The Pyro commander is one of the many bosses that you can take out in Call of Duty: Warzone DMZ. One of the Tier 4 Crown faction missions, Explosives Sourcing, tasks you to eliminate the Pyro in Al Mazrah, take the intel off his body, and deliver it to any dead drop dumpster in Vondel.
Explosives Sourcing Crown Mission DMZ Walkthrough
Below are the objectives for Explosives Sourcing in DMZ:
- Kill the Pyro.
- Extract the Pyro's intel.
- Dead drop the Pyro's intel in Vondel.
How to kill the Pyro in DMZ

The Pyro commander spawns randomly at one of three locations in Al Mazrah: the US Embassy, Downtown Post Office, and Control Tower (marked on the map in order). After deploying, immediately acquire a vehicle and travel to these locations, starting from whichever is the closest.
Upon approaching the building where the Pyro is hiding, you'll get a notification on your screen. Alternatively, if you see a weapon case in any of these three safe houses, it's a sign that the Pyro is there. For instance, in the map above, the Pyro is in the Downtown Post Office building.
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Now, all of these three buildings are locked and can only be accessed via their specific keys. While doing this mission, you can either carry all three keys in your backpack or just bring a Skeleton Key, which is a master key that can unlock all doors and locked spaces.
The Pyro resides only in a specific section of these buildings, which means you can always follow the same shortest path to reach him. In the images above, I've marked the doors you need to unlock to reach the Pyro quickly.
- US Embassy: Climb the ladder on the side of the main building to reach the roof and enter through the marked door (see first image). Go down the stairwell and engage the Pyro on the second floor.
- Downtown Post Office: Climb onto the roof of the building via the platforms and ladders and enter through the door shown in the second image. The Pyro will be in the room directly under. Here, I suggest you climb onto the platform and kill the Pyro from outside via the windows and then go inside for his intel piece.
- Control Tower: Firstly, climb the ladder to the rooftop and then take the zipline to reach the top of the tower structure. Enter through the marked door and kill the Pyro hiding on the top floor.

Finding the Pyro is challenging, but eliminating him isn't easy either. The boss is well-guarded and has a lot of HP. He also carries a Riot Shield along with a deadly dragon's breath shotgun. Therefore, maintain your distance and take your time to kill him. Once the commander is dead, he'll drop a document called the Pyro Intel, besides some other valuables. Grab the intel and extract it.
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All Vondel Dead Drops in DMZ

For the next task in the Explosives Sourcing mission, you need to deploy into the Vondel map with the Pyro Intel. You may remember some of the dead drops from previous faction missions, but I've provided a map above that marks all the dead drops in Vondel.
- University Phalanx Dead Drop: Behind the gas station next to the University building.
- Museum Dead Drop: In the parking lot under the Museum building.
- Zoo Dead Drop: Outside the restaurant building.
- Dead Drop near Fire Dept.: Behind the westernmost building on the map.
- Dead Drop near Graveyard: Sits behind the building cluster north of the Graveyard POI.
As soon as you spawn in, head straight to the nearest dead drop and deposit the Pyro Intel into the dumpster.
Stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 content. In the meantime, head over to our article on Flight Plans Warzone 2 DMZ Mission Guide.
Published: Jul 12, 2023 05:12 am