Just as the name states, Adopt Me! players can adopt hundreds of adorable pets and help raise them, take in other players as a parent or older sibling, or even be the adoptee themselves and find their forever home. Whether you want to create your own house and grow the biggest family on the block, or start your life fresh and be a part of one that's already established, Adopt Me! has something for everyone. If you're a new Adopt Me! player, you may find the map a bit confusing, which is totally ok! Check out the guide below for a quick look at one of the most important locations on the map, the Sky Castle.
How to find the Sky Castle in Adopt Me!
Once you've spawned into Adopt Me!, leave your house and head to Adoption Island by locating and following the large red arrow that says Exit. Approaching this arrow will take you to Adoption Island's entrance. If you own the Premium Plots gamepass, you'll already spawn on Adoption Island from the start.

Upon walking into the white void in front of you, you'll automatically be teleported to Adoption Island. Spread around Adoption Island are multiple buildings, houses, and parks, all of which serve a unique purpose. Near the middle of Adoption Island, across the numerous bridges, should be a set of stairs that leads to a large pirate ship.

At the top of these stairs is Captain Arg, who, upon paying him five Bucks, will allow you to climb aboard his flying pirate ship and visit the Sky Castle.

Inside the Sky Castle are various potions and pets for sale, along with an area that's exclusive to those with wings!

That's it for our guide on how to find the Sky Castle in Adopt Me! and what it offers! If you have any other places you'd like a guide for, let me know in the comments below.
Looking for more Adopt Me! content? Check out our recent guides on Adopt Me Pet Ages & Levels List – Neon Levels! or How to get the Shipwreck Bay badge in Adopt Me – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: May 11, 2023 01:12 pm