Showa American Story is an upcoming action-adventure game by Nekcom Entertainment. The reveal trailer showed the world, gameplay, and some of the story. Unfortunately, no release date was shown, but Nekcom Entertainment did reveal what platforms Showa American Story is coming to.
Showa American Story will release for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. As of now, it is not releasing on Xbox or Nintendo Switch. So if you want to play Showa American Story, you will need a PlayStation or a PC.
Related: What are the system requirements for Showa American Story?
Currently, there is no official release date yet, so it is possible that it could come to other consoles before it releases or even be ported after its initial launch. As more information is released, this could change.
You can watch the reveal trailer for Showa American Story below. The game's premise seems unique and exciting and will surely be full of crazy moments. Follow their social media to stay up to date on the game, and we will update this if any new consoles are announced!
For more information on gaming, check out When is the release date of Showa American Story? and Best build for Xinyan in Genshin Impact on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 7, 2022 11:15 am