | Magic | Water |
Buddha | Energy | Monk |
Butterfly | Life | Nature |
Calm | Air | Monk |
Camo | Hidden | Nature |
Chained | Death | Freedom |
| ||
Chaos | Death | Unity |
Chemistry | Geometry | Science |
Chronus | Devil | Time |
Cloud | Air | Air |
Courage | Power | Power |
Coal | Stone | Stone |
Constellation | Sky | Star |
Contrast | Cycle | Equinox |
Corrupt | Supervillain | Supreme |
Crab | Aquatic | Rhythm |
| ||
Cryptic | Hypnotic | Vision |
Cryogen | Ice | Time |
Crust | Earth | Eruption |
Cute | Love | Shimmer |
Cursed | Darkness | Darkness |
Dark Angel | Darkness | Phantom |
Darkness | Death | Void |
Daisy | Life | Rose |
Dark Matter | Space | Time |
Darth | Jedi | Supervillain |
| ||
Devil | Death | God |
Death | Cycle | Life |
Deception | Mystery | Wonder |
Demon | Fire | Ninja |
Depressed | Metaverse | Sad |
Desert | Sand | Sand |
Diamond | Gem | Glass |
Disco | Energy | Party |
Divine | Angel | Power |
Doom | Chaos | Reaper |
| ||
Dragon | Phoenix | Power |
Dream | Sleep | Time |
Drip | Frostbite | Supreme |
Drought | Death | Desert |
Dubstep | Power | Rhythm |
Dust | Earth | Wind |
Dutchman | Pirate | Sinister |
Eclipse | Cycle | Space |
Earthquake | Earth | Spirit |
Emerald | Gem | Luck |
| ||
Ender | Magic | Portal |
Energy | Dust | Water |
Equinox | Serenity | Tranquility |
Eruption | Geyser | Magma |
Eternal | Energy | Infinite |
Euphoria | Energy | Radiance |
Explosive | Plasma | Radioactive |
Fairy | Life | Magic |
Fear | Darkness | Nightmare |
Fermotic | Plasma | Synthwave |
| ||
Firefly | Life | Star |
Fission | Nuclear | Supernova |
Flash | Speed | Superhero |
Floral | Rainbow | Spring |
Force | Energy | Jedi |
Freedom | Joy | Life |
Frostbite | Blizzard | Life |
Future | Infinite | Time |
Galaxy | Space | Space |
Gem | Coal | Coal |
| ||
Genius | Supreme | Luck |
Geometry | Balance | Unity |
Geyser | Volcano | Water |
Giga | Divine | Noob |
Glacier | Earth | Ice |
Glass | Fire | Sand |
Glitter | Rainbow | Shimmer |
God | Life | Sky |
Gold | Coal | Water |
Graveyard | Haunted | Earth |
| ||
Gravity | Energy | Space |
Hades | Corrupt | God |
Harmony | Cloud | Rainbow |
Harp | Rhythm | Zen |
Haunted | Phantom | Phantom |
Heaven | God | Sky |
Heal | Depressed | Time |
Heartbreak | Death | Love |
Hellbent | Death | Rage |
Hidden | Darkness | Deception |
| ||
Hip Hop | Rhythm | Speed |
Horizon | Mirage | Ocean |
Hurricane | Storm | Storm |
Hypnotic | Life | Rainbow |
Hyper | Adrenaline | Speed |
Hypernova | Black Hole | Black Hole |
Ice | Time | Water |
Itadori | Rage | Sorcerer |
Infinite | Time | Time |
Infinite Vortex | Infinite | Vortex |
| ||
Insane | Infinite | Metaverse |
Inspiration | Power | Time |
Jedi | Space | Superhero |
Joker | Batman | Sinister |
Joy | Cycle | Sad |
Karma | Future | Past |
Kawaii | Cute | Glitter |
Knight | Ninja | Royalty |
KO | Ninja | Rage |
Lava | Earth | Fire |
| ||
Life | Plant | Time |
Lightning | Energy | Storm |
Love | Rainbow | Rose |
Luck | Life | RNG |
Luxury | Supreme | Supreme |
Macabre | Reaper | Reaper |
Magma | Lava | Lava |
Magic | Spirit | Spirit |
Magnetic | Gravity | Stone |
Medusa | Nightmare | God |
| ||
Metal | Fire | Stone |
Metaverse | Galaxy | Technology |
Meteor | Space | Stone |
Meteor Shower | Meteor | Meteor |
Mirage | Mystery | Reflect |
MLG | Big Bang | Noob |
Moon | Night | Stone |
Monk | Water | Ying Yang |
Mermaid | Aquatic | Life |
Muse | Buddha | Rainbow |
| ||
Mystery | Infinite | Infinite |
Mystic | Magic | Time |
Nature | Energy | Tree |
Nebula | Gravity | Life |
Necromancer | Death | Energy |
Nightmare | Death | Sleep |
Night | Sky | Time |
Ninja | Fire | Monk |
Nirvana | Death | Buddha |
Noob | Sad | Troll |
| ||
North Star | Aurora Borealis | Star |
Nuclear | Explosive | Radioactive |
Ocean | Water | Water |
Ominous | Courage | Time |
Omniscient | Future | God |
Party | Adrenaline | Phonk |
Past | Future | Wonder |
Peace | Harmony | Raven |
Perfection | Gem | Time |
Phantom | Death | Peace |
| ||
Phoenix | Fire | Life |
Phonk | Future | Rhythm |
Pirate | Aquatic | Sinister |
Platinum | Metal | Power |
Plant | Earth | Water |
Planet | Earth | Star |
Plague | Life | Toxic |
Plasma | Lightning | Lightning |
Portal | Magic | Vortex |
Poseidon | God | Trident |
| ||
Power | Energy | Life |
Prism | Perfection | Third Eye |
Prophet | Future | Vision |
Pulse | Love | Rhythm |
Omega | Undefined | Supreme |
Quartz | Stone | Rainbow |
Quaser | Pure | Galaxy |
Radiance | Courage | Energy |
Radioactive | Toxic | Energy |
Rage | Demon | Energy |
| ||
Rain | Cloud | Sad |
Rainbow | Spirit | Storm |
Raven | Death | Life |
Reaper | Devil | Life |
Reflect | Glass | Shadow |
Relativity | Gravity | Vision |
Revenge | Rage | Vengeance |
Rift | Portal | Wind |
Ring of Fire | Fire | Magic |
Rhythm | Infinite | RNG |
| ||
RNG | Time | Ying Yang |
Robot | Life | Metal |
Rocket | Science | Space |
Royalty | God | Life |
Rose | Nature | Plant |
Ruby | Gem | Love |
Ruins | Ancient | Future |
Sand | Dust | Stone |
Sapphire | Ocean | Diamond |
Sandstorm | Energy | Sand |
| ||
Science | Life | Space |
Serenity | Harmony | Harmony |
Shark | Aquatic | Tropical |
Shimmer | Magic | Wind |
Shockwave | Explosive | Lightning |
Singularity | Quaser | Infinite Vortex |
Sinister | Doom | Life |
Sith | Darth | Supreme |
Sky | Air | Wind |
Sleep | Monk | Time |
| ||
Sorcerer | Magic | Magic |
Space | Sky | Sky |
Speed | Ninja | Wind |
Specter | Life | Phantom |
Spout | Tornado | Water |
Spring | Blossom | Infinite |
Spy | Deception | Hidden |
Snow | Ice | Spirit |
Solar Wind | Star | Wind |
Sphinx | Desert | Geometry |
| ||
Star | Earth | Space |
Starlight | Magic | Star |
Storm | Spirit | Water |
Stone | Earth | Earth |
Sunshine | Energy | Sky |
Super | Energy | Power |
Superb | Gold | Harmony |
Superhero | Life | Super |
Supernova | Gravity | Star |
Supernatural | Death | Mystery |
| ||
Supervillain | Devil | Super |
Supreme | Boss | Power |
Swamp | Tree | Water |
Synthwave | Rhythm | Technology |
Shadow | Darkness | Starlight |
Solstice | Eclipse | Nirvana |
Tacos | Awesome | Rain |
Technology | Energy | Science |
Techtronic | Speed | Synthwave |
Terror | Alone | Supernatural |
| ||
Tesla | Metal | Lightning |
Third Eye | Monk | Rainbow |
Time | Spend Some Time in the Game | - |
Tornado | Spirit | Wind |
Toxic | Death | Fire |
Tranquility | Calm | Sleep |
Tree | Plant | Plant |
Treasure | Gem | Stonr |
Trident | Life | Tsunami |
Troll | Cursed | Technology |
| ||
Tropical | Ocean | Sand |
Tsunami | Storm | Water |
Twilight | Night | Sky |
UFO | Alien | Rocket |
Undefined | Hypernova | Hypernova |
Unity | Life | Power |
Vampire | Bat | Life |
Vengeance | Life | Reaper |
Vibrance | Earth | Gem |
Vision | God | Infinite |
| ||
Void | Black Hole | Time |
Volcano | Earth | Lava |
Vortex | Earth | Galaxy |
Waterfall | Power | Water |
Wealth | Boss | Gold |
Wicked | Sinister | Time |
Wildfire | Fire | Fire |
Werewolf | Death | Cycle |
Wonder | Life | Mystery |
Wraith | Death | Spirit |
Ying Yang | Fire | Water |
Yoda | Jedi | Zen |
Zen | Calm | Ninja |
Zenith | Life | Life |
Zephyr | Nirvana | Wind |
Zeus | God | Lightning |
Zodiac | Constellation | Omniscient |
Legendary Auras

All the following auras are legendary types and have a 50% chance of being crafted using the given machine.
Target Element | Element 1 | Element 2 |
Ace | RNG | Joker |
Assassin | Ninja | Darkness |
Berserker | Doom | Rage |
Bonfire | Fire | Air |
Crimson | Pure | Love |
Crimson King | Fire | VIP |
Crown | Knight | VIP |
Emperor | Infinite | Crown |
Gojo | Infinite | Sorcerer |
Immortal | Death | Wish |
| ||
Kraken | Supernatural | Shark |
Maelstrom | Water | Fire |
Multiverse | Infinite | Space |
Overseer | Vision | God |
Paradox | Past | Black Hole |
Pharaoh | Royalty | Sphinx |
Royal Power | Life | VIP |
Saiyan | Power | Energy |
Samurai | Speed | Assassin |
Starfall | Death | Star |
Surprise | Wish | Luck |
Tidal | Water | Water |
Underworld | God | Darkness |
Wish | Starfall | Joy |
All Non-Craftable Elements in Drag to Combine
The following list of Elements cannot be natively crafted. Instead, you can only get them by either purchasing or fulfilling specific criteria.
- VIP - You can purchase the VIP Pass for 299 Robux.
- Sad - It can be rolled using gold coins from the shop.
- Cycle - It can be rolled using gold coins from the shop.
- Pure - It can be rolled using gold coins from the shop.
- HAX - It can be rolled using gold coins from the shop.
- Bat - You can find the Bat inside the Bat Cave.
- Brilliant - You can purchase it from the Shop using Robux.
- Cosmic - You can purchase it from the Shop using Robux.
- Jackpot - You can purchase it from the Shop using Robux.
- ??? - You can purchase it from the Shop using Robux.
How to create new Elements in Roblox Drag to Combine
Initially, you will only have four elements in the game: Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind. Mix any two elements to create a new component and then combine this new element with older elements to make more new elements. For example, if you mix Water with Earth, you will get Plants, which can then be combined with Fire to create Dust and more.
For more on Roblox, check out All Race Types in Jujutsu Piece – Roblox or How to get Akazo in Anime Vanguards – Roblox on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 4, 2024 12:19 pm