There’s nothing like a bit of time pressure to help get my pulse racing in an escape room, which is exactly what you get in Must Escape the Haunted House. Read on to find out exactly how to beat the game.
Cool Math Games has become famous for its excellent point-and-click puzzle games and escape rooms, and this is no exception. In Must Escape the Haunted House you move via the green arrows, click items to collect them, then click them in your inventory, and then click a location to use it.
Escape the Haunted House - Full walkthrough
Unlike its predecessor, Must Escape the Wizard's Castle, this game has a timer. However, note that while it is more fun to try and play fast, there isn't actually a time limit. Plus, as the game is free, you can simply play it multiple times once you've mastered all of the puzzles.
If you’re trying to get a good time but need to refer to this guide while you play, you can click the Menu button (bottom right of the screen) at any time to go back to the loading screen. When you’re ready to start again, press Start. Alternatively, you can press New Game to start again and go for an even better time.
The cheese and the skull

Go right from the first screen and collect the Torch (a1). Move left twice and use your torch on the wall torch (b1) to get a Lit Torch.

Now go right twice, use the Lit Torch to scare the spider away (a2), and take the Gold Key. Head left twice again, use the gold key to open the door here (b1), and go through.
Related: Open 50 Doors Walkthrough

Click the only red book on the bookshelf (c1) and note the six words inside (left page then right, top to bottom): Hush, Deface, Shrew, Trolls, Trick, Trap. Use your lit torch to light the fire (c2), and note that four symbols (c3) become illuminated (Triangle, Octagon, Square, Five-Pointed Star). Take the Skeleton Key from the dragon’s mouth (c4), then move right.

Click the glass dome on the table (d1), which needs a four-digit combination. This is found by using the number of sides of each shape on the image above the fireplace, which is 3-8-4-5. Once open, take the Cheese. Also, take a look at the green book (d2), which contains the letters D (top left), B (bottom left), A (top right), and C (bottom right).

Go back out to the skull on the shield (b2) and click the bone ends in the order from the green book (see image above). Take the Green Gem from its mouth.
The mouse and the skeleton keys

Return to the first screen and use the cheese on the mouse hole (e1), taking the Key from the mouse in return. Use this new key on the door to the room on the right from here (a3) and go through.

Get a close-up of the piano (f1) and click the following keys (spelling out the only word you can from the red book): D-E-F-A-C-E. Take a second Green Gem, collect the Stool (f2), and then move to the room to the right.

Note the eight colors depicted on the crosses on the chairs (g1): blue, yellow, blue, red, green, yellow, red, and blue. Move back to the room with the case (c5), select it for a close-up, and click the panels until they match the color sequence on the benches (above). Once that’s done, click the lock button at the end and collect the third Green Gem.
Related: Must Escape Dinosaur Land walkthrough (Cool Math Games)

Return to the room with the benches, get a close-up of the box on the table (g2), and insert the gems. Take your second Skeleton Key from inside the box. Move back to the room with the case on the ground (c) and go left. Use the stool on the window (h1), then collect your third Skeleton Key (h2).
You can now move back to the first room, use the three skeleton keys on the main door (e2), and click the new green arrow that appears above the door. Congratulations! You have escaped the Haunted House.
Escape the Haunted House - Speed run list
If you’re attempting a speed run of Escape the Haunted House, this list should help. Note that you don't have to do a lot of things once you know the answers, as the solutions are always the same. So you don't need to look in the books, for example, or look at the benches before you open the suitcase.
- Right, get the torch
- Left twice, light torch
- Click skull (top right, bottom left, bottom right, top left), take the gem
- Right twice, burn spider, get key
- Left twice, open door, up
- Suitcase: blue, yellow, blue, red, green, yellow, red, blue
- Get the skeleton key, right
- 3-8-4-5, get cheese
- Left, down, right
- Use cheese, get the key, right
- Open the door, go up, take the stool
- Piano: D-E-F-A-C-E
- Go right, use gems, take key
- Go left, down, left twice, up, left
- Use stool, take key
- Exit
Can you escape in less than 90 seconds? Let us know in the comments below!
Looking for more puzzle game walkthroughs for the Coll Math games website? Check out How to beat Trace Escape Room – Full Walkthrough and Abandoned Walkthrough & Puzzle Solutions right here at Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 15, 2024 09:14 am