If you are a little tired of Wordle but need more time to get back to crosswords, hold onto your hats because we have a game to show you. Introducing Contexto: an AI-based word guessing game that uses a ranking system to guide you to the correct answer. Here's how it works.
Overview of Contexto
The goal of Contexto is to determine which word is ranked number one. You do this by entering words and basing your next guess on the ranked number of your entered word. Words more closely related to the number one word will be ranked higher than unrelated words.
It's a simple enough concept, but there are a few ground rules. You have unlimited attempts to guess the word, but you can't use variations of the same word as separate guesses. If you want to guess hide, for example, you won't be able to also guess hidden.
If you get stuck, you can ask for a hint which will display a word that's related to the number one word. There aren't any limits on hints, but the number of hints you request will be displayed on your final score. The tips can be incredibly helpful if you misinterpret the theme of one of your ranked words and go off in an entirely different guessing direction.
Looking for more word game news on Pro Game Guides? Check out 5 Letter words that start with GRO – Wordle Help.
Published: Oct 31, 2022 05:31 pm