The Jester is a great hero with Bleed and support skills that only improve with their unlockable Skills and Trinkets. The only way to earn these Skills is by going to Hero Shrines and going through the Jester's backstory, but it can be difficult. Some chapters require special fights with limited mechanics, and not everything is explained to you when attempting a Chapter. Rather than waste time scouting to find one for reattempts, here is how to complete all Jester Chapters in Darkest Dungeon 2.
Jester Chapter 1 Hero Shrine Skill - Darkest Dungeon 2

The Jester's default Skills leave a little to be desired in Darkest Dungeon 2, but traveling to Hero Shrines will unlock better Skills like Finale. As soon as you unlock them, you'll realize why Jester is one of the better choices for team comps in Darkest Dungeon II. But let's start from the beginning. In the first Shrine, the Jester unlocks Play Out after the narration.
- Play Out - Target: Back 1, Block
- Upgraded - Target: Back 1, Block +, Remove Combo
Jester Chapter 2 Hero Shrine Battle and Skill - Darkest Dungeon 2

On the second visit to the Hero Shrine with the Jester, you must fight the Violinist during their flashback. To defeat them, you'll have to counter everything they do. This can be hard to figure out initially, but Sarmenti's dialogue greatly helps. If you're not paying full attention, you can also see what the Violinist last played by mousing over them. Here is how to counter everything they play:
- Violinist Verse - Play the Chorus
- Violinist Break - Play the Bridge
- Violinist Missteps - Play the Solo
- Violinist Chorus - Play the Verse
- Violinist Solo - Play the Finale
The Violinist can repeat himself, so this is by no means what you should play every time. Read what they are playing and counter effectively. Once you've defeated him, you'll unlock Harvest.
- Harvest - 2-4 Damage, 5% Crit. Target: 3 Bleed, 25% chance of adding Combo
- Upgraded - 3-4 Damage, 5% Crit. Target: 3 Bleed, 33% chance of adding Combo
Related: What are Flapjacks in Darkest Dungeon 2?
Jester Chapter 3 Hero Shrine Skill - Darkest Dungeon 2

Chapter 3 for the Jester's Hero Shrine has no battle and is just narration. Once it ends, you'll unlock Echoing March.
- Echoing March - Target: Pull 1. Turn Start: Pull 1 for 3 Rounds
- Upgraded - Target: Pull 2. Turn Start: Pull 2 for 3 Rounds
Jester Chapter 4 Hero Shrine Battle and Skill - Darkest Dungeon 2

The battle in the fourth Chapter of Jester's Hero Shrine can be very confusing. You'll need to understand two main mechanics to get through it. On the left side of the screen, the correct notes will have orange tuning forks below them. This is supposed to mirror the right side of the screen and is the only way to unlock the Melody Skill. The notes can all be changed using Nota Cambiata for 2 Stress, but you can also move backward or forward at the cost of 1 Stress.
Wherever Sarmenti stands will always be in tune, so if too many notes require too many changes, you'll have to move Sarmenti in a position to save Stress. The notes are all on a cycle and will rotate from one stripe, two stripes, and double notes. If you can read sheet music, this is just a single eighth note, single sixteenth note, and two eighth notes. Whenever you change a note, you'll want to make sure it isn't easier to just move into that slot to avoid using Nota Cambiata too many times unnecessarily.
In the first battle, you can move Sarmenti one slot to the left and then change all the notes using Nota Cambiata until they match.

For the second battle, Sarmenti can stay in the second position and then change the notes individually. The third and final battle is much easier with Sarmenti in the third position. If you've moved Sarmenti already, however, don't worry! You can recover so long as you pay attention to how the notes are rotated when you change them. Once you finish, you'll unlock the Skill, Finale.
- Finale - 6-12 Damage, 10% Crit, +100% Damage when Target has a Combo Token. Self: Back 3, add Vulnerable and Daze
- Upgraded - 10-13 Damage, 20% Crit, +100% Damage when Target has a Combo Token. Self: Back 3, add Vulnerable and Daze
Related: How to upgrade Stagecoach in Darkest Dungeon 2
Jester Chapter 5 Hero Shrine Skill - Darkest Dungeon 2

The last visit to the Hero Shrine for the Jester, Chapter 5, unlocks two Skills. There's no battle for it, so it'll be pure narration, and you'll unlock the Skills Solo and Encore.
- Solo - Self: Forward 3, add Dodge x2 and Speed. Target: Add Combo. It has a one turn cooldown
- Upgraded - Self: Forward 3, add Dodge+ x2 and Speed. Target: Add Combo. Has a one turn cooldown
- Encore - Self: Add Daze, Weak. Target: Extra Action. Cooldown of three turns
- Upgraded - Self: Add Daze. Target: Extra Action. Cooldown of two turns
And with that, you'll have unlocked all the Skills for the Jester and can use them as a high damage dealer and Support Hero. Finale is one of the best Skills, and the Jester can use some of their default Skills in order to give an enemy a Combo token. When using the Jester, you can have them synergize very well with other characters that give Combos as well, such as the Highwayman, to continuously deal Finale damage and still set up the Point Blank Shot.
For more Darkest Dungeon 2 guides, check out How to unlock all Flagellant Skills in Darkest Dungeon 2 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 17, 2023 03:42 am