Seasons were introduced to Destiny 2 in Year Two and the Forsaken Expansion. They were then revamped in Beyond Light with the inclusion of a Season Pass that allowed Guardians to grind out ranks and earn Season-exclusive gear and more.
Top 10 Destiny Seasons Of All Time
Over the years, Seasons have greatly fluctuated in quality. With 22 out and the final on the way as of the time of this writing, it's time to sift through and determine the top 10.
10. Season of the Forge

Season of the Forge brought forth beloved Exo Ada-1 and her Black Armory. Guardians were thrust into an enjoyable Seasonal Event that acted like a more refined version of Mars' Escalation Protocol. A bevy of themed weapons and armor were added to the loot pool, and players have been begging for their return since the Sunsetting debacle.
9. Season of the Chosen

In a move that many didn't see coming, the Last City began to form uneasy alliances between the Vanguard and one of humanity's most fiercely contested enemies, the Cabal. Serving under Empress Caiatl, the Cabal was poised to subjugate the Vanguard until Zavala refused to bend the knee. This led to Guardians taking up the hammer to prove our worth.
8. Season of Opulence

Emperor Calus had invited Guardians aboard his ship, the Leviathan, and wished to test their mettle and make them a Shadow. The Menagerie was a matchmade dungeon with all manner of activities that allowed players to chase specific pieces of loot. Of everything that was whisked away to the Destiny Content Vault, this was one of the most egregious removals.
7. Season of Dawn

What is a Guardian to do when their best friend and a warrior of legend meets with an untimely end? Why, travel back in time and find them, of course! Is it a bad thing that the Guardian saw their own grave in the myriad timelines? Who knows? This Season had players working together to solve a rather involved puzzle, and it was truly one of those "you had to be there" moments.
6. Season of Arrivals

The Darkness has arrived, and it wishes to place a collect call to the Guardian. Acting as interpreter, Eris Morn guides players through the Interference weekly mission and Contact Public Event. This Season was the shot in the arm for Destiny 2 that kicked the battle of Light against Dark into high gear.
5. Season of Plunder

Season of Plunder was the equivalent of a beach episode in anime. Sure, it felt out of place with the impending arrival of the Darkness, which spelled doom for everyone on Earth and beyond. However, it was a welcome break for me. Playing pirates with the Drifter and Eido was tons of fun, and battling it out in the Reef was unforgettable.
4. Season of the Lost

Season of the Lost set up the events of Destiny 2's best expansion, The Witch Queen. After the shocking revelation that Osiris had been impersonated by Savathun this entire time, and Guardians were actively working with the Queen of the Reef to purge the Hive Queen's worm, suffice to say it's going to be hard for Bungie to top this one.
3. Season of the Haunted

I'm always down for spooky adventures. So, when Destiny 2 brought back a haunted Leviathan and forced some of the series' most important characters to confront literal ghosts from their pasts, I was in. Throw in some super edgy Seasonal Armor and the ability to wield a flaming scythe and I'm still bitter about the Destiny Content Vault being a thing.
2. Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch is among the best in terms of Destiny lore. Was it handled in an absolutely ham-fisted way? Without a shred of doubt. That being said, we finally got to see a conclusion to the tragic tale of Eris Morn. The Guardian, who had everything taken away from her, refused to give up the fight and became the most powerful Hive God of all time. Then, with her mission accomplished, she gave it all up. I would follow Eris Morn anywhere.
1. Season of the Seraph

C'mon. You had to know this one would be at the top of the list. I literally wrote a feature detailing my love for the AI, Rasputin. After we thought he was lost when the first Pyramid ships made it into the system, I was elated to see he survived. Season of the Seraph was a beautiful sendoff to my favorite character, even if Season of the Witch rendered his sacrifice moot.
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Published: Nov 9, 2023 4:35 AM UTC