Find the Simpsons, similar to the beloved Find the Markers, is a scavenger-hunt-style experience that plops you into the fictional city of Springfield and challenges you to find the various fan-favorite characters that have been hidden across it. Some of these characters, like the Simpson Family, are a bit more difficult to find than others, and require you to complete a few steps before you can unlock them.
Where to find the Simpson Family in Find the Simpsons
Before you can collect the Simpson Family character, you'll need to have the fridge in the Simpson house unlocked. To unlock this fridge, you'll need to collect the four items on the family's grocery list: bread (found at Moe's), ice cream (found at the Kwik-E-Mart), a stuffed bunny (found in Springfield Elementary), and a diamond ring (found outside Mr. Burns' mansion).

Once the fridge is open, you'll be able to click on the ice cubes inside of it and teleport to a secret location.

Related: How to get Shocked Maggie in Find the Simpsons – Roblox
As you maneuver around this location, use the different sized ice cubes to climb to the top of the tallest one.

Waiting at the top of the tallest ice cube is the Simpson Family character.

That's it for this quick guide on how to unlock the Simpson Family character. If there's any other specific characters you're hoping to find, leave them in the comments below and I'll make a guide to help as soon as I can!
Looking for more Find the Simpsons content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get Arnie Pye Stonecutter in Find the Simpsons – Roblox or How to get Ant Man in Find the Simpsons – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 28, 2023 10:33 am