It's hard to keep up with all of the Minecraft mods, but luckily, some modders were thoughtful enough to make mod packs containing everything I need in one place. An All the Mods 8 mod list includes everything you need.
Complete Mod List from All the Mods 8 pack (Minecraft 1.20)
Below is a complete mod list from Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack for you to try. Take your time, install Minecraft mods you like, and enjoy the game brick by brick.
Related: Best Minecraft 1.16.3 Mods
Absent by Design | Curios API | JourneyMap Integration | Refined Cooking |
Ad Astra: Giselle Addon | Ad Tetra! | AIOT Botania | YUNG's Better Strongholds |
Ad Astra! | Cyclops Core | Jumpy Boats | Refined Storage |
Additional Enchanted Miner | Dank Storage | Just Enough Items | Refined Storage Addons |
Additional Lanterns | Dark Mode Everywhere | Just Enough Professions | Refined Storage: Requestify |
Additional Lights | Dark Utilities | Just Enough Resources | Reliquary Reincarnations |
Advanced Generators | DataPack Anvil | Kotlin | Repurposed Structures |
Advanced Peripherals | Deep Resonance | KubeJS | Resourceful Config |
Advancement Plaques | Deeper and Darker | LaserIO | Resourceful Lib |
AE Additions | DefaultSettings | Legendary Tooltips | RFTools Base |
| |||
AE2 Things | Delightful | Let Me Despawn | RFTools Builder |
AEInfinityBooster | DimStorage | liblPN | RFTools Control |
Alchemistry | Domum Ornamentum | LibX | RFTools Power |
AlchemyLib | Dungeon Crawl | Little Contraptions | RFTools Storage |
All the Tweaks | EdivadLib | Little Logistics | RFTools Utility |
AlltheCompressed | Elemental Craft | Lootr | Rhino |
AlltheModium | ElMacaw'sot | Macaw's Doors | Roots Classic |
Almost Unified | Enchantment DesMacaw'sns | Macaw's Fences and Walls | RSInfinityBooster |
Angel Ring | EnMacaw'sts | Macaw's Lights and Lamps | RubidiumRunelic |
AntiGhost | EMacaw'sks | Macaw's Roofs | Saturn |
| |||
Apotheosis | EneMacaw'ser | Macaw's Trapdoors | Scalable Cat's Force |
Appleskin | Engineer's Décor | Mahou Tsukai | SebastrnLib |
Applied Botanics | Ars Armiger | Ars Elemental | Ars Énergistique |
Applied Cooking | Ensorcellation | McJtyLib | Security Craft |
Applied Energistics 2 | Entangled | ME Requester | ShetiPhianCore |
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals | Entity Collision FPS Fix | MEGA Cells | Shrink. |
Applied Mekanistics | Entity Culling | Mekanism | Silent Gear |
Aquaculture 2 | EvilCraft | Mekanism Generators | Silent Lib |
Architectuary API | Extra Disks | Mekanism Tools | Simple Backups |
Ars Creo | ExtraStorage | MineColonies | Simple Magnets |
| |||
Ars Nouveau | Extreme Sound Muffler | Mining Gadgets | Simply Light |
Artifacts | Async Locator | Chipped | ConnectedTextures |
ATO – All the Ores | Farming for Blockheads | Mod Name Tooltip | Sophisticated Backpacks |
AttributeFix | Farsight | Model Gap Fix | Sophisticated Core |
AutoRegLib | Fast Leaf Decay | Modonomicon | Sophisticated Storage |
Bad Wither No Cookie – Reloaded | FastFurnace | Modular Routers | Spark |
Balm (Forge Edition) | FastSuite | Moonlight Lib | Spice of Life: Carrot Edition |
Bamboo Everything | FastWorkbench | More Dragon Eggs | Spirit |
Baubley Heart Canisters | FerriteCore | More Overlays Updated | Structure Compass |
BdLib | FindMe | Morph-o-Tool | Structure Gel API |
| |||
Better Advancements | FlickerFix | Mouse Tweaks | Structurize |
BetterF3 | Flux Networks | MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod | Super Factory Manager |
Bigger Reactors | Multi-Piston | SuperMartijn642’s Config lib | |
BlockUI | FramedBlocks | My Server is Compatible | SuperMartijn642’s Core lib |
Blue Flame Burning | FTB Chunks | Myrtrees | Supplementaries |
Blue Skies | FTB Essentials | Mystical Agraddtions | Tempad |
Bookshelf | FTB Industrial Contraptions | Mystical Agriculture | TerraBlender |
Botany Pots | FTB Library | Mystical Customization | Tesseract |
Botany Trees | FTB Quests | Naturalist | The One Probe |
Botarium | Nature'ss | Nature's Aura | The Twilight Forest |
| |||
Building Gadgets | Nature'ss | Nature's Compass | Thermal Cultivation |
Cable Tiers | FTB Ultimine | NetherPortal Fix | Thermal Expansion |
Caelus API | Fuel Goes Here | No Chat Reports | Thermal Foundation |
CC: Tweaked | Functional Storage | NoMoWanderer | Thermal Innovation |
Charging Gadgets | Gateways to Eternity | Observable | Thermal Integration |
Charm of Undying | GeckoLib | Occultism | Thermal Locomotion |
ChemLib | Get it Together, Drops! | Oculus | Time in a Bottle Standalone |
ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village | Glassential | Oh tYou'llmes You'll Go | Titantium |
Clickable Advancements | Guard Villagers | OpenBlocks Elevator | Toast Control |
Cloth Config API | Handcrafted | PackMenu | Tool Belt |
| |||
Clumps | Harvest with Ease | Patchouli | Torchmaster |
CoFH Core | Health Overlay | PAUCAL | Trash Cans |
Comforts | Hex Casting | Phosphophyllite | TrashSlot |
Common Capabilities | Hexerei | Pig Pen Cipher | Travel Anchors |
Compact Machines | Hostile Nerual Networks | Pipez | Universal Grid |
Configured | Iceberg | Placebo | UtilitiX |
Connected Glass | Immersive Engineering | Platforms | Village Artifacts |
Connectivity | Industrial Foregoing | Ponder for KubeJS | Void Totem |
Construction Wand | Integrated Crafting | PneumaticCraft: Repressurized | Waystones |
Controlling | Integrated Dynamics | Polymorph | When Dungeons Arise |
| |||
Cooking for Blockheads | Integrated NBT | Potions Master | Wireless Chargers |
Corail Tombstone | Integrated Terminals | Powah! (Rearchitected) | Wither Skeleton Tweaks |
Corail Woodcutter | Integrated Tunnels | Prism | Eccentric Tome |
CorgiLib | Cupboard | Easy Villagers | Xnet |
Cosmetic Armor Reworked | Inventory Essentials | Productive Bees | Xnet Gases |
Crafting on a Stick | Inventory Profiles Next | Pylons | XyCraft |
Crafting Tweaks | Iron Furnaces | Quark | XyCraft: Override |
Crash Utilities | Iron Jetpacks | Quartz | XyCraft: World |
Create | LazyDFU | Radon | YUNG's API |
Create Crafts & Additions | Item Collectors | Ranged Pumps | YUNG's Better Dungeons |
| |||
Creeper Overhaul | Item Filters | Rechiseled | YUNG's Better Mineshafts |
Croptopia | JCPlugin | Reborn Storage | YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments |
Cucumber Library | JourneyMap | Redstone Arsenal | Enderchests |
Elytra Slot | Embeddium | Enchantment descriptions | Fix Experience Bug |
EnderTanks | Energy Meter | Exchangers | SmartBrainLib |
Farmer'ss | Farmer's Delight | Mob Grinding Utils | FTB Xmod Compat |
FTB Ranks | FTB Teams | FTB Ultimine | Gravitational Modulating Additional Unit |
Fusion | Game Menu Mod Option | Gauges and Switches | Max Health Fix |
GunpowderLib | Hexal | Macaws Bridges | More Red |
MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) | Mod Despawn Timers | Modern Fix | ReAuth |
Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals | Mystic Bothany | Runelic | Spit it Out |
Reborn Storage | Sandbox | ServerConfig Updater | Tetronomicon |
Starlight | Tetra | Tetra's Delight | Theurgy |
The Undergarden | Thermal Systems | Thermal: Extra | YUNG's Better Which Huts |
Void Totem | Yeetus Experimentus | YUNG's Better Desert Temples | YUNG's Extras |
Minecraft All the Mods 8 FAQ, Answered
Does All the Mods 8 pack contain all Minecraft mods?
The All the Mod 8 pack doesn't include all Minecraft mods. It's just the name of the mod compilation that started as a fun way to make the game easier for a couple of friends. Over time, this pack became one of the most sought-after Minecraft mod packs.
Related: How to install Minecraft Modpacks
How much RAM do I need to run Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack?
You need at least 8 GB of RAM to run All the Mods 8 Minecraft pack. There's a lot to unpack here (literally), so for a smooth experience, you'll need a lot of memory. Having 16 GB RAM will be ideal to host the modded game without technical difficulties.
How large is the Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack?
By the number of mods available, you would never guess that All the Mods 8 Minecraft pack size is around 11 MB! Most assets are already available, and you're essentially downloading only necessary data for implementing the mods. All the Mods 8 allows you to use advanced options and play a vastly improved version of Minecraft.
How many mods are in the Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack?
There are 380 mods in the Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack, ranging from slight cosmetic tweaks to complete gameplay overhauls that change your experience tenfold. This is arguably the largest Minecraft mod pack, going toe to toe with Pixelmon.
For more information on Minecraft, check out How to use Minecraft Biome Finder on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 12:33 PM UTC