Updated: February 14, 2025
Checked for new codes!
These Jujutsu Tycoon codes will give you various rewards. Keep an eye on them, as they have expiration dates, meaning you must use the codes before they expire. We have compiled a list of available codes so that you can earn prizes, like coins, in Jujutsu Tycoon.
If you're looking for other Roblox codes content, check out Sauce Simulator Codes, Sword Simulator Codes, and Mining Simulator 2 Codes on Pro Game Guides. You can find loads of other Roblox content on our site as well, so feel free to browse and find other guides for exciting and fun Roblox titles.
All Jujutsu Tycoon Codes List
All Jujutsu Tycoon Codes List (Working)
- Sukona—Redeem for 50k Cash (New)
- Toju—Redeem for 25k Cash
- Sukuna—Redeem for 30k Cash
- Revamp—Redeem for 25k Cash
- Shadows—Redeem for 25k Cash
- Quest—Redeem for 35k Cash
- Autosave—Redeem for 25k Cash
- Urayme—Redeem for 35k Cash
All Jujutsu Tycoon Codes List (Expired)
- Swords
- Quality
- Update
- YenUpdate
- GojoBoss
- DoctorAfrican
- FirstCode
- Gojo
Roblox Jujutsu Tycoon Codes FAQ
Here's everything you need to know about Roblox Jujutsu Tycoon codes.
How to redeem codes in Jujutsu Tycoon Codes
You can use codes in Jujutsu Tycoon to get various rewards. These codes are a great way to expand your dojo and put you on the path to being a business master. Redeeming codes in this Roblox title is super easy—here is how to use codes in Jujutsu Tycoon:
![Jujutsu Tycoon Code Input](https://progameguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Roblox-Jujutsu-Tycoon-Codes.jpg?resize=900%2C506)
- Click on the Twitter button in the bottom left of the screen
- Select the Enter Codes field
- Input the code and hit Confirm Code
How to get more Jujutsu Tycoon Codes
You can join the Jujutsu Tycoon Discord to follow the game and receive new codes. As new codes go live, we will update this page and add them to our list. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can stay up to date and see when we add codes to get free stuff.
Why aren't my Jujutsu Tycoon Codes working?
The developer of Jujutsu Tycoon creates the codes and determines how long they are active. Some codes may expire quicker than others, and some may not work with others. If a code does not work for you, look to see if there's a spelling error, if the code isn't active yet, or if it has already expired. To help solve that issue, bookmark this page and check back often to see if Jujutsu Tycoon has added new codes or if some have already expired. If you notice that a code no longer works, let us know! We'll update the list accordingly once we verify.
What is Jujutsu Tycoon Codes?
Your main goal in Jujutsu Tycoon is building and expanding your dojo. You earn money over time, the amount of which can be upgraded. This lets you rapidly expand. Once you have earned enough coins, you can purchase the foundation of your business and add to it. You'll have the best jujutsu dojo with enough money and time.
For more information on Roblox, check out Clicker Champions Codes and 3 Point Simulator Codes on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 14, 2025 03:24 am