Limited edition pets and eggs are just one part of what makes Pet Simulator X go 'round, but it's quite a big part to say the least! In some cases, these eggs and pets are added with holiday events, such as Halloween or Christmas; in others, they're added with a weekly or monthly update and removed soon after. The recently added Fiesta Egg is one of these holiday/event eggs, and will likely be removed after Cinco de Mayo, so if you want to hatch one for yourself, it's better to do it sooner rather than later!
How to get a Fiesta Egg in Pet Simulator X
As you party it up for Cinco de Mayo, keep an eye out for the piñata-themed cannon that's located near the Bank in the Shop area of Spawn World. Starting at noon CT, this cannon will become active every four hours on the hour, and players can use it to travel to the Fiesta Maze!
To progress through this maze, players must destroy chests in an attempt to find the correct path. Though this path will be different every time, an example path can be found below.
Related: How to hatch a Piñata Egg in Pet Simulator X – Roblox
If you're lucky like I was, players will have already destroyed every single chest before you even enter the maze, making it super easy to reach the finish! When you do reach the finish, two eggs will be available for you to purchase and hatch—the Fiesta Egg (which costs 15,000 Diamonds) and the Golden Fiesta Egg (which costs 135,000 Diamonds).
The following pets can be hatched from a Fiesta Egg:
- Piñata Dog (95% hatch chance)
- Piñata Monkey (??% hatch chance)
- Sombrero Corgi (??% hatch chance)
- Sombrero Axolotl (??% hatch chance)
- Huge Sombrero Chihuahua (??% hatch chance)
That's all there is to it! Unlocking all of the pets available inside this egg will likely take some grinding, so don't feel bad if you don't have them all right away!
Looking for more Pet Simulator X content? Check out some of our other guides on How to play Hardcore Mode in Pet Simulator X – Roblox or How to get the Huge Peacock in Pet Simulator X – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: May 8, 2023 10:33 am