Like a serpentine manifestation of rage and flame, Marilith struck down the Strangers she once called her comrades before coiling around the Fire Crystal, greedily hoarding its power for herself atop the volcanic Mount Gulg. Your reflexes will have to be sharper than ever to dodge Marilith’s fiery blades and rejuvenate the Fire Crystal, but don’t worry—we’re here to help you survive this deadly dance. Here’s how to defeat Marilith, the Fiend of Fire in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.
Fighting Marilith, the Fiend of Fire
Preparing to fight Marilith
Before taking on Marilith, you’ll want to be prepared to exploit her weakness—water and holy. Setting the Sage as one of your Jobs will give you access to powerful water and holy magic, while choosing a secondary Job that utilizes either fists or daggers will allow for the use of swift attacks to quickly recharge MP.
Related: How to beat Kraken, the Fiend of Water in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

The Mission Levels range from 50 to 84 for both the Main and Side Mission versions of the Marilith fight, so equip gear of at least an equal level before heading in to face her. Additionally, if you’ve unlocked the option to Change Special Effects through the Smithy, be sure to give your weapons and armor at least a few of the following Equipment Effects before heading into battle:
- Imbue Water
- Imbue Holy
- Water Damage Dealt
- Water Break Damage Dealt
- Holy Damage Dealt
- Holy Break Damage Dealt
- Magic Damage Dealt
- Magic Break Damage Dealt
- Enemy Weakness Damage Dealt
- Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt
- Physical Damage Taken
- Fire Resistance
- MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks
- Action Ability MP Cost
Once your party’s Jobs and gear have been decided, head to the Mount Gulg area on the World Map to confront the Fiend of Fire.
Marilith's attacks and abilities
Marilith relies on her speed to assault players with fire and physical attacks during combat, preferring to get up close and personal with her enemies. Due to this, Marilith has the potential to overwhelm your party if you aren't careful—attacks like Flaming Fury allow her to quickly cross the arena, while Asura lets her attack from a safe distance. The attacks Marilith will use during battle are as follows:

- Normal Attack Combo
- Marilith delivers two to five swipes to any player directly in front of her. This attack can be blocked normally or avoided by dodging.
- Blade Dance
- Marilith gives herself an offensive buff, increasing her attack for a short period of time.
- Stone Gaze
- Marilith leers at her enemies, turning any players caught in her gaze to stone for a short period of time. This attack cannot be blocked and should be avoided by facing away from Marilith.
- Raining Swords
- Marilith showers the player with a series of downward sword strikes. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Lunging Slash
- Marilith lunges forward, slashing horizontally at the player in front of her with three of her blades. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Rakshasa Slash
- Marilith wildly swings all six of her blades in a small area-of-effect around her, damaging any players within its radius. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Asura
- Marilith barrages a player with energy blades created by swinging her swords. This attack can be partially blocked, avoided by dodging, or turned against Marilith by using Soul Shield.
- Inferno
- Marilith causes pillars of fire to erupt from the ground beneath players, dealing fire-based damage. This attack can be avoided by dodging.
- Flaming Fury
- Marilith launches herself towards a player in a spinning motion, creating a flaming tornado. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
Related: How to beat Lich, the Fiend of Earth in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
How to beat Marilith
The key to fighting Marilith is keeping your distance by dashing and dodging, all while using Water or Holy magic. To start out the battle, switch to your Sage Job and hit Marilith with Waterga and Diaja until you've run out of MP. From there, initiate both of your ally's resonance states, causing them to act as a distraction by using their abilities on Marilith more aggressively.

While Marilith is preoccupied with attacking your teammates, hit her with Normal Attacks to recover your MP, then distance yourself from Marilith once again before casting Waterga and Diaja. Additionally, if your weapon has the Imbue Water or Imbue Holy equipment effects, each Normal Attack will exploit Kraken's weakness to water or holy and lower his break gauge.
Simply continue that cycle of casting, using resonances and recovering MP, then casting again. If Marilith begins to use Stone Gaze, stop targeting her and make sure Jack is facing away from the Fiend of Fire. This will allow you to avoid the Petrification status ailment.

The battle will enter its second phase upon Marilith's health being lowered to the halfway mark, at which point her attacks will become imbued with fire and she'll begin to use Flaming Fury and Inferno. Marilith's attack patterns will remain the same for the rest of the fight, however, so continue using Waterga, Diaja, and water or holy imbued Normal Attacks to chip away at her break gauge. Just stay calm and careful, and you'll be sure to take down this fiery Fiend in the blink of an eye!
Looking for more great Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin content? Be sure to check out Can you change your party members’ Jobs in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin? here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 23, 2022 09:57 am