Zombies aren't the only things that you need to worry about whilst playing DayZ. Alongside the undead being raised, there are broken bones to consider as well as general sickness. There are a few different types of sickness that your player can succumb to, so we're going to show you how to treat each one.
There are Different Types?
Yes, there is not one clear cut cold that you get in the game. There are in fact several ways in which you can become ill, so it's important to get the right medication for the right sickness.
Each pill in the game is aimed at a very particular use, and all of the medication you find along your travels will be useful for something, so don't discard anything just because your character is on two legs at the time!

Brain Disease
This one is a bit of a bummer to start the list off with as it's not easy to deal with this sickness!
You will be able to tell if you character has this through them exhibiting symptoms such as Uncontrollable Laughter or Random Tremors.
This will come about if you have decided to exercise your more cannibalistic side, by eating raw human meat, or human steak that you have gained from another player that has been downed. Ew!
If you have done just that and find yourself with these symptoms, unfortunately the only way to resolve them is to Kill Off Your Survivor and try again. Sorry!
Chemical Poisoning
If your survivor is showing symptoms such as Blood Loss and Dehydration, then you have managed to get chemical poisoning.
This is caused by imbibing either Gasoline, Disinfectant Sprays or Alcoholic Tinctures.
The cure for this one is to take some Charcoal Tablets, so although this should be slightly less common make sure to keep some on you!

There are two ways in which you can get Cholera. If you drink or eat with bloodied hands or intake contaminated water then you are probably going to get yourself in an unpleasant situation with this one.
If your character is Dehydrated, has Blurry Vision or is Vomiting then you have managed to pick up some nasty bacteria!
The longer you wait to treat this, the more difficult your missions will be as you will become considerably slower; leaving you more vulnerable to attack and the blurry vision may make it so you cannot perform particular tasks at all.
To avoid getting Cholera you will want to purify your water with Chlorine Tablets; so collect and stash any that you come across to keep you safe from this illness.
To treat this you will need to take some Tetracycline Pills.

Common Cold
The common cold, simply put, is the most common illness in the game. So, you will definitely want to know how to counteract this one.
This will only become a threat in the Winter season of the game due to the cold weather and rainy conditions, so as always a fire and a dry place will help to stave this off.
When you have a cold there are two methods to get rid of it, which are:
- Tetracycline Pills
- Fighting the cold naturally
The Tetracycline Pills are much more effective and are a quicker way of getting rid of the cold, however, if you don't have any on you then you can fight it off naturally. To do this it helps to keep your character warm and dry - so try keep out of the rain and away from excessive bouts in the cold weather.
If you take a Tetracycline Pill alongside a Multivitamin Pill, the multivitamin will boost the effects and rid you of the cold quicker.
Related: How to Make a Fire in DayZ
Heart Attack
Much like in real-life this can be a serious one.
If your character suffers from Losing Blood Too Rapidly or Too Much Shock then it can lead to a heart attack which will damage your health. It also has the possibility of rendering your survivor unconscious, which makes you an easy target and can also be fatal; either through attack or the general effects of a cardiac arrest.
To try and counter these effects before they can happen you will need to have and take an Epinephrine Auto-Injector.

Hemolytic Reaction
This reaction thankfully isn't deadly, but it can prove to be very inconvenient!
If you are noticing symptoms such as Health and Blood Loss, then your character is most likely suffering from a Hemolytic Reaction - this occurs when you are infected with incompatible blood from another survivor.
There is No Cure for this one, but it won't kill you outright. The only method for dealing with this one is to wait it out, which can take a little while but if you can manage to sustain yourself through the symptoms it will go away eventually!
The flu is something that most of us are familiar with, and if your survivor starts Coughing consistently then it is likely that you have got that classic, horrible Influenza.
The most common causes for this are from being exposed to the rain too much, or from staying in an area where the temperatures are low for too long. This can be prevented by building a fire to keep you warm. Other survivors are also capable of passing it on to you if you have been around them whilst they have been coughing as well.
Much like with Cholera the cure for this is to take Tetracycline Pills. These will also stop you from giving the flu to other players, there's no research on zombies though...
Related: Best Zombie Games on PC
We know that times can be tough when playing DayZ, but where you can, try to avoid consuming uncooked and raw meats as this will lead to you getting Salmonella.
If your character has started Vomiting and you recall having eaten something that hasn't been cooked then you have gone and got yourself this nasty illness.
Charcoal Tablets are the method of curing this, so as always keep some on you!
Now you know these you should be able to last out in the unforgiving land of The Soviet Republic of Chernarus a little longer! We can't account for the zombies though...
Looking for more tips? Check out how to make a splint in DayZ.
Published: Jul 29, 2021 01:12 pm