The questions surrounding age verification on Roblox have circulated throughout this year, but on September 21, 2021 Roblox provided some much-requested answers. The process of verifying one's age will be completely optional, however, those who choose to opt-out of the verification system will be restricted from partaking in certain content on the platform—including the forthcoming voice chat feature.
As nearly half of Roblox's player base consists of users over the age of 13, how to properly manage the safety of younger users has remained a concern. In a recent blog post, Roblox stated that the spatial voice feature will only be accessible to those who have verified that they are over the age of 13. By doing this, Roblox believes they are protecting the more impressionable users on the platform from potentially inappropriate content or experiences unfit for a younger audience.
Roblox has made it clear that it prioritizes user privacy, and that any personal data taken from players who want to verify their age, such as an ID or driver's license, will not be stored.
Note: Age verification is currently in the beta stage, with a full release planned for the fall of 2021, along with spacial voice chat. Some users will have the ability to verify their age in their account settings now by clicking here, while others will need to wait for the site-wide release.
How it works
In order to verify your age on Roblox you'll need the Roblox app, as access to a phone camera is required. Users can simply snap a photo of their driver's license, passport, or ID card which will then be scanned by Roblox's photo processor for authentication purposes. After this scan is complete, users will be asked to take selfie in order to prove "liveness" and "likeness".
Photos from a camera roll will not be allowed due to their more static nature, so be prepared to get your photo face on! Roblox uses "liveness" to ensure that you're a living and breathing person, as silly as that may sound, and "likeness" to verify that you are the same person who appears in your submitted picture. This entire photoshoot process shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

Though age verification is a very necessary process in many cases, there are questions surrounding the extent of Roblox's system as they require all IDs to be government-issued. This leaves questions to be answered about how those who live in areas where it's more difficult to obtain a government ID, or don't have access to an ID at all yet as a minor, can prove their age on the site. As this feature is still new at the time of this article being posted, answers may be given by Roblox as development and wide releases continue into the fall of 2021.
While we wait for more information on age verification and voice chat, check out some of our helpful guides and codes over on the Pro Game Guides Roblox page!
Published: Sep 22, 2021 08:35 am