All factions in Type Soul have their benefits and styles, so it's hard to say which one of the best. However, the Soul Reaper faction is particularly appealing to me because they can join up with several different divisions that will determine their ability to focus and earn them special rewards. Division 5, in particular, is one of the very best ways to farm XP as a Soul Reaper. If you're looking to become a more powerful warrior, you won't want to miss out on this opportunity.
Division 5 Guide in Type Soul
Divisions are various groups you can join as a Soul Reaper that allow you to gain different bonuses and complete special missions to progress your skills and earn rewards. There are 13 different divisions in total, and each of them has different missions to complete. Division 5 is known to be one of the top divisions to join because it can have some of the best rewards and is the fastest way to farm division XP. Here's how you can join up:
How to join Division 5 in Type Soul
The first step to joining any division is making sure you're at the proper level. You'll need to be at least Grade 3 to start completing division quests. You can level up by completing missions in the meantime. Then, when you're ready to give a division a go, you can head right for Soul Society.
Now, going to Soul Society is easy to do as a Soul Reaper, but only after reaching Grade 5. You will receive the Senkaimon tool in your inventory, which will allow you to instantly teleport there. However, there is also one other teleport that I know of, which is in Quincy Castle. This is a white teleport right behind the Balance NPC at the top of the castle. Once you're at Soul Society, you'll have free reign to join up with any division there; each will have an icon over it to make it easy to find.
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Type Soul Division 5 Location

The Division 5 building is toward the right side corner when facing the tall towering buildings in the distance. Look out for the red walls around it and the matching red roof. It will be a lower building with a slightly rounded roof.

As soon as you enter the building, turn around and face the doorway, and you'll see the division leader right beside the door. Speak with him to join up. If you're at the right level, it will automatically allow you to join. Then, you can turn away from the leader and find the mission board and division duties right against the wall.
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Type Soul Division 5 Duties
Interacting with the Division 5 Duties Board will allow you to start up your quest. When the prompt pops up on your screen to accept the duties, pressing "yes," will instantly teleport you to where you need to go. For this duty, you'll need to complete the following task:
- Use Hollow Bait to summon Hallows in Karakura Town and then kill 3 of them
This should be pretty easy to accomplish since you will be teamed up with some more players to help you complete the task, and you can follow the white highlights to easily find Hollows to kill. Once you kill at least 3 of them, you'll complete the duty and earn some Division XP.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Type Soul content? Check out our guides on How to get Shikai in Type Soul – Roblox or How to become a Quincy in Type Soul – Roblox!
Published: Jul 25, 2023 09:29 am