In Starfield, you can collect various illegal items in the game, such as the contraband Aurora. Aurora is a pharmaceutical hallucinogen that's banned across most planets, but there are a few missions revolving around this resource. Here's what to do with Aurora in Starfield.
Where to sell Aurora and other contraband in Starfield

There's a lot you can do with contraband items like Aurora. You can sell them at specific shops around the galaxy, which can make for a very lucrative smuggling operation. To sell Aurora, head over to a Trade Authority shop in the galaxy, such as the one at Neon in Volii Alpha (Volii System). I had to speak to Kolman Lang at this shop to sell my Aurora. Remember, having the Commerce skill unlocked fetches a bonus while selling items to vendors.
I first procured Aurora from the Astral Lounge and successfully smuggled it out of Neon City. You can do this by going through the Ebbside area and jumping onto your ship from above the spaceport. If your ship is well protected from scanners with shielded cargo containers, visit other planets to sell Aurora at different Trade Authority shops in the galaxy. One notable location is The Den on Chthonia in the Wolf System. This is a favorable system to visit as there are no factions to scan your ship while smuggling contraband.
How to travel with Aurora and contraband in Starfield

You can travel to different planets with contrabands on your ship, but be careful as various space police factions will scan your ship upon entry. I suggest installing Shielded Cargo containers and Scan Jammers on your ship. To attach these modules, head to Lon Anderssen's shop at The Red Mile on Porrima 3 (Porrima System). Select the Ship Builder option and attach Cargo Carriers with Shielded Capacity.

For example, select the 10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold to get around 320 shielded capacity. Likewise, choose Scan Jammers under the Equipment tab to attach them to your ship. Remember, this only shields a certain amount of contraband, so it's best not to exceed that weight limit by carrying too many illegal items.

Likewise, the Deception skill (Social) also reduces the efficiency of contraband scans. The best way to rank up this skill quickly is by convincing enemy ships to surrender. Rank 4 Deception makes enemy contraband scans 50% less effective.

You can also craft Aurora at a Pharmaceutical Lab after acquiring its recipe. The recipe to craft Aurora will be available after you complete the "Fishy Business" mission. If you're planning to make money off smuggling contrabands in the game, then it's essential to learn how to craft Aurora.
Remember, consuming too much Aurora will inevitably come with the Stimulant Addiction status affliction. You can cure this condition permanently by using a Junk Flush or by visiting a Doctor on any of the major planets. Aurora slows down time for a few seconds, which can be handy in a pinch, but it should only be used as a last resort. I recommend selling this contraband instead of consuming it.
For more information on Starfield, check out Where to get Polymer in Starfield? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 7, 2023 11:44 am