The Sulong Moonlight Ascension is one of the most sought-after and hard-to-obtain fighting styles in Grand Piece Online. Therefore, I've compiled this comprehensive guide to help you unlock Sulong Moonlight Ascension in Roblox GPO.
How to unlock Sulong Moonlight Ascension fighting style in Grand Piece Online
The first step towards unlocking this fighting style is to roll for the Mink race. Once you do that, head to the main town and make your way to the northwest to get to the Island of Zou. Once you're there, talk to the Sharon NPC, and he will give you the Electro Fist for 25 carrots.

If you don't have enough, farm 25 carrots from the NPCs at the bottom of the stairs and then acquire the style. Then, farm up 100 more carrots and start heading Northwest again to get to Reverse Mountain.

Once you're at the Coliseum, you want to talk to the NPC that's on the top of the mountain, and then you want to start heading back to First Sea and go to the Island of Zou. Now that you need to wait for nighttime and sacrifice some fruits. I recommend using 10 legendary fruits as, as it's the cheapest way. Now, all you need to do is stare at the moon, and the Sulong Moonlight Ascension fighting style will activate.
All Sulong Moonlight Ascension skills
The Sulong Moonlight Ascension boasts the following skills in Roblox Grand Piece Online:
- Thunderous Blitz: The player electrifies punch, initiating a cutscene of consecutive attacks on the opponent: ground assault, mid-air strikes, and a slamming finish.
- Thunderous Bite: The player dashes, grabs the opponent, bites them (no healing), and slams them to the ground.
- Thunderous Drill: Upon activating this ability, your character jumps into the air, followed by a lightning strike.
- Thunderous Tackle: Your character dodges the opponent's attack using lightning skills.
- Thunderous Whirlwind: This ability allows players to jump in a certain direction and perform a lightning whirlwind attack.
- Thunderous Roar: Emits a lightning strike after a few seconds of charge, dealing significant damage to your enemies.
Looking for more Grand Piece Online content? Check out our guides on Best Fighting Styles in Grand Piece Online (GPO) or How to reach Sky Island in Roblox Grand Piece Online!
Published: Mar 12, 2024 04:55 am