Image via Venture Lagoons
King Legacy Update 5 Patch Notes – New content details!
King Legacy Update 5 is here!
Published: Jan 19, 2024 03:07 am
New King Legacy update 5 patch notes content details bring new maps, materials, sword skills, armament changes, and more! Here's everything you need to know before you march into battle against dangerous foes.
All King Legacy Update 5 Patch Notes (January 19, 2024)
King Legacy update 5 is one of the biggest, signaling significant changes in the game. Read carefully, as these patch notes show numerous changes. Hop into the game as soon as you learn more, explore new areas, upgrade your skills, summon Dark Beard, and enjoy new content!
System Changes in King Legacy
- Adjusted the game's UI.
- Adjusted Legacy Fruit's gacha system.
- Displays the drop rate by using the key to unlock the fruit's chest, randomly providing the player with a fruit.
- The chances of a rarer fruit will increase if the player contains a greater key.
- Adjusted the Trade Offer's UI scale for improved item quantity visibility.
- Adjusted the Server Browser's UI.
- Adjusted the Setting UI.
- Adjusted the Map UI to enable the display of island information.
- Adjusted the Awake Shop's UI.
- Adjusted Trading UI.
- Adjusted Ally's UI.
- Adjusted Inventory Backpack's UI.
- Added a Search Bar to the Black Market/Gift Shop UI.
Key List
- [Common] - Copper Key can be purchased through the Gacha NPC.
- [Uncommon] - Iron Key can be purchased through the Gacha NPC.
- [Rare] - Gold Key can be purchased through the Gacha NPC.
- [Epic] - ??? Key
- [Legendary] - ??? Key
- [Mythical] - ??? Key
All of these keys are untradeable.
- Added Legacy Fruit Trader.
- You can exchange a fruit to obtain a key.
- Added Third Sea
- New level Cap 4000 —> 4300
- Added Love Awakening
- Added Saber V2
- Added 2 New Legendary Fruits.
- Added 1 New Sword
- Added New Materials
- Added New Abyssal Legacy Battlepass
- An energy bar was added, displaying the time left for certain skills.
- Ice's Flight (E)
- Magma Flight (E)
- Bomb's Flight (E)
- Spike V Attack
- Applies to skills, movement-related…
- Night Blade skills can now be switched back and forth (V1 to V2) by speaking to the Night Blade Master.
- Adjusted Hydra Island. Chest, increased chances of Tier 3 and 4 chest.
- Fixed Legacy/Hydra Chest opening animation.
- Adjusted the limited range of Auto-Setspawn setting.
- Adjusted support for Xbox/PS5 controllers.
- Displays button outputs for the current system.
- Fixed the "M1" Fighting Style for Cyborg/ DarkLeg.
- Owners of Private Servers may now use the '/shutdown' command to shut down the server.
Adjusted the Bounty System in King Legacy
- Global Bounty Reset / Leaderboard Reset.
- From now on, you may receive a bounty upon defeating all Bosses. (Cooldown per Boss is every 2 hours) (The bounty that can be obtained from bosses is capped at 3,000,000)
- Bounty PvP Boost: The more bounty a player has, the greater the damage/defense boost you will receive.
- You can check the PvP Boost through an NPC located near the player's Leaderboard.
Skill Changes in King Legacy Update 5
- Revamped Sword Skills
- Night Blade ( V1 / V2)
- Katana
- Mini Mace
- Pipe
- Jitter
- Gold Spear
- Triple Katana
- Pole
- Tashi Blade
- Shark Blade
- Anubis Axe
- Adventure Knife
- Mom Blade
- Kioru (Z)
- Hunter Blade
- Sunken Blade (X)
- Hell Sword
- Authentic Mace
- ATK (V2)
- Xmas Blade
- Sweet Lozenge
- Bisento
Adjusted the skill's speed based on the radius.
- Flame (C) Unawakened
- Ice (X) Awakened
- Mom Blade (X) Skill
- Saber (Z) Skill
- Pole (Z) Skill
- Demon Trident (X) Skill
Related: King Legacy Codes
Players can no longer cast a skill while swimming unless they have transformed into a Dinosaur, etc.
- Adjusted the Sky Jump to make it smoother, as well as the Ship.
- Adjusted Overall, the effect system has been adjusted to make it more stable and seamless.
- Adjusted Conqueror
- Added Teleport Cooldown.
- Added a Cooldown bar at the bottom of the screen.
- The Conqueror's color now corresponds to the Armament color you own
- Observation V2's eye color will depend on the Armament you own.
- Adjusted Conqueror ability to stun players with a lower amount of bounty if your own bounty surpasses theirs.
- Additionally, If a player's bounty is equal to or greater than an enemy's, the Conqueror won't harm them.
- Added an Arc Rainbow Color Aura on Swords.
- Adjusted all Swords' animations.
- Moved the Armament Storage NPC to the First Sea.
Armament Changes in King Legacy Update 5
- Added an improvement to the Armament System
- Owners of Armament may now view its level within the Stats Menu.
- You may change the appearance with each stage, but the buff remains the same.
- Stage 1: No Buff
- Stage 2-6: increases +1% Damage and 1% Defense for each Stage level.
- Added an option to Hide Accessories in the Settings Menu; all equipment can still be viewed with Observation V2.
- Adjusted the amount of Stats Points to match the Level Cap, increasing it by 3 points per Level.
- Raid Boss HP has been nerfed due to the change in Stats Point, making it easier to defeat without too much difficulty.
Island Changes in King Legacy Update 5
First Sea
- Expert Swordman: 1,500,000 ⨠ 440,000 HP
- Monster 750,000 >> 250,000 HP
Second Sea
- King Samurai I 1,000,000 ⨠ 500,000 HP
- King Samurai II 1,250,000 ⨠ 750,000 HP
- Dragon 1,500,000 ⨠ 1,000,000 HP
- Sea King 2,500,000 ⨠ 1,575,000 HP
- Ghost Ship 3,000,000 ⨠ 750,000 HP
- Hydra I 2,000,000 ⨠ 1,100,000 HP
- Hydra II 3,000,000 ⨠ 2,200,000 HP
- Kraken Tentacle 525,000 HP (75k per tentacle)
Added New Third Sea
- Saber Lord: 3,750,000 HP
- New Daily Quests
- New Level Quests
Reduced the spawn time for 2nd Sea Raid Bosses
- Ms.Mother every 2 hours.
- King Samurai every 1 hour.
For more information on King Legacy, check out the King Legacy level guide - How to get to Max Level on Pro Game Guides.
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Published: Jan 19, 2024 03:07 am