In Combat Warriors, a Roblox game developed by SwenzjeGames, players engage in battles to kill each other to earn XP and credits. Players can then use these currencies to level up and buy weapons. Additionally, players can acquire Aether, a currency used to purchase cosmetic items. One of the many cosmetic items that players can obtain is the Berserker Armor, based on the armor that Guts wears in the anime Berserk. You can unlock this armor through Bundles Cases, which can be bought for 350 Aether. If you're interested in codes to receive free rewards within Combat Warriors, we recommend checking out our codes list.
What does the Berserker Armor do in Combat Warriors - Roblox
The armor is completely black with eyes that glow a bright red and leave a trail behind as you walk. Beyond putting players at a potential disadvantage because of this, the Berserker Armor is purely cosmetic. Like all the other armor in the game, cosmetic armor only gives you the opportunity to customize your character like your favorite anime and fantasy heroes.
If you'd really like to complete the Guts look, we would recommend getting the Dragon Slayer weapon. It is a melee weapon that is also known for dealing the second-highest amount of damage at 54 damage. It'll cost you quite a lot at 36,740 credits, but if you train well with it, you can be capable of eliminating others with ease, just like Guts.
For more Roblox, check out How to super jump in Combat Warriors – Roblox only on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 28, 2023 02:07 pm