In Destiny 2, players can customize their gameplay using a variety of mods to drastically alter their damage output or playstyle. Some of the most fun mods to run are Warmind Cell mods, one of the three Combat Style Mods. Pairing Warmind Cell mods with certain weapons can spawn orbs you can blow up to deal damage. However, Warmind Cells can also have many other useful effects, depending on the mods you choose to equip. In this guide, we'll go over how Warmind Cells function in Destiny 2.
How do Warmind Cells work in Destiny 2
Warmind Cells are orange-colored orbs that look similar to Rasputin, albeit much smaller. These orbs spawn upon killing enemies with Seventh Seraph or IKELOS weapons while having a Warmind Cell mod equipped on the Combat Style Mod slot in your Armor. Once you generate a Warmind Cell, it will drop on the ground and detonate after a few seconds or after taking a few shots from you or any member of your fireteam. At the base level, Warmind Cell explosions will cause nearby enemies to take damage. However, combining different Warmind Cell mods will also grant additional effects like healing, burning, and AoE utility. The following are all the Warmind Cell mods and how they work in Destiny 2.
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All Warmind Cell mods
- Global Reach - The Warmind Cell's explosion radius is increased.
- Chosen of the Warmind - Destroying or collecting a Warmind Cell creates a radial blast that pushes enemies away.
- Blessing of Rasputin - Collecting a Warmind Cell increases the chance to spawn a Warmind Cell with your next final blow using a Seraph weapon.
- Strength of Rasputin - Collecting a Warmind Cell grants melee energy.
- Warmind's Light - Become Charged With Light after collecting a Warmind Cell.
- Modular Lightning - Collecting Warmind Cell triggers a burst of chaining Arc energy around you.
- Sheltering Energy - Collecting a Warmind Cell will grant you an over shield.
- Wrath of Rasputin - Solar splash damage final blows have a chance to spawn a Warmind Cell.
- Burning Cells - Destroying a Warmind Cell creates a burst of Solar energy that burns nearby enemies.
- Fireteam Medic - Destroying a Warmind Cell heals you and nearby allies.
- Incinerating Light - Become Charged With Light after killing multiple enemies quickly through a Warmind Cell explosion.
- Light of the Fire - Killing multiple enemies quickly through a Warmind Cell explosion generates an Orb of Power.
- Rage of the Warmind - Adds additional solar damage to Warmind Cell explosions.
- Warmind's Longevity - Warmind Cells you generate last longer before exploding.
- Warmind's Protection - You take reduced damage from enemies near a Warmind Cell.
- Grasp of the Warmind - You can pick up, carry, and throw a Warmind Cell. You can only do this once for each Warmind Cell.
- Light from Darkness - Become Charged With Light after killing enemies in quick succession using weapons or abilities while standing near a Warmind Cell.
- Cellular Suppression - Damaging a Warmind Cell creates a burst of suppressing Void energy. You deal less damage to Warmind Cells.
- Power of Rasputin - You get increased weapon damage against enemies standing near a Warmind Cell.
How to spawn Warmind Cells in Destiny 2
There are various ways to spawn Warmind Cells in Destiny 2. Killing a certain number of enemies while using a Seventh Seraph or IKELOS weapon with a Warmind Cell mod on your armor will generate a Warmind Cell. Though the in-game description of Warmind Cell mods may hint that Warmind Cells generate by chance, it is not so random. Depending on the type of enemy you kill, you can roughly estimate when the next Warmind Cell will spawn. Broadly speaking, every four to five red health bar enemies you kill will spawn a Warmind Cell. On the other hand, every two to three orange health bar enemies have a chance of spawning a Warmind Cell, while yellow health bar enemies will always spawn a Warmind Cell upon death.
Where to get Warmind Cell mods in Destiny 2?
The only way to obtain Warmind Cell mods is from ADA-1 in the Tower in exchange for Glimmer. ADA-1 will sell up to two Combat Style mods daily for 10,000 Glimmer each. The availability of Warmind Cell mods are subject to RNG. However, since Warmind Cell mods are classified as Combat Style mods, ADA-1 has a decent chance of offering one quite frequently.
Wondering where to take your Warmind Cell build for a test run? Check out Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Dungeon – Armor, Exotics, Weapons, and more! right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 20, 2022 05:59 am