Lightfall has added a lot of content to Destiny 2, but it hasn’t been without its problems. Patches, updates, and expansions are rarely perfect straight out of the gate, and Lightfall is no exception. Following the expansion launch, players have found it impossible to acquire weapon mods via the traditional method. Fortunately, there are still ways; below I’ll explain how you can still find weapon mods in Destiny 2.
Getting weapon mods from Banshee-44 after Lightfall
Standard weapon mods are a fundamental part of Destiny 2, allowing you to bend their respective weapons to your particular style of play, increasing their effectiveness in a variety of circumstances. Experienced players will likely have all the basic mods they need, but starting with Lightfall, new players must acquire them via Rank-up Packages from an NPC called Banshee-44; Packages grant a chance to receive a basic weapons mod from an Engram.
You can get Rank-Up rewards by increasing your Gunsmith Rank (achieved by dismantling items and completing Gunsmith Bounties). As you rank up, you will be rewarded — again, from Banshee-44 — with a variety of weapon mods.
Alternatively, you can attempt tougher challenges (e.g. the PVP event Trials of Osiris, which offers advanced mods), or wait it out until Bungie fixes the issue (which it is aware of).
The fact it is investigating the matter suggests strongly it is a bug, so hopefully, Banshee-44 will receive a restock of weapon mods in a patch soon.
Looking for more Destiny 2 Lightfall guides? Check out Destiny 2 Lightfall – How to get the Seasonal Artifact (Season of Defiance) and Destiny 2 Deterministic Chaos Exotic Machine Gun – How to Get & What It Does right here at Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 14, 2023 03:01 am