In Call of Duty DMZ, completing missions and extracting safely requires you to survive against all the enemy squads in a match. You are often outnumbered in this game mode, especially by pre-made six-player teams. To survive in situations like these, you may need to change the engagement terrain and take the fight underwater. This is an effective strategy on maps like Ashika Island and Vondel as most of the map is surrounded by water bodies.
Naturally, you need to know the best weapons to use to win every underwater fight. Here's how to win and the weapons to use underwater in DMZ.
How to win underwater fights in DMZ

In DMZ, fighting underwater can be tricky, as you are only allowed to use fists, melee weapons, and pistols. You can shoot with regular weapons while your operator is floating, but once you are completely submerged, pistols become your best choice. I have survived countless times by eliminating teams of six players by luring them to the water. Remember, when you are outnumbered, the best strategy is to isolate the opponents, and the ideal way to do it is to bring them to the water.
This way, you can knock them down easily underwater with a pistol. However, to survive underwater, you need certain items like the Rebreather. This item allows you to breathe for longer underwater, giving your operator the advantage of hiding underwater for a prolonged period. You can also use the new Scuba Gas Mask, which is a combination of the durable gas mask and Rebreather. With this item equipped, you can stay underwater for several minutes without needing oxygen.
Related: DMZ Cephalexin Location
Now that you know the equipment you need for underwater fights, let's look at some effective strategies. For Vondel, you want to use all underwater tunnels, broken houses, and secret pathways to confuse the enemy. This strategy works brilliantly, as you can hide in plain sight without being noticed. Likewise, for Ashika Island, you can use the waterways tunnels and all the zip lines to rotate from underwater to the surface constantly. If you are being chased, get up to a good spot with the zip lines and camp up top to knock down the enemies coming behind.
Best guns to use for underwater fights in DMZ
Now that you have an idea of what to do underwater let's look at some of the weapons you can build to become the Aquaman in DMZ. Since pistols are your best option underwater, I recommend leveling up all your sidearms. You can choose from a range of pistols, but it's best to select a semi-auto or auto-firing handgun for underwater combat. Naturally, pistols like the X13, Basilisk, FTAC Siege, and GS Magna are top choices. Here are some of the best loadouts you can use to win underwater fights in DMZ.
DMZ X13 Loadout

- Muzzle - CNO3 Suppressor
- Barrel - Impact Point
- Ammunition - 9MM Overpressured
- Magazine - 50-Round Drum
- Stock - XRK Dynamic Precision Stock
DMZ Basilisk Loadout

- Barrel - 10.5' FTAC Arrow
- Laser - Basilisk Grip Laser
- Trigger Action - Bryson HTA
- Ammunition - .500 Snakeshot
- Rear Grip - Akimbo Basilisk
Wondering how to complete White Lotus faction missions in DMZ? Check out DMZ Fuel Shortage Mission Guide – How to Siphon Gas on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 4, 2023 12:02 pm