Breaking up with anyone who cheats is the best solution, not only in the real world but in BitLife as well. But, to execute this, you first have to get a boyfriend who cheats and does not remain loyal. So, if you are a beginner who is just starting your BitLife journey, this guide will be invaluable in making this wise decision during such times.
How to get a cheating boyfriend in BitLife
The first step in this process is to get a cheating boyfriend/partner in BitLife. The best way to do this is to date a person with high craziness stats. How do you find such a person? Well, while finding a partner using the Find Love or Dating App option from the Love section, ensure to check the craziness stat option before accepting them as your date. You can check this stat right at the bottom of your partner profile, as shown in the image below.

Anywhere from 60% to 100% will do the job. Along with the craziness stat, try also to find a person with a high look rating as they also tend to mess around a lot while in a relationship.
How to break up with someone in BitLife
Once you find such a person, it is then a waiting game for them to cheat. Yes, there is nothing in your hands now, and it all boils down to luck. But, since we have selected a person with a high crazy stat, there is a lot of chance for them to cheat, and when they do! Go to the Relationship tab of that person and select the Break Up option to sever your bonding. You can follow the same procedure to finish challenges like the Winter Holiday.
For more on BitLife, check out How to make a viral video on YouTube in Bitlife or How to Amass a Million Followers in BitLife?  on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 30, 2024 12:23 pm