Z Piece, a Roblox game inspired by the popular One Piece anime, offers players a thrilling experience of adventure and power. Among the various abilities in the game, Haki is a significant one that players seek to obtain. This guide will delve into how players can get Haki in Z Piece, including where to find it and its cost.
How to Obtain Haki in Z Piece
Acquiring Haki in Z Piece involves visiting specific locations and interacting with certain NPCs. There are two types of Haki available in the game: Observation Haki and Armament Haki. Getting to them requires that you have the Marine Island unlocked and accessible. If you're stuck at any point during this challenge, Z Piece codes will go a long way toward helping you out as they did to me, so check them out.
Acquiring Observation Haki in Z Piece
To obtain Observation Haki in Z Piece, follow the steps below:
- Travel to Marine Island in the game.
- Locate the tallest building on the island's hill.
- Find the NPC named Observation Haki at the top of this building.
- Speak to this NPC to purchase Observation Haki.
- The displayed price may be $500,000, but it usually costs $750,000 due to a possible bug.
Related: Z piece Trello & Discord link
Acquiring Armament Haki in Z Piece
For Armament Haki in Z Piece, follow the steps below:
- While still on Marine Island, position yourself between the shrubbery of the tree on the rooftop and the Observation Haki NPC.
- Look for a building between these two points; this is your destination.
- Descend to this two-story building.
- Enter the building to find the option to obtain Buso Haki.
- The cost for Buso Haki is $500,000, which is the correct, unbugged price.
- Click "Learn" to acquire the Haki.
Using Haki in Z Piece
Once you have acquired Haki, you can activate it using specific hotkeys:
- Press J for Buso Haki.
- Press K for Observation Haki.
These hotkeys enable you to use Haki during your adventures and battles in Z Piece, enhancing your combat capabilities.
For more helpful tips and guides on Z Piece and other popular Roblox games, check out our dedicated section on Roblox Game Guides, where we provide insights and strategies to enhance your gaming journey.
Published: Jan 18, 2024 07:58 am