Breath Styles are different sword abilities that Demon Slayers should spend time acquiring in Roblox Demonfall. Each Breath Style contains different abilities and movesets, and are absolutely necessary to use against Demons. One of these Breath Styles is Flame Breathing, which can be learned from Rengoku on White Peak Mountain—that is, in exchange for some materials.
To get Flame Breathing in Roblox Demonfall, you must give Rengoku 20 Demon Horns and one Demon Collar. The Demon Horns are acquired by defeating Demons across the game, and the Demon Collar can only be picked up from the powerful Axe Demon boss in the White Underground cave near White Peak Mountain, where Rengoku is located.

Note: We don't recommend making the journey toward Rengoku until the player has acquired 20 Demon Horns.
Related: Roblox Demonfall Codes (July 2021)
Finding Rengoku
Rengoku hides out at the very top of White Peak Mountain in a campsite. The area is covered in snow and surrounded by a blizzard, which obscures the player's view and makes it difficult to find.

Using the map above, the player can start from Hayakawa Village (the spawn village) and travel toward White Peak Mountain. This mountain is filled with platforms to climb and the player must use their best parkour skills to reach the top.
The floor is sheeted with ice at certain sections of the mountain, which will cause the player to slide around. If they are not careful with their movement, the ice could cause them to slide off the mountain to their death.
Some sections of the mountain are difficult to reach, even when using the best jumps. In this case, we recommend find a corner where two walls of the mountain meet. If you jump between both walls in a corner, you can actually continue jumping up the mountain to reach higher, harder-to-reach sections.
If the climb goes as planned, the player will eventually reach the top of White Peak Mountain where Rengoku is waiting at a campsite for all Demon Slayers to teach the Flame Breathing style.
Finding the Axe Demon
The Axe Demon is located in the White Underground cave, in close proximity to White Peak Mountain. This cave is a large arena where the player must use their best fighting abilities to take down the Axe Demon.
Dodging and parrying oncoming attacks is a good strategy to use against this challenging boss. The Axe Demon has a slight charge-up delay before striking the player. He will swing once, hold his stance for very brief moment, and then attempt to hit the player.
Something else to be careful of is the Axe Demon's downward strike. The boss jumps high in the air out of the player's sight and then strikes down hard toward the player. Getting caught in this move will do massive damage to the player's health. At all moments of the fight, the player should always be moving around.
After defeating the Axe Demon, pick up the Axe Collar dropped from the enemy by pressing E and take it back to Rengoku. With the Axe Collar and the 20 Demon Horns in possession, Rengoku will teach the player the Flame Breathing technique.
Finding White Peak Mountain, Rengoku's specific location, and the White Underground cave can be difficult, so we recommend checking out the video below from RamenBlox for a visual aid.
For more Roblox guides, check out Roblox Anime Mania: Best Way to get Gems & Gold and All Characters in Roblox Anime Mania on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 14, 2021 11:40 am