During the quest "Dulled Steel, Cold Forge" in Dragon's Dogma 2, you get sent to Digger's Ruin to mine Glimmercoal. Once in the cave, you will find there is also a similar resource called Glymercole, but does it have a use?
Should you pick up Glymercole in Dragon's Dogma 2?
Glimmercoal and Glymercole are both crystal minerals found in Digger's Ruin near Bakbattahl, but Glimmercoal (the one you need to fix the Dulled Regalia Sword) shines with a green hue in the dark and the other one doesn't.
Glymercole seems to be an inactive version of Glimmercoal, and so it's not as valuable. It is placed in a cave as a decoy to fill your pockets and give you a hard time finding the one you want — since it is useless for the Arisen beyond its selling price. But for 150 coins a piece, if you can afford the extra weight in your backpack, you should grab it.
How to farm Glimmercoal in Dragon's Dogma 2
The best way to set Glimmercoal apart from Glymercole is by turning off your lantern, since the first one will begin to glow. If you point light at it, the crystal will go off, but after a few seconds of pure darkness it will begin shining again. You can also approach the shards and the UI tooltip will be different depending on which material it is. While the simple Glymercole says "Examine", Glimmercoal says "Gather".

All the contents of the cave (and enemies) are reset every five in-game days. So, collect everything you need and sleep for 5 days at your house or — although not as comfortable — you can spend them sitting on a bench. Then, return to the cave to farm for resources and bosses.
Mind there's a Goreminotaur in the cave, which I fought when I was level 28 and was able to one-shot my pawns. If you are low level, you can still farm a decent amount of Glimmercoal and Glymercole without fighting it because the areas are separated by a narrow corridor where the boss doesn't fit.
Bring the biggest pawns you can hire to pack as much crystal as you can (and by this I just mean Glimmercoal and Glymercole), and you can transport back to town with a Portcrystal to avoid getting in fights when you are overburdened and walking like a slug.
How much Glimmercole should you bring Sara in Dragon's Dogma 2
When Sara, the smith apprentice sends you on a quest to find Glimmercole, the quest tells you to find 15 pieces. Yet, when you return to her, you get the option to deliver as much as 25. You can move the quest forward by just giving her 15, but if you give her more, that will raise your affinity with her and you could get a discount on her prices.

That's everything you need to know regarding what Glymercole is used for in Dragon's Dogma 2. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to check out Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 10, 2024 02:30 am