Find the Simpsons, similar to the beloved Find the Markers, is a scavenger hunt-style experience that plops players into the fictional city of Springfield and challenges them to find the various fan-favorite characters that have been hidden across it. Some characters, like Dangerous Maggie, can only be found in locked areas, which requires players to go on an extra hunt for certain color-coded keys.
Where to find the Red Key in Find the Simpsons
As mentioned above, Dangerous Maggie can only be found after you've collected the Red Key and opened the locked red door. To find this key, and its corresponding door, we must first teleport to Mr. Burns' mansion.

Once here, wrap around to the back of the mansion and locate the short obby that leads up its wall and to the roof.

Upon climbing this obby, you'll be able to reach the top of the mansion and find the Red Key.

Where does the Red Key go in Find the Simpsons?
With the Red Key in hand, enter Mr. Burns' mansion and carefully jump across the moving platforms to reach the locked red door on the other side of the water.

Upon approaching this door, it should open automatically, revealing Dangerous Maggie inside.

That's it for this quick guide on how to get the Red Key in Find the Simpsons and what it does. If there's any specific characters you're looking to find, leave them in the comments below and I'll make a guide to help as soon as I can!
Looking for more Find the Simpsons key guides? Check out Where is the Blue Key in Find the Simpsons? – Roblox or Where does the Little Brown Key go in Find the Simpsons? – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 9, 2023 01:54 pm