Although Forsaken is not the first asymmetrical horror game on Roblox, it definitely improves on the genre with character abilities. Whether you end up becoming the killer or have to evade one, knowing what you have to deal with can come in handy. Here's all about Forsaken's Killers and their abilities.
Complete Killers Abilities List in Forsaken
Killers in Forsaken are based on or inspired by urban Roblox legends and myths and similarly, their abilities are tied to their personalities. In case you'd like to join the game's Discord server to learn more about the lore, have a look at Forsaken Trello Link & Discord.

Sitting at 1250$, 1x1x1x1 is the most expensive killer in Forsaken and is described as the physical manifestation of negativity. He carries a weapon on him called Daemonshanks which can be used to hit players from afar while his passive ability inflicts poison and glitches survivors for a couple of seconds after they are hit.
- Slash
- Slashes players with a sword and inflicts Poison and Glitched for five seconds along with 20 damage.
- Cooldown: 1.75 seconds
- Mass Infection
- This is the only AoE ability in the game that also deals 15 damage and lasts for a total of 6 seconds. When activated it affects nearby players with Glitched IV and Poisoned V for six and three seconds while players who are further away are hit with Glitched I and Poisoned III for seven seconds. Do note that players within a radius of 400 stud can hear when the ability is activated.
- Cooldown: 14 seconds
- Entanglement
- This is more of a trapping mechanism that is activated when 1x1x1x1's thrown sword hits a survivor. Once hit, it completely slows down the victim and removes any charge on their ability for ten seconds. To get out of it, a victim must click on every pop-up that appears on the screen. Successfully evading it will give you speed boost for 1.2 seconds.
- Cooldown: 18 seconds
- Unstable Eye
- Pulls out his own eye and gives himself a series of random buffs and debuffs. The ability also reveals the location of survivors and gives you a speed boost along with partial blindness for eight seconds.
- Cooldown: 30 seconds
- Rejuvenate the Rotten
- This is probably the most overpowered ability in the entire game. When activated 1x1x1x1 stabs himself with his swords which resurrects every player he has killed. These resurrected players then latch onto nearby players if they are within 20 stud and cause 14 damage.
- Cooldown: 200 seconds

C00lkidd is one of the fastest killers in the game and is often used by players who like to rush and wrap up the round quickly. While he has no passive abilities, his actives are some of the sinister ones, similar to his laugh.
- Punch
- Deals 27.5 damage.
- Cooldown: 2 seconds
- Corrupt Nature
- Fires a projectile that when hit, uses 20 damage, and reveals the victim's aura for 10 seconds all while inflicting 10% slowness. The projectile can also go through walls so hiding from it seems impractical.
- Cooldown: 12 seconds
- Walkspeed Override
- At first, this ability might seem like it's just a jump, it packs 30 damage if you manage to collide with a survivor. Not only that it also sets the victim on fire for 10 seconds during which they keep taking damage.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Pizza Delivery
- This ability mimics that of Survivor Elliot as it spawns two Pizza Delivery bots that automatically seek out other survivors. When a survivor interacts with a bot they are instantly hit with 10 damage along with burning damage and their aura is revealed to C00lkidd or 15 seconds.
- Cooldown: 50 seconds

Since Jason is the starter Killer players get when they start the game, many of them make the mistake of looking down on him when in fact he packs the second most HP out of all the killers. Not only that he is also easy to master and also has some great abilities to his name with his passive ability allowing him to close on survivors easily.
- Raging Pace
- As the name suggests, Raging Pace increases Jason's walking speed by more than twice for a total of 14 seconds. Although it disables sprinting, it reveals the aura of nearby enemies and also enhances all other abilities while it's active.
- Cooldown: 38 seconds
- Slash
- Hits the survivor with his machete and puts the Bleeding I status effect for 5 seconds. The damage caused by this ability increases when used with Raging Pace and its cooldown is also reduced to mere 0.8 seconds.
- Cooldown: 1.9 seconds
- Behead
- Behead is almost similar to Slash but for this, Jason winds up the Machete and in turn deals more damage. It also inflicts players with Helpless I for 14 seconds, which completely disables all of their abilities. However, when used it slows you down by 10% for 3.5 seconds.
- Cooldown: 18.5 seconds
- Gashing Wound
- This ability combines three different attacks in one. The first two slash the victim with the Machete while the last one uses a Chainsaw. This then totals to damage of 50 or 70 if used with Raging Pace.
- Cooldown: 40 seconds
John Doe

Thanks to his abilities and an HP of 1500, John Doe is the most sought-after Killer in Forsaken. If your play style is more of trapping players, then this is the killer you should go for.
- Natural Malevolence
- Passive Ability: Leaves a trail that inflicts survivors with damage for three seconds when touched.
- Unstoppable
- Passive Ability: This ability caps the stun time for John Doe to only 2.175 seconds and adds a 20% speed boost after the stun ends.
- Slash
- Uses claws to slash through players and deals 30 damage, the most of any slash damage.
- Cooldown: 2 seconds
- Corrupt Energy
- When activated, John Doe hits the ground with his right arm, causing over two dozen spikes to erupt from beneath which last for a total of 14 seconds. This ability is not only good for attacking but also for entrapping survivors.
- Cooldown: 18 seconds
- Digital Footprint
- Creates a shadow that acts as a trap for survivors. When touched, it gives you a 10% bump in speed and slows down the victim by 20% for 15 seconds. There can only be three shadows at any given time and they last for 2 minutes.
- Cooldown:8 seconds
- 404 Error
- Reveals the aura of all survivors for four seconds.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds.
That wraps up every Forsaken Killer and their Abilities. If you'd like to learn more about the other team, have a look at All Survivors and Their Abilities in Forsaken.
Published: Jan 8, 2025 10:21 am