Strinova is a tactical third-person hero shooter like Valorant with distinct anime-style graphics. The game features several characters with unique abilities and innovative new mechanics like Stringify or paper mode. This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know about Strinova as a beginner player, along with some useful tips.
Strinova Game Modes

As you level up your rank, you can unlock and play the following game modes in Strinova:
- Demolition: This is the classic 5v5 round-based mode in which the attackers plant the bomb. At the same time, the defenders prevent them by eliminating all opponents or defusing the bomb. You would know this game mode if you have played Counter-Strike and Valorant. Strinova also features a Ranked Demolition mode, which, as implied, allows you to rank up and play against similarly skilled opponents in a highly competitive setting.
- Escort: Another 5v5 mode similar to Overwatch where one team pushes the payload to its destination while the other tries to prevent that from happening.
- Team Arena: In this 7v7 mode, the first team to score 50 kills wins. It doesn't matter which character you choose in this mode, as all the abilities are non-functional in the arena. The match duration is 15 minutes, which means if neither of the teams manages to get 50 kills, the team with higher kills at the end of the round wins.
- Team Deathmatch: Similar to Team Arena, your objective here is to get 50 kills within 15 minutes; however, this is a battle between 5 teams of 3 players each. Your character's active ability can be used in TDM.
Strinova Agent Classes explained

Before diving into the various agents you can use in Strinova, let's first learn about the classes these characters are categorized into. These classes assign a role to the agent that is crucial for competitive play in Demolition mode, where team cohesion plays a major part.
- Initiator: Initiators are meant to determine the pace of the round by providing information required on how to approach and where to push. They have abilities that can detect enemy presence, sometimes even through objects, and mark them for the team.
- Agents: Kanami, Lawine
- Sentinel: These are defenders with abilities that allow them to fortify a position and hold off enemies. They are best used to defend a bomb site from attackers in Demolition.
- Agents: Michele, Nobunaga, Audrey
- Duelist: These are agents mostly suited for aggressive playstyle players who want to take the fight to the enemy. Their skills make them masters at pushing and clearing a path for their teammates.
- Agents: Flavia, Eika, Ming, Bai Mo, Fuchsia
- Controller: As the name implies, these characters provide you with tools to take control of an area either while defending attackers or preventing defenders from defusing the bomb. Use them to slow down enemies or divert their movement.
- Agents: Yvette, Meredith, Reiichi, Maddelena
- Support: These agents are healers or the medic class in Strinova. They can replenish the HP of their allies and themselves, and can even turn the tide of the battle when in the right hands.
- Agents: Kokona, Fragrans, Celestia
While these are roles assigned to every agent based on their unique skills, you don't have to confine yourself to these roles during matches. For instance, it's fine for a Sentinel to push into a bomb site if that's your playstyle and when the situation demands it.
Strinova Agents List and Skills/Abilities
Agent | Active Skill | Passive Skill | Ultimate Skill | Weapon |
Kanami | Fire a Sonar Disk that scans for enemies and reveals them to all allies. | Bullets generate a Sonar Zone exposing nearby enemies. | Pulls in nearby enemies to your deployed hologram. | Finale (Sniper) |
Lawine | Throw a Pulse Blade that exposes nearby enemies to her team. | Enemies hit by your primary weapon are briefly exposed to you. | Create a Stealth Zone inside which you're invisible but can't shoot. | Shadow (AR) |
Michele | Deploy a Pawtector that sticks to surfaces, attacking and slowing nearby enemies. | Reveal enemies through walls when they hit you. | Deploy an auto-turret that attacks nearby enemies. | Inspector (AR) |
Nobunaga | Deploy up to two Guardian Eyes that increase rate of fire, weapon usability, and armor regen. Effects stack. | Charge your shots in ADS mode that cause hit enemies to lose their crosshairs. | Deploy a Pulse Generator that emits waves revealing struck enemies and inflicting silence. | Judge (DMR) |
Audrey | Increased fire rate with no recoil and no reload requirement. However, the weapon can overheat. | Generate a shield when ADSing for extra armor. | Get six flame-inducing grenades that you can shoot with your LMG. | Champion (LMG) |
Flavia | When taking HP damage, transform into a immune butterfly and summons a Phantom Orb to blind enemies. | Active skill cooldown reduces when you take damage. Also gain temporary ultimate points. | Generate a Phantom Zone at your location inside which enemy fatal attacks trigger the butterfly transformation. Enemies outside the zone can see you only if you attack them first. | Solo (SMG) |
Eika | Summon a spherical Flame Cage that damages enemies within. Inside, your primary weapon deals extra burn damage. | Landed shots accumulate Heat. At max Heat, damage against stringified (paper form) enemies increases. | Summon up to three Firestorms that deal damage and force gliding to foes. | Wildfire (Shotgun) |
Ming | Fire an Electric Orb that explodes on impact or upon detonation. | Regenerate armor based on the damage your weapons and active skill inflict on enemy armor and shields. | Gain temporary armor and apply a stacking slow effect with your shots. Damaging enemies extends skill duration and replenishes your armor. | Rebelflame (AR) |
Bai Mo | Dash forward while reloading your shotgun with two shells. Cooldown refreshes on kills and assists. | String-block enemies by dealing at least 50 damage in one shot. | Respawn at your placed beacon if killed or on command with full health. | Freedom Reign (Shotgun) |
Fuchsia | Reveal nearby enemies at less than full health and briefly expose enemies at full health to yourself. | Enemies you kill or assist drop Energy Crystals, which you can use to regen HP. | Boost your fire rate and your active skill marks all enemies within her vision. Absorb Energy Crystals to extend duration. | Sawtooth (AR) |
Yvette | Summon a controllable bear that creates an icy surface causing slipping and increased vulnerability. | Get a camouflage after standing still that makes you invisible to distant enemies. | Summon a frost bear that creates three polar zones causing enemies to slip and reducing weapon usability. | Beareas (SMG) |
Meredith | Deploy a Sandstorm that reduces enemy movement speed and weapon usability. It also temporarily drains their health. | Descent speed greatly reduces when aiming midair. | Summon a Haboob dust storm that hinders vision, pulls enemies toward the center, and temporarily drains their health. | Falcon (AR) |
Reiichi | Deploy an umbrella to create a Light Screen that blocks vision. | Periodically scan for enemies while in ADS mode. | The Light Screen now also blocks all enemy bullets. | Dawn (DMR) |
Maddelena | Fire a splash of paint that slows enemies and reveals their footprints. | Hit from your primary weapon slows enemies and reveal their tracks. | Fire a giant bubble that string-blocks and tracks enemies within. | Chroma (DMR) |
Kokona | Deploy a Healing Drone that hovers over a chosen target, restoring their armor and healing all nearby allies. | When out of combat, regenerate your HP. Deploy a drone to automatically revive a downed ally. | Revive a closeby downed ally with your drone. | Quasar (Sniper) |
Fragrans | Create an aromatic field around you, inside which allies gain either fire rate or movement speed. | Slowly restore your and your teammates' HP. | Create an aromatic field inside which teammates gain fire rate, movement speed, and HP regen. You can't use weapons but get damage reduction. | Blossom (AR) |
Celestia | Release a star on an ally to increase their armor. The star then returns to boost your armor. | Gradually restore your and your allies' armor. | Teleport to an ally's location while also boosting their armor. The teleport can be canceled. | Polaris (AR) |
Best Strinova Agents for Beginners - Characters to choose at start
We've already talked about the five classes in Strinova, but the characters are also divided into three factions: P.U.S., Urbino, and Scissors. This is also a key factor to consider for team formation because P.U.S. agents are only available for defenders and Scissors are exclusive to attackers, however, Urbino characters can be selected by both. Keeping these things in mind, here are the Strinova agents I think beginner players should start playing with:
- Attackers
- Ming (Duelist): If I had to pick one agent for aggressive players that has no learning curve, Ming would be my first choice. Her skills are very simple and just provide you abilities to attack and push the enemy team with no fear.
- Lawine (Initiator): Although she's a must-have agent for the attacking team in most scenarios, Lawine isn't difficult to master. With each shot, you'll reveal enemies briefly and can use the ultimate skill to relocate without noise. Her Pulse Blade is easy to use yet crucial for the team.
- Fuchsia (Duelist): Just like Ming, Fuchsia is a straightforward operator in Strinova. You can regen HP via orbs dropped on killed enemies and reveal foes via her scan.
- Reiichi (Controller): With Reiichi, you get a free scan every few seconds that reveals enemies while ADSing. The main highlight is his Light Screen which can be used to reposition or inflict damage from cover. This character is the least beginner-friendly on the list, but is very powerful so I had to mention him.
- Defenders
- Michele (Sentinel): Defenders must have at least one Sentinel in their team and Michele is the best option in my opinion. Just plant her Pawtector and Meowblast traps at the desired spots and they will mark and damage the enemies for you.
- Flavia (Duelist): While you can Fuchsia as a defender, Flavia wouldn't disappoint you either. Her abilities allow you to take fights fearlessly as you can easily fall back using her transformation abilities. You may have to spend some time to learn her tricks properly.
- Maddelena (Controller): You want to prevent the attackers from taking over the bomb site, use Maddelena's paintballs and bullet effects to reveal their tracks and slow them down. She can take control of an area very well with a good Sentinel player.
- Celestia (Support): Celestia is another agent that is super easy to use as her primary job is to support teammates by replenishing their armor when needed. Her ultimate allows her to teleport to an ally's location, but I haven't found that much helpful.
How to earn and claim rewards in Strinova

Although Strinova is a free-to-play game, it has microtransactions for cosmetics that players can purchase to customize their characters, eventually supporting the game developers. You can get these items from the Store by purchasing bundles, opening packs, or getting the seasonal Battle Pass. For free, you can still obtain cosmetics like weapon skins, charms, and sprays. Go to the Mail icon on the top-right of the main menu and claim any rewards if available.
Initially, you get various rewards, including secondary weapons and grenade unlocks, by simply leveling up by playing Strinova (see rewards above). Level Rewards can be accessed by visiting your profile at the top-left of the main menu. You also get Dream Tokens and Memory Sequence, which can be used to unlock new agents and participate in draws, respectively.

On the main menu screen, you'll also find an Events tab showcasing limited-time events and pack drops. For instance, I could claim some free rewards via the Spacetime Chorus event by logging in daily and collecting the prize from the Events tab (see image above).
Strinova - Best Tips for Beginners
Utilizing Stringify or paper mode

The most distinguishing feature of Strinova is the paper mode your character can transform into by clicking Left-Ctrl. The term used for this in-game is Stringify, and I can't emphasize enough how much you should be using it (rather than spamming it initially). Although it doesn't make you invincible, going into paper mode briefly reduces your hitbox significantly, making you a harder target to hit (see image above).
Using wall-sticking and gliding when necessary

In addition to the paper mode, you can transform into stickers on certain walls by pressing E near them. I have used wall-sticking to hide from enemies as your character becomes difficult to spot, especially for inexperienced players. This method can also be used to move freely and to areas you couldn't otherwise flank the enemy or obtain a vantage point.

Another variation of the paper mode is gliding which you can activate by pressing Left-Ctrl midair. Because the maps in Strinova have some verticality, I have often used this feature to relocate to further distances or cover more distances faster. Players are taught these techniques during the tutorial of Strinova, but I haven't seen many incorporate these crucial mechanics into their gameplay.
Switching between aiming modes
In Strinova, you can switch between three aiming modes while engaging the enemies depending on the distance between you and them:
- Hipfire: Least accurate when you shoot long range but is a must for close-quarters combat. Because the game is third-person, hipfiring when up close is more effective than aiming.
- Shoulder Aim: By pressing Left Shift, you enter shoulder aiming mode which is slightly more accurate than hipfire as you're zoomed in a bit. This is best for close-mid-range fights.
- ADS: Aiming down sights (ADS) provides the best accuracy, but it should only be used when the target is at least a few meters away (mid-long ranges). Right-click on your mouse to enter ADS and open your weapon's scope.
Learn the weapon's recoil patterns
If you've decided what agent to master in Strinova, you must understand the characters' weapons recoil plot alongside the skills. This way, you'll soon learn which direction to drag the mouse so the recoil kick is compensated. Slowly, you can learn the pattern for various weapons in the game. Remember, tap shooting your gun even though it's full-auto is never a bad idea at longer range.

The recoil pattern also varies with different aiming modes as the accuracy changes. In the image above, you can see the recoil plot differences on the wall between ADS (left), shoulder aim (center), and hipfire (right). Although the vertical kick is the same, the horizontal spread varies a lot amongst the three aiming modes. Another tip I want to include is that you should develop a habit of switching to your secondary weapon when you've run out of bullets mid-fight. The base secondary, Stinger, is very powerful up close.

If the recoil feels too much, don't worry, as there are some ways to reduce the kick on the weapon. You earn points during each round depending on how you perform. These points can be used to purchase upgrades for your weapon and character abilities via the buy menu at the start of each round.
You can reduce the recoil, increase ammo count, boost the fire rate, and add much more to your weapon (see image above). Furthermore, you can lower your agent's skill cooldown and increase armor.
Utilizing grenades/tactical items

Multiple grenades are available in the game, and you can carry two of them at a time. These tactical items have different functions and can be paired brilliantly with certain agents to make bold plays. For instance, I've learned this trick: I throw Smoke Grenade around myself as Lawine and use her Pulse Blade to reveal enemies. This way, I can spot them, but they can't see me through the smoke.
Teamwork and map awareness
Finally, it should go without saying that teamwork and proper communication are crucial for round-based, attackers versus defenders game mode, be it in CS:GO, Valorant, or Strinova. In this game, characters have more HP and very few weapons (Sniper Rifles) are a one-hit kill.
Therefore, sticking with at least one other teammate is always a good idea if you want to overpower your opponent. And, of course, no competitive tactical game can be fully mastered without proper map awareness. This knowledge comes with time as you play the game and learn the choke points, covers, and flanking routes.
For more on Strinova, check out Best Agents Ranked on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 25, 2024 01:08 pm