With the July 2022 Adopt Me! update came a chilly new area filled with tons of fun activities including a King Penguin feeding minigame, stunt ramps, an ice cream shop, and more! Also added with this update is the adorable Irish Water Spaniel pet that can only be unlocked by players who complete a pretty pricey quest. To learn more about this quest and how to obtain this furry friend, continue reading our brief guide below.
How to unlock the Irish Water Spaniel in Adopt Me!
The Irish Water Spaniel pet can only be obtained by those who purchase at least five Adopt Me!-branded UGC items from the in-game Accessory Shop. Each item in the accessory shop is 59 Robux, meaning that you'd need to spend 295 Robux total in order to unlock the Irish Water Spaniel. Since 400 Robux can be purchased for $4.99 USD, you're basically buying the Irish Water Spaniel for five dollars.
If you're unfamiliar with the location of the Accessory Shop, that's ok! Continue reading below for a quick walkthrough.
The Accessory Shop is located on Adoption Island and resembles a blue boat. To enter this building, simply approach its front door and walk inside.

From the Accessory Shop's main area, look for the stairs next to the pride pin display and walk up them.

On the first platform that you reach should be five mannequins dressed in various accessories and an informational bulletin board. As can be seen from the sign near the stairs, the accessories on this platform are refreshed every 60 seconds, giving players a decent variety to choose from.

To purchase any of these accessories, approach the mannequin of your choosing and click on it. Upon doing so, a pop-up will appear that allows you to make and confirm your purchase. To track the progress of your purchases, click the green Start! button on the bulletin board.
Related: Adopt Me Pets List – All pets, eggs, and how to get

Each time that you purchase a UGC item from the shop, you will earn a stamp. After earning five stamps, you will receive the Irish Water Spaniel!
July 14, 2022, update log summary and info
- Ice Cream Shop has been updated with new interior
- Buy ice cream from Elsa
- Ice Skate around with friends or launch some cool tricks
- Feed the King Penguins for 225 Robux
- Gold and Diamonds variations possible
- UGC Reward Stand added to the Accessory Shop
- Purchasable UGC items that can be worn in and out of the Adopt Me! experience
- Unlockable Irish Water Spaniel pet
That's all there is to know about the Irish Water Spaniel pet! It's unknown how long this pet will be available, so be sure to purchase UGC items sooner rather than later if you're interested!
Looking for more Adopt Me! content? Check out our recent guides on How to unlock Neon Space Whale in Roblox Adopt Me! or How to get the Woodland Egg in Roblox Adopt Me! here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jul 14, 2022 09:57 am