In MW3 Zombies, you can obtain several perks by consuming different beverages, with each providing different buffs. The boosts received from these consumables stack up, so if you want multiple perks active at once, you'll need to know how to find these drinks.
Best Perk-A-Cola to use in MW3 Zombies

There are a total of nine Perk-A-Cola beverages in Call of Duty MW3 Zombies, and they grant permanent perks to your operator. You can obtain these through various methods like completing missions and contracts, eliminating zombies, fighting tougher bosses, or using Essence to buy them from machines.
Since the perks stack, you'll want to get the best beverages to ensure your survival. You can always purchase these items from the machines around the map, but I highly recommend acquiring schematics for these consumables by completing missions and contracts in yellow and red threat zones.

Starting with the best Perk-A-Cola beverage, Stamin-Up is an absolute essential for every match you play in MW3 Zombies. This beverage gives increased run and sprint speed which makes a huge difference while trying to survive. Combine it with other beverages like the Speed Cola to get the ultimate speed boost.

Jugger-Nog is one of the best consumable perks in MW3 Zombies as it increases your maximum health. While it may not look like the biggest boost, every sliver of health counts in higher-threat zones. I recommend combining this perk with Stamin-Up and Quick Revive to give your operator the best chance at fighting zombie bosses. Use LMGs like Holger 26 or Pulemyot 762 to take down scores of zombies in a tight area.
Quick Revive

Quick Revive is another top-tier consumable beverage you can obtain in MW3 Zombies. This Perk-A-Cola reduces your health regeneration time by 50 percent. While fighting a mob of zombies in an infected area, your health bar can decrease rapidly. The best counter to this is the Quick Revive beverage, which keeps your operator healthy throughout the match.
Death Perception

Death Perception is a Perk-A-Cola beverage that allows operators to see and perceive items, enemies, and resources through walls. This is an exceptional perk as it highlights the essentials with a red hue. Searching for cysts in a huge Infested Stronghold or Aether Nests becomes relatively easy once you have this perk equipped. Visit a Death Perception machine on the map to purchase this beverage for 2,000 Essence.
Tombstone Soda

Tombstone Soda is perhaps a solo player's best friend as it creates a stash on death that contains your rucksack and inventory in the next game. As a solo, you might end up dying in higher threat zones, which is why I recommend consuming this beverage to keep your loot safe for the next run. Visit a Tombstone Soda machine as shown in the image above and spend 2,000 Essence to acquire this beverage in-game.
Some of the other beverages I want to highlight are Speed Cola and PHD Flopper. These two perks are quite useful, especially if you are planning to venture to the interiors of the map in MW3 Zombies. Speed Cola allows your operator to reload and put on armor plates faster, while PHD Flopper gives immunity from fall damage, and triggers an explosion every time you go prone.
For more quality guides and useful information relating to Modern Warfare 3, check out Where to get a Dead Wire Turret Circuit in MW3 Zombies right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 14, 2023 09:11 am