Sam loves to joke around, and you'll often find him being mischievous with Sebastian. He's a very light-hearted and warm character, though. Romancing Sam is easy if you just take a little bit of time to figure out what makes him tick.
How to marry Sam in Stardew Valley: Best Gifts and Schedule
Sam tries to be a good role model for his younger brother Vincent, and he knows he's the man of the house while his dad is away. He isn't all that meets the eye! Once you get to know him, you'll find he has a very deep personality.
- Primary Location: Jodi's home in the southwest part of town.
- Birthday: Summer 17
Gifts that Sam likes in Stardew Valley
Like most young adult men, Sam has pretty simple tastes. You'll find a list of his favorite items below. You can give one of these to him on any day, but if you want a big boost in friendship hearts, give him one of them on his birthday!
- All Universal Loves
- Cactus Fruit
- Maple Bar
- Pizza
- Tigerseye
Related: Stardew Valley: Best Gifts for Building Friendships - Pro Game Guides
Sam's Schedule

Sam definitely fits the bill for a typical guy in his early 20's. He works part time at Joja-Mart and can frequently be found there. Outside of that, you'll often find him slacking, hanging out with friends, or on his skateboard. Avril Lavigne's Sk8ter boi is rumored to be about Sam. Kidding, of course. Listed below are the times and places you'll find him.
Special Days (Follow these first!)
- Day 9 and Day 23 (No specific season, less than six hearts with Penny)
- 9:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 4:00 pm - Walking around town. (No specific location)
- 7:00 pm - Returns home.
- 9:30 pm - Goes to bed.
- Rainy Day (Option One)
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 3:00 pm - In his kitchen.
- 5:00 pm - In his room.
- 8:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Rainy Day (Option Two)
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 11:00 am - In his home.
- 2:00 pm - Goes to the Stardrop Saloon.
- 7:40 pm - Goes home and goes to bed.
- Monday and Wednesday (Community Center restored)
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 11:00 am - Goes to the museum.
- 4:00 pm - Goes home and stands in front of his bookshelf.
- 9:30 pm - Goes to bed.
- Monday and Wednesday (Community Center not restored)
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 11:00 am - Goes to work at JojaMart.
- 4:00 pm - Goes home and stands in front of his bookshelf.
- 9:30 pm - Goes to bed.
- Friday
- 10:00 am - In his room.
- 11:00 am - Goes to skateboard outside of his house.
- 3:00 pm - Playing pool at the Stardrop Saloon with Sebastian.
- 9:20 pm - Goes home for the evening.
- Saturday
- 10:00 am -In his bedroom.
- 2:00 am - In his bedroom with Sebastian.
- 6:00 pm - Goes with Sebastian to the river.
- 7:50 pm - Goes home and goes to bed.
- Summer 17 (Jojamart open, not raining)
- 10:00 am - In his room.
- 11:00 pm - Goes to Joja Mart with Jodi.
- 4:00 pm - Heads home and goes to his room.
- 9:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Autumn 11
- 10:00 am - In his room.
- 11:30 am - Goes to the Clinic waiting room.
- 1:30 pm - Goes to the examination room in the Clinic.
- 4:00 pm - In Pelican town (no set location).
- 9:00 pm - Goes home and goes to bed.
- Normal
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 2:00 pm - Goes to stand near Lewis's House, either in front of the bush or near the river.
- 6:30 pm - Goes home.
- 9:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Normal
- 10:00 am - In his bedroom.
- 1:40 am - Goes to the beach by the firepit with Vincent.
- 7:00 pm - Goes home.
- 9:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Normal
- 10:00 am - In his room.
- 1:20 pm - In Cindersap Forest, southwest of Leah's Cottage.
- 2:00 pm - At the lake outside the mine entrance.
- 7:00 pm - In his home.
- 9:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Normal
- 10:00 am - In his room.
- 1:20 pm - Goes to the Stardrop Saloon.
- 7:00 pm - In his home.
- 9:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Monday
- 6:00 am - At home.
- 8:00 am - Goes to Jodi's home in Pelican Town.
- 3:00 pm - Heads home.
- 10:00 pm - Goes to bed.
- Friday
- 6:00 am - At home.
- 8:00 am - Goes to Jodi's home in Pelican Town.
- 11:50 am - Skateboarding south of Stardrop Saloon.
- 3:30 pm - Goes to the Stardrop Saloon.
- 9:00 pm - Goes home.
- 11:00 pm - Goes to bed.
Related: Stardew Valley Best Crops for Every Season - Spring, Summer, & Fall! - Pro Game Guides
Sam Friendship Events - Stardew Valley
The friendship events are a good way to gain or lose some affection. Sam only has one Friendship Event in which you can help or harm your relationship with him.
- Four Hearts
- When you're at his house, and he asks you to tell his mom what happened
- Sam dropped the snack as he was handing it to me. (-10 Friendship)
- Sam handed me the snack, and then I dropped it. (+50 Friendship)
- Sam dropped it on purpose. He thought it would be funny. (-50 Friendship)
- When you're at his house, and he asks you to tell his mom what happened
That's it! With all this information, you're ready to gain Sam's affections. I bet you liked him because he can play guitar, didn't you?
Sam's friend Sebastian is just as interesting! You can also gain his affections with this guide!
Published: Mar 12, 2024 08:49 am